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Alexander Campbell, ed.
The Mormon Expose (1842-1843)


      "The Mormon Expose," edited by Alexander Campbell, was published in The Millennial Harbinger, New Series, Vol. 6, No. 9, September 1842; No. 10, October 1842; No. 11, November 1842; No. 12, December 1842; Vol. 7, No. 1, January 1843; No. 4, April 1843; No. 7, July 1843; No. 8, August 1843. The electronic version of the extracts has been produced from the College Press reprint (1976) of The Millennial Harbinger, ed. Alexander Campbell (Bethany, VA: A. Campbell, 1842), pp. 418-421, 460-464, 497-502, 538-543; (1843), pp. 23-28, 152-157, 296-299, 346-351.

      Although termed "extracts" from Mormonism Exposed, the 64-page pamphlet by La Roy Sunderland (New York: New York Watchman, 1842) was reprinted in its entirety in eight installments in The Millennial Harbinger. The serial publication of this anti-Mormon tract, as edited by Alexander Campbell, contains hundreds of changes in punctuation, spelling, capitalization, and typography. The few omissions of words, phrases, and clauses, were probably accidental.

      La Roy Sunderland (1802-1885) was a Methodist Episcopal preacher from 1826 to 1842. Because of opposition from presiding bishops in New York and the General Conference, he and other anti-slavery radicals withdrew from the denomination in 1842 to form the Wesleyan Connection of America, without an episopacy and on an abolition basis. He served as editor of Zion's Watchman (1836-1842), the organ of the Methodist abolitionists, in New York. Among Sunderland's publications were Mormonism Exposed and Refuted (New York: Piercy and Reed, 1838) and Mormonism Exposed (New York: New York Watchman, 1842).

      The electronic version of La Roy Sunderland's Mormonism Exposed has been produced from a copy of the pamphlet held by Special Collections and Manuscripts, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University. Thanks to Professor K. Haybron Adams for providing a scanned copy of the original.

      Pagination in the electronic texts has been represented by placing the page number in brackets following the last complete word on the printed page. Inconsistencies in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and typography in the eight extracts that comprise "The Mormon Expose" have been retained; however, corrections have been offered for misspellings and other accidental corruptions. Emendations are as follows:

            Printed Text [ Electronic Text
 Extract 1, September 1842, pp. 418-421.
 p. 419:    Williams & Co , [ Williams & Co.,
 p. 420:    we was a cheat, [ he was a cheat,
            principal witnesses [ principal witnesses.
            out of it ' [ out of it.'
 p. 421:    Th P. Baldwin, [ Th. P. Baldwin,
            to deposite [ to deposit
            The deposite [ The deposit

 Extract 2, October 1842, pp. 460-464.
 p. 460:    whole earth. [ whole earth."
 p. 461:    New Jernsalem, and [ New Jerusalem, and
            Missouri."--Ib. p. 566. [ Missouri."--Ib. p. 88.
            Scriptures [ Scriptures.
            p. 148 [ p. 148.
 p. 462:    this revelution [ this revelation
            come."--Doc [ come."--Doc.
            Cov page 191. [ Cov. page 191.
            he sball do [ he shall do
            view -- [ view:--
 p. 463:    Ib p. 138. [ Ib. p. 138.
            Ib p. 114. [ Ib. p. 114.

 Extract 3, November 1842, pp. 497-502.
 p. 498:    ceuld increase [ could increase
            Boys, [ 'Boys,
            pistol's, [ pistols,
 p. 499:    potatoe [ potato
            Ib page 13. [ Ib. page 13.
            gone [ gone.
 p. 500:    break them up [ break them up.
            weuld get [ would get
            'The above [ "The above
            No 189, p. 6, 7, 8. [ No. 189, p. 6, 7, 8.

 Extract 4, December 1842, pp. 538-543.
 p. 539:    be dividsd [ be divided
            Mr, Daniel Carn [ Mr. Daniel Carn
 p. 540:    forfeiture." [ forfeiture.'"

 p. 541:    Mormons havet heir [ Mormons have their
            Ib , page 12. [ Ib., page 12.
            Ib , page 13. [ Ib., page 13.
            "President Rignon, [ "President Rigdon,
            take, [ take.
            one was placed at the door [ one was placed at the door.

 Extract 5, January 1843, pp. 23-28.
 p. 24:     Jun , in [ Jun., in
            Whitmar?-- [ Whitmar:--
            "Mr. Whitmar said [ Mr. Smith said
            "salt sermon,' [ 'salt sermon,'
            "When God [ 'when God
            obeyed." [ obeyed.'
            'such things [ such things
            Ibid , page 33. [ Ibid., page 33.
 p. 26:     Doe. and Cov , page 76. [ Doc. and Cov., page 76.
            Ib , page 93. [ Ib., page 93.
 p. 27:     Mahomet " [ Mahomet.'"
 p. 28:     state." [ state.'"

 Extract 6, April 1843, pp. 152-157.
 p. 152:    December [ January
            No. 182, [ No. 189,
 p. 153:    they they would pack [ they would pack
 p. 154:    die." Ib. page 37. [ die.'" Ib. page 37.
            that, that if any [ that, if any
            hazle [ hazel
            die." Ib. page 46. [ die.' Ib. page 46.
            Jr , who [ Jr., who
 p. 155:    example for us [ example for us.
 p. 156:    2d cohor will [ 2d cohort will
            motly herd, [ motley herd,
            henored [ honored
            ill-conceaied [ ill-concealed
 p. 157:    of the church [ of the church.
            Dr  Warren [ Dr. Warren
            afflatus. [ afflatus."

 Extract 7, July 1843, pp. 296-299.
 p. 299:    dissentions, [ dissensions,

 Extract 8, August 1843, pp. 346-351.
 p. 347:    [!!] Ib. p. 162. [ [!!] Ib. p. 168.
            of the vine, [ of the vine,
            was writteu [ was written
 p. 348:    brethren? [ brethren?"
 p. 349:    p.. 216, 217. [ p. 216, 217.
            page 235 [ page 235.
            wasted." [ wasted.'"
            from the earth. [ from the earth."
 p. 350:    cn the face [ on the face

The electronic version of the first edition of La Roy Sunderland's Mormonism Exposed (New York: New York Watchman, 1842) contains no emendations.

      Addenda and corrigenda are earnestly solicited.

Ernie Stefanik
Derry, PA

Created 10 March 2000.
Updated 7 July 2003.

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Alexander Campbell, ed.
The Mormon Expose (1842-1843)

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