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Benjamin Lyon Smith
The Millennial Harbinger Abridged (1902)



      All the kingdoms of this world shall soon become the kingdoms of our Lord the King. He will hurl all the present potentates from their thrones. He will grind to powder the despotisms, civil and ecclesiastic, and with the blast of his mouth give them to the four winds of heaven. The antichristian power, whether it be called Papistical, Mahometan, Pagan, or Atheistic, will as certainly be destroyed as Jesus reigns in heaven. No trace of them shall remain. The best government on earth, call it English or American, has within it the seeds of its own destruction--carries in its constitution a millstone which will sink it to the bottom of the sea. They acknowledge not that God has set his Christ upon his throne. They will not kiss the Son. Society under their economy is not blessed. The land mourns through the wickedness of those who sit in high places. Ignorance, poverty, and crime abound, because of the injustice and iniquities of those who guide the destinies of nations. Men that fear not God, that love not his Son, and that regard not the maxims of his government, yet wear the sword, and sway the sceptre in all lands.

      This is wholly adverse to the peace and happiness of the world. Therefore, he will break them to pieces like a potter's vessel, and set up an order of society in which justice, inflexible justice shall have uncontrolled dominion. Jesus will be universally acknowledged by all the race of living men, and all nations shall do him homage. This state of society will be the consummation of the Christian religion in all its moral influences and tendencies upon mankind.

      How far this change is to be effected by moral, and how far by physical means, is not the subject of our present inquiry. But the preparation of a people for the coming of the Lord must be the result of the restoration of the ancient gospel and order of things. And come when it may, the day of the regeneration of the world will be a day as wonderful and terrible as was the day of the deluge, of Sodom's judgment, or of Jerusalem's catastrophe. Who shall stand when the Lord does this? But all the regenerations, physical and moral, individual, congregational, or national, are but types and shadows, or means of preparation for the [REGENERATION OF THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH.]

[A. C.]      

      Alexander Campbell. "The Regeneration of the World." The Millennial Harbinger Extra 4 (August 1833):


[MHA1 482]

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Benjamin Lyon Smith
The Millennial Harbinger Abridged (1902)