ELIJAH GOODWIN (1807-1879)

    Works By:
    * "Funeral Sermon of Jeremiah Mathes." Works of Elder B. W. Stone, ed. James M.
    Mathes. Vol. 1. 2nd ed. Cincinnati, OH: Moore, Wilstach, Keys & Co., 1859.
    Pp. 351-374.

    * "The Sect Everywhere Spoken Against." New Testament Christianity, ed. Z. T.
    Sweeney. Vol. I. Columbus, IN: Privately published, 1923. Pp. 29-59.

    * "The Church the Body of Christ." New Testament Christianity, ed. Z. T. Sweeney.
    Vol. I. Columbus, IN: Privately published, 1923. Pp. 170-197.

    * "The Middle Wall." New Testament Christianity, ed. Z. T. Sweeney. Vol. I. Columbus,
    IN: Privately published, 1923. Pp. 248-278.

    * "The Name 'Christian'." New Testament Christianity, ed. Z. T. Sweeney. Vol. I.
    Columbus, IN: Privately published, 1923. Pp. 453-484.

    * "Justification by Faith." New Testament Christianity, ed. Z. T. Sweeney. Vol. III.
    Columbus, IN: New Testament Christianity Book Fund, Inc., 1930. Pp. 282-299.

    Works About:
    * "Elijah Goodwin" by Nathaniel S. Haynes. History of the Disciples of Christ in Illinois.
    Cincinnati, OH: Standard Publishing Company, 1915. Pp. 521-522.

E. S.

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