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Benjamin Lyon Smith
The Millennial Harbinger Abridged (1902)


      The SEED in which all the families of the earth were to be blessed, was in the nation, but in no other sense than as it was in the people while in Egypt, or in the patriarchs before they went down into Egypt. It was in the nation, but no element of the national institution. They had the second promise made to their fathers, and all the faithful and approved among them believed that promise, and acted conformably to it. Thus amongst the Jews, even before the coming of the Messiah, there were


The natural and the spiritual children of Abraham. The whole nation were his literal and natural children; and such of them as believed the second promise and understood it, were not only his natural children, but his children in the same sense in which all believing Gentiles are by virtue of the second promise constituted the children of Abraham: for these two promises raised up two seeds to Abraham. The [228] first, like Ishmael, were born according to the flesh--the fleshly seed of Abraham; the second, like Isaac, were the children of faith in the promise: and thus Abraham is the constituted father of all who believe in that promise, whether of his flesh or not.

[A. C.]      

      Alexander Campbell. "Two Seeds." The Millennial Harbinger Extra 5 (August 1834): 394.


[MHA1 228-229]

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Benjamin Lyon Smith
The Millennial Harbinger Abridged (1902)