ONES (1772-1841)
Works By:
Memoirs of the Life and Experiences, Travels and Preaching of Abner Jones
Exeter, NH: Printed by Norris and Sawyer, 1807.
"My Creed," "First Meeting," "On the Uses of Affliction"
Memoir of Elder
Abner Jones, by His Son A. D. Jones.
Boston, MA: W. Crosby and Company,
1842. Introductory Note by Tom Olbricht, 1997.
Works About:
Rev. Abner Jones: The Man Who Believed and Served
by J. F. Burnett. Booklet
No. 3. Dayton, OH: The Christian Publishing Association, 1921.
Abner Jones in Exeter, NH
. Photographs by Paul and Mary Ann Garrett.
http://www.mun.ca/rels/restmov/jones/jones.html. 2000.
E. S.
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