[Table of Contents]
Gary L. Lee
Background of the Christian Baptist (1983)


Barrett, J. Pressley. The Centennial of Religious Journalism. Dayton: Christian

Publishing Association, 1908.

Baxter, William. Life of Elder Walter Scott. Cincinnati: Bosworth, Chase & Hall, 1874.

Boles, Leo H. Biographical Sketches of Gospel Preachers. Nashville: Gospel Advocate

Company, 1932.

Burnet, David S. "The New Edition of the Christian Baptist--A New Proposition,"

Millennial Harbinger, ed. Alexander Campbell. Bethany, Va.: 1830-1870;
reprint ed., Joplin: College Press, n.d.

Campbell, Alexander. The Christian Baptist. Va.: Buffaloe Printing Office, 1823-1830.

_________. The Christian Baptist. Vol. I. Second edition. Va.: Buffaloe Printing Office,


_________. The Christian Baptist. Three-Volumes-in-Two edition. Second edition.

Va.: Buffaloe Printing Office, 1827.

_________. The Christian Baptist. Edited by D. S. Burnet. Fifteenth edition. St. Louis:

Christian Publishing Company, 1889.

_________. The Christian Baptist. Nashville: Gospel Advocate Company, 1955.

_________. The Christian System. Reprint ed., Nashville: Gospel Advocate Company,


_________. Memoirs of Elder Thomas Campbell. Cincinnati H. S. Bosworth, 1861.

_________. The Millennial Harbinger. 1830-1870; reprint ed., Bethany, Va.: Joplin:

College Press, n.d.

_________. Sermon on the Law. n.p., n.d., reprint ed., Lincoln, Ill.: Lincoln Christian

College Press, 1971. [208]

_________. Declaration and Address of the Christian Association of Washington.

Washington: Brown and Sample, 1809; reprint ed., Lincoln, Ill.: Lincoln
Christian College and Seminary Press.

Dowling, Enos E. The Restoration Movement. Cincinnati: Standard Publishing, 1964.

Evans, Madison. Biographical Sketches of the Pioneer Preachers of Indiana. Philadelphia:

James Challen and Sons, 1862.

Garrison, Winfred Ernest, and DeGroot, Alfred T. The Disciples of Christ, A History.

St. Louis: The Bethany Press, 1948.

Gates, Errett. The Early Relation and Separation of the Baptists and Disciples. Chicago:

P. R. Dunnelley & Sons Company, 1904.

Grafton, Thomas W. Alexander Campbell. St. Louis: Christian Publishing Company,


Hall, Robert M. "The Christian Baptist (1823-1830). A study of the periodical as

reflected by internal evidences and a complete index." B. D. Thesis. School of
Religion, Butler University, 1947.

Hanna, William. Thomas Campbell, Seceder and Christian Union Advocate.

Cincinnati: Standard Publishing Company, 1935.

Kershner, Frederick D. The Christian Union Overture. St. Louis: The Bethany Press,


_________. The Restoration Handbook. Series I. San Antonio, Texas: Southern Christian

Press, 1960.

McAllister, Lester G., and Tucker, William E. Journey in Faith, A History of the

Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Saint Louis: The Bethany Press, 1975.

Minutes of the Redstone Baptist Association, 1804-1836. Denver: M. F. Cottrell, 1964.

Moore, W. T. A Comprehensive History of the Disciples of of Christ. New York: Fleming

H. Revell Co., 1909.

Murch, James DeForest. Christians Only. Cincinnati: Standard Publishing, 1962.

Richardson, Robert. Memoirs of Alexander Campbell. 2 vols. in one., n.p., 1897; reprint

ed., Indianapolis, Indiana: Religious Book Service, n.d. [209]

Stevenson, Dwight E. Walter Scott, Voice of the Golden Oracle. St. Louis: Christian

Board of Publication, 1946.

Stone, Barton W. Christian Messenger. Georgetown, Ky., reprint ed., Fort Worth,

Texas: Star Bible Publications, 1978.

Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary. Springfield, Mass.: G. & C. Merriam

Company, 1963.

West, Earl. Search for the Ancient Order. Vol. 1. Nashville: Gospel Advocate

Company, 1965.

Williams, John A. Life of Elder John Smith. Cincinnati: Standard Publishing Company,


Works Consulted but not Cited

Boyd, Gary L. "An Analysis and Index of the Millennial Harbinger, 1835-1839."

M. A. Thesis. Lincoln Christian Seminary, 1966.

Dowling, Enos E. An Analysis and Index of the Christian Magazine, 1841-1853. Lincoln,

Ill.: Lincoln Bible Institute Press, 1958.

Grant, Gene Arnold. "Alexander Campbell's Concepts of the ministry as revealed in

the Christian Baptist, 1823-1830." M. A. Thesis. Lincoln Christian Seminary,
1965. [210]

[BCB 208-210]

Copyright © 1983, 1998 by Gary L. Lee

[Table of Contents]
Gary L. Lee
Background of the Christian Baptist (1983)

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