Dear Brother,
"I am glad to inform you there is a great revival of religion near this place; 51 have been added to our church since you left us; 62 to Bryant's Station, since the 8th of February, exclusive of today, at which place 46 were received yesterday and a number more expected to join. I suppose upwards of 220 have been added to that church. -- 53 were baptized at Clear Creek in one day. There is also a great reformation at Boon's Creek, Marble Creek, Shawne Run, &c. In short all the churches near this, that I have heard from, [who adhere to primitive Christianity,] are in a prosperous state.
-- In some it appears like a fire that has been long confined -- bursting all its barriers, and spreading with a rapidity that is indescribable -- attended only with a still small voice -- This, my brother, is a harvest indeed, and we may, on this occasion, use the language of sacred inspiration, -- "the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land." It may be truly said, the Lord is doing great things for us, [and I will add] whereof I am glad.
-- O that the great Husbandman would still carry on his work, and separate the precious grain from the tares."