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Born in Ballymena, County Antrim, Ireland, 12th of 1788 September, 1788.
Teaches school.
April 1.--Takes charge of his father's school at Rich 1807 Hill, Ireland, his
father starting to America.
Attends Glasgow University.
Campbell's family sails from Londonderry, for America, October 1.
October 7.--Shipwrecked on Isle of Islay, one of the Hebrides.
November 3.--Reaches Glasgow, to become student of the university.
Reaches America.
Devotes his life to Christian Union.
August 5.--Sails to America.
September 29.--Lands at New York.
October 25.--Reaches Washington, Pa. America. Reads proof-sheets of the
"Declaration and Address," and devotes his life to the plea for Christian
union. "Declaration and Address" published.
First sermon.
Publishes the "Clarinda" essays. Preaches first sermon, July 15, from Matt.
vii. 24-27.
First Preaching Tour.
Begins weekly communion.
First immersions in Brush Run Church.
Moves to Bethany.
March 12.--Married Miss Margaret Brown.
May 4.--Christian Association transforms itself into an independent
church. Alexander Campbell licensed to preach.
May 16.--Leaves home on first preaching tour through north-eastern Ohio.
Returns June 14. On the 16th preaches the first sermon in Brush Run
meeting-house. The church at Brush Run began to celebrate the Lord's
Supper weekly.
July 4.--Thomas Campbell immerses James Bryant, Margaret Fullerton and
Abraham Alters, himself standing on a root of a tree outside the water; these
were the first immersions of the Brush Run Church. Alexander Campbell
moves to his father-in-law's home, assists in the farm work, and preaches.
December 25.--Writes memorabilia of heart examination and formulates his
views of church government.
Becomes a Baptist.
January 1.--Ordained to the work of the ministry.
March 13.--His daughter Jane was born. Begins a new study of the subject
of baptism; on the 12th of June is [405]
immersed by Elder Matthias Luce, of the Baptist Church, on the
confession of faith in Christ as the Son of God. His father, Thomas
Campbell, concedes to him the leadership of the movement. Brush Run
Church becomes a church of immersed believers. The Brush Run Church
is received into the Redstone Association (Baptist), and Mr. Campbell
becomes a Baptist.
Mr. Campbell's second daughter (Eliza) was born September 13.
Father-in-law gives him a farm.
June 8.--Brush Run Church resolves to move as a body to Zanesville, O.
Mr. John Brown, Mr. Campbell's father-in-law, in order to keep Mr.
Campbell near him, deeded him the farm in fee simple.
Visits Eastern cities.
November 20.--Maria Louisa Campbell born.
December 12.--Mr. Campbell goes East, to Philadelphia, New York and
Washington, D. C., to solicit funds to build a meeting-house at Wellsburg,
securing $1,000.
Opposition in Red- stone Association.
Sermon on the law.
August 30.--Meeting of Redstone Association; opposition to Mr.
Campbell's views is manifested. Alexander Campbell preaches the
"Sermon on the Law," which is taken by many as the date of the beginning
of the separate independent movement for Christian union, as it marks the
beginning of the separation from the Baptists. Mr. Campbell comes to be
regarded with suspicion of heresy by the Baptists.
Thomas Campbell moves to Kentucky.
Thomas Campbell moves to Cambridge, O., and later to Kentucky, leaving
upon Alexander Campbell the entire advocacy of the new plea in western
Pennsylvania, western Virginia and eastern Ohio.
Issues his first challenge to religious discussion.
Opens Buffalo Seminary.
Opposition increases in Redstone Association and among pedobaptists.
January 17.--A daughter (Lavinia) born to Mr. and Mrs. Campbell.
Mr. Campbell challenges a Rev. Mr. Finley, a union Presbyterian minister,
to discuss the points of difference; Mr. Campbell's first challenge to
debate religious subjects. Mr. Campbell opens a seminary, called Buffalo
Seminary, in his own home, boarding the young men in his family.
Meets Walter Scott.
Walter Scott arrives at Pittsburg from Scotland, and meets Mr. Campbell
and becomes acquainted with the plea for Christian union. Thomas
Campbell returns from Kentucky to assist in Buffalo Seminary, and
assumes pastoral care of the Brush Run Church. Mr. Campbell writes the
"Candidus" letters on the "Moral Societies" of [406]
the time, breaking their influence. Continues to manage Buffalo Seminary
and the farm.
First public debate.
Mahoning Associ- ation founded.
March 27.--Mr. Campbell asked to debate with Rev. John Walker.
June 19 and 20.--Campbell-Walker debate was held at Mt. Pleasant, O.
Mr. Campbell's first public oral discussion. It was on the subject and
action of baptism.
August 30.--Mahoning Association formed.
Sydney Rigdon visits A. Campbell.
July.--Adamson Bentley and Sidney Rigdon visit Mr. Campbell at his
home, remaining two days. They were taught the distinctive teachings of
the Reformation and embraced them.
July 14.--Clarinda Campbell born.
Through Mr. Campbell's influence, Sidney Rigdon was called to become
pastor of the church at Pittsburg.
November.--John Brown Campbell was born.
First number Christian Baptist issued.
First visit to Kentucky.
Debate with McCalla.
July 4.--First number of the Christian Baptist, a monthly magazine,
was issued. Mr. Campbell was its editor and publisher.
August.--Organizes the church at Wellsburg, outside the jurisdiction of
the Redstone Association; this church was afterward received into the
Mahoning Association.
October 13.--Starts on horseback to First visit to Kentucky, his first visit;
he was accompanied by Sidney Rigdon.
October 15-22.--Debate with Rev. W. I. McCalla, a Presbyterian minister
at Washington, Ky. After the debate he visited Mayslick and Lexington.
December.--Published the Campbell-McCalla debate.
Received with Wells- burg Church into Mahoning Associ- ation.
Tour of Kentucky.
Wellsburg Church received into Mahoning Association.
September.--Mr. Campbell made a tour of Kentucky lasting three
months. Meets John Smith and leading Baptists.
December 16.--Margaretta Campbell was born.
Devoted largely to the Christian Baptist, beginning the series
"Restoration of the Ancient Order of Things." Continues to work on the
Death of Margaretta Campbell.
Visits Virginia.
Walter Scott removes to Steubenville and opens a private school.
In May Mr. Campbell attended the Mahoning Association at Warren, O.
Margaretta Campbell died.
In July he visited eastern Virginia and met the leading Baptist ministers.
They refuse to accept his reformatory views. His standing with the
Baptists becomes more precarious. Makes his third visit to Kentucky; goes
to Nashville, Tenn. This trip was taken for Mrs. Campbell's health.
Publishes "Living Oracles."
Walter Scott elected evangelist of Mahoning Association.
Death of Mrs. Margaret Campbell.
April.--Mr. Campbell published the George Campbell, Doddridge and
Macknight translation of the New Testament, [407]
with notes and annotations; this publication he called "The Living
August.--Mr. Campbell attends the Mahoning Association at Lisbon, O.,
taking Walter Scott with him.
August 25.--Walter Scott elected evangelist by the Mahoning
Association, to travel and labor among the churches of the Association.
October 22.--Mrs. Margaret Brown Campbell died.
Walter Scott begins work in Mahoning Association.
Second edition of "Living Oracles."
Accepts Robert Owen's challenge.
Publishes first hymn-book.
Marries Selena H. Bakewell.
January.--Walter Scott visits Mr. Campbell at his home; study the gospel
March.--Walter Scott begins be his work as evangelist at Lisbon, O.
Preaches, for the first time, baptism for the remission of sins.
The church at Lisbon abandons the Philadelphia Confession of Faith, and
becomes the mother church of the Reformation in Ohio. Wm. Amend, of
Lisbon, was the first person in modern times to be baptized for the
remission of sins. (Acts ii. 38.) Mr. Campbell issued a second edition of
"The Living Oracles." Reissued several of the earlier volumes of the
Christian Baptist. Imports Merino and Saxony sheep, the first to bring
them over the Allegheny Mountains. Jane Campbell married Albert G.
Ewing, of Nashville, Tenn.
April 25.--Mr. Campbell accepted Robert Owen's challenge. Owen's
challenge to debate the claims of infidelity as opposed to religion.
July.--Publishes hymn-book--125 psalms and hymns.
July 31.--Mr. Campbell married Miss Selina R. Bakewell. H. Bakewell, of
Wellsburg. Attends the Mahoning Association at Warren, O.
Campbell-Owen debate.
Ceases publication of Christian Baptist.
April 13-22.--The Campbell-Owen debate held in the Methodist Church
at Cincinnati, O. Mr. Campbell plans to discontinue the publication of the
Christian Baptist, fearing the name of Christian Baptists would be
given the advocates of reform and seeing that the work of destructive
criticism had gone far enough and the time for constructive work had
arrived. The principles of the Reformation were spreading very rapidly,
many accepting the new teaching in England and Ireland. In August
elected to and in October attends at Richmond the Constitutional
Convention of Virginia.
Millennial Harbinger Issued.
Separation from Baptists takes place.
Mahoning Associ- ation dissolves into annual meeting.
Debate with Rev. O Jennings.
January 1.--The first number of the magazine, the Millennial
Harbinger, was published.
February.--Mr. Campbell returned from the Constitutional Convention.
April.--Visits Cincinnati and Kentucky.
October.--Visits Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee. Baptists were stirred to
opposition against the plea for a restoration of primitive Christianity.
The Beaver Creek (O.) Association issued [408]
a circular letter, anathematizing the Mahoning Association for alleged
heresies: this was widely copied by Baptist papers and adopted by many
Associations, excluding Reformers from Baptist churches. Dover, Va.,
decrees recommending non-fellowship with Reformers, and Dover
Association, December, 1830. Mahoning and Stillwater Associations,
Ohio, dissolve themselves as Associations and resolve to meet as annual
meetings, without authority. Christians organize churches separate from
the Baptists. From this time dates the separate existence of the Disciples of
December 25, 26.--Debates with Rev. Obadiah Jennings, a Presbyterian
minister, at Nashville, Tenn.
December.--Sidney Rigdon espouses Mormonism.
Begins discussion of co-operation.
Work of Holy Spirit.
February 3.--Mr. Campbell returned from his tour through Ohio.
Mr. Campbell began the discussion of the co-operation of congregations in
preaching the gospel. Mr. Campbell insisted always on preaching the
gospel without charge. A plan of co-operation was recommended by the
annual meeting of the Mahoning District, August, 1831.
Began the discussion of the work of the Holy Spirit:
October.--Alexander Campbell, Jr., born. Union of the Reformers
(Disciples of Christ) and Christians under the leadership of Barton W.
Stone in Kentucky. This united body had 10,000 members in the State.
Separation from Baptists takes place in Richmond, then throughout Virginia.
Reformation becomes a distinct religious body.
Thomas Campbell visits Virginia. On the occasion of his arrival at
Richmond, the pastor of the Baptist Church there requested all members
who were favorable to the Reformation to withdraw from the Baptist
Church, and form a separate body; sixty-eight withdrew and formed a new
church, March 4, 1832.
Dover Association excluded then throughout Virginia, six ministers for
holding Reformative views, and recommended the churches to separate all
Reformers from their communion. From this time the Reformers became a
distinct religious body, calling themselves Christians; Mr. Campbell
favored the name "Disciples of Christ."
Visits cities of the East.
October.--Mr. Campbell visits the East, going to Richmond, Va.,
preaching in the Sycamore meeting-house; thence to Baltimore, then to
New York, where he addressed the skeptics of the city at Tammany Hall.
Walter Scott removes to Carthage, O., and begins the publication of the
Virginia Campbell born.
Jane Campbell Ewing died.
January.--Virginia Campbell was born.
June 24.--Jane Campbell Ewing died of consumption.
Sectarian [409]
hostility increased. Mr. Campbell's editorial duties and other labors are
continued unremittingly.
Tour of Tennessee and central Kentucky.
Enlarged hymn-book published.
His mother died.
Debate with R. W. Meredith.
February.--Mr. Campbell makes a tour to Tennessee, returning through
Louisville, Jeffersonville and Madison, Ind., and Cincinnati, O.; then made
a tour through central Kentucky. Mr. Campbell published the enlarged
hymn-book. His mother died. Newspaper discussion with Mr. Meredith,
editor of the Baptist Interpreter, of North Carolina.
R Richardson becomes co-editor of the Harbinger.
Tour through New York and New England.
Clashes with Bishop Purcell on Bible in public schools.
April.--At Mr. Campbell's request, Dr. Robert Richardson removed from
Carthage, O., to Bethany, W. Va., to assist in the editorial work of the
May.--Mr. Campbell started on a tour to the Northeast. At Ravenna and
Cleveland he met and debated with infidels and lectured on the Evidences
of Christianity. He spent the summer in New York, New England, and
returned home via Philadelphia and Baltimore.
October.--Addressed the College of Teachers at Cincinnati; meets Bishop
Purcell, and they clash concerning the use of the Bible in the public
school, and the results of Protestantism. The Campbell-Purcell debate is
Campbell-Purcell debate.
Campbell-Skinner debate in Harbinger.
Debate with S. W. Lynd.
Wyckliffe Campbell born.
Lectures before College of Teachers at Cincinnati.
Visits Kentucky.
January 13-17.--The Campbell-Purcell debate is held in Cincinnati. In
April began a debate in the Harbinger, with Mr. Skinner, a
Universalist. This debate ran for two years in the magazine. Debate with
S. W. Lynd, Baptist minister of Cincinnati, on "Converting Power,"
conducted in the Harbinger.
A running debate on relation of the pious unimmersed to the Christian
Church was conducted in the Harbinger.
Lectures before College of Teachers at Cincinnati.
June 24.--Wickliffe Campbell was born. Campbell born.
October.--He visited the meeting of the College of Teachers at Cincinnati,
and made a tour through central Kentucky.
John Thomas teaches materialism.
Mr. Campbell issues "Extra" refuting him.
Tour through South.
John Thomas is baptized by Walter Scott, at Cincinnati. Removed to
Virginia; established a paper, the Apostolic Advocate; taught the
reimmersion to every one who came to him. He taught afterwards a broad
materialism, which Mr. Campbell refutes in an Extra and in the
October.--Mr. Campbell starts on a tour of the South, via Baltimore,
Washington, and through Virginia. At Painesville, Amelia Co., Va., he
holds a discussion for several days, with Dr. Thomas; after this Dr.
Thomas agreed to hold his views as private opinions, unless
misrepresented. Mr. Campbell continued his tour through the [410]
Carolinas, to Georgia, Alabama, to New Orleans, through Louisiana, then
up the Mississippi River and home via the Ohio River, arriving March 28,
Plans for Bethany College.
January 16.--Mr. Campbell's sister Alicia died of consumption.
July 9.--Mr. Campbell's daughter Eliza Ann (Mrs. John C. Campbell)
died. Plans the foundation and organization of Bethany College.
Bethany College chartered and organized.
Mr. Campbell elected President.
Attends convention at Charlottesville, Va.
Bethany College opened.
January.--The charter for Bethany College was secured by John C.
May 11.--The first meeting of the trustees of the college was held; the
Board was organized and the work planned.
September 18.--The second meeting of the college trustees was held.
Alexander Campbell was elected president of the college. Mr. Campbell
gave a bond for a deed of land for the institution, and a building
committee was appointed. In June, Mr. Campbell visited Virginia;
attended a meeting at Charlottesville; fifty-six congregations of disciples
of Christ represented; this convention lasted seven days.
Discusses the atonement, with Barton W. Stone, in the Harbinger.
October 1.--Bethany College opens her doors.
October 12.--Decima Campbell was born.
W. K. Pendleton removes to Bethany.
New discussion of co-operation in Harbinger.
W. K. Pendleton removes to Bethany, having married Mr. Campbell's
daughter Lavinia. He becomes a professor in Bethany College.
April.--Mr. Campbell was in attendance at a general meeting to discuss
Christian union.
September 14.--Mr. Campbell's daughter Maria (Mrs. R. Y. Henley) died.
Mr. Campbell's labors greatly increased by the college work. The
Harbinger began a new discussion of co-operation between
congregations, and the calls upon Mr. Campbell to visit various parts of
the country increased.
Visits Kentucky and Ohio.
Pleads for regular ministry and against extreme views of
congregational independency.
Visits East.
He visited Kentucky and Ohio. There were said to be 40,000 members in
Kentucky at this time.
He began to plead for a regular ministry that should be authorized and sent
out by churches after they had given full proof of possessing
A warning note is sounded extreme against extreme views of
congregational independency. In the autumn, Mr. Campbell visited
Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York in the
interest of Bethany College.
Campbell-Rice debate.
November 15.--The Campbell-Rice debate held at Lexington, Ky. Henry
Clay presided.
This was Mr. Campbell's last public debate, and lasted sixteen days. Mr.
Campbell published his Extra on "Life and Death." [411]
Views on slavery.
Tour through Ohio and Indiana.
Mr. Campbell publishes his views on slavery. Makes a tour through Ohio
and Indiana in the interest of the endowment of Bethany College. From
this time forward he spent his life as president of Bethany College; editor
of the Millennial Harbinger; postmaster at Bethany; farmer; the
preacher of the Reformation, standing, like Saul of old, head and
shoulders above his brethren.
Tour through Virginia and the South.
Tour through the West.
Lectures before the College of Teachers.
March.--Mr. Campbell made a tour through Virginia and the South in
the interest of the college, returning home May 5.
September 30.--He started on a tour through the West. At Cincinnati he
delivered his famous address
on education, to the College of Teachers; thence into Illinois, Indiana,
Ohio and home.
W. K. Pendleton becomes co-editor of Harbinger.
January 1.--The Harbinger increased from forty-eight to sixty pages.
W. K. Pendleton becomes co-editor.
March.--Mr. Campbell delivers his address on capital punishment, before
Washington Literary Institute.
May 29.--Mr. Campbell's daughter Lavinia (Mrs. W. K. Pendleton) died.
May.--Mr. Campbell received a letter from New Zealand, one year and
six weeks in transit, telling of the organization of a Christian Church at
Nelson, New Zealand.
Goes to Europe. Tours through England, Scotland and Ireland.
Illegally arrested.
April 2.--Mr. Campbell started to Europe.
May 4.--Sailed from New York for England.
May 29.--Landed at Liverpool; visits Chester and various cities in England,
including London. His letters from Europe are published in the Harbinger. He
visits Paris.
August 5.--He went to Scotland; is attacked as a slaveholder
and "a defender of man-stealers." In his tour through Scotland he is
annoyed by placards denouncing him before the people for his views on
He agrees to debate the question with any man selected, "even Rev.
Robertson, if it is not the Rev. Mr. Robertson who was publicly censured
and excluded from the Baptist Church for violating the Fifth
Commandment in reference to his mother."
September 6.--At Glasgow Rev. Robertson had him arrested on a suit
for damages, representing that Mr. Campbell was about to leave the
country. Mr. Campbell, believing that he was being persecuted, refused
to give bail; against the protest of the brethren at Glasgow, he went to
prison. The court declared the warrant illegal and he was released
September 16.
September 18.--He started for Ireland.
October 2.--He sailed from Liverpool, landing at Boston [412]
October 19; returned at once to Bethany. During his absence his son
Wickliffe had been drowned.
October 22.--Margaret Campbell (Mrs. John O. Ewing) died.
July.--Clarinda Campbell married W. K. Pendleton.
National Convention meets in Cincinnati.
Organizes the American Christian Missionary Society.
Lectures at Cincinnati on "The Anglo-Saxon Tongue.
Discussion of co-operation renewed.
May.--Call made for a general meeting of the brethren at Cincinnati in
October.--The first National Convention held, in Cincinnati in the church
at Eighth and Walnut Streets, Cincinnati.
October 26.--The American Christian Missionary Society organized.
Alexander Campbell elected its first president. Mr. Campbell did not
attend the Convention.
December.--He visited Cincinnati; delivered his lecture on
"The Anglo-Saxon Tongue," before the Young Men's Library Association; visited
Kentucky, speaking in various cities.
Invited to speak before Congress.
Presides over Annual Convention of Missionary Society.
Dr. Barclay sent as foreign missionary.
In May, being in Baltimore, he received a pressing invitation from both
houses of Congress to deliver an address to them.
June 2.--He delivered an address before Congress, in the hall of the
Representatives, from John iii. 17.
October.--He delivered an address before the Bible Union, New York, in
favor of an improved English version of the Bible. He then went to
Cincinnati to preside at the meeting of the American Christian
Missionary Society, delivering the president's address.
He followed this by a tour through Indiana, starting at Madison and
going northward. He noted in the last few years a great change in the
attitude and deportment of religious parties toward him. Dr. Barclay sent
as first foreign missionary--to Jerusalem.
Clarinda Campbell Pendleton dies.
Attends annual meetings in Ohio.
January 10.--Clarinda Campbell (Mrs. W. K. Pendleton) died.
June 1.--Thomas Campbell delivered his last public discourse, at
August.--Mr. Campbell attended various annual meetings in Ohio--at
Lisbon, Warren, Bedford, Wooster.
October.--He went to Cincinnati in Ohio, to attend the annual
convention of the Missionary Society; from there to the Kentucky State
Convention at Lexington.
Visits Memphis, Tenn.
Lectures at Washington and Jefferson College on Phrenology and
Animal Magnetism."
Visits Missouri.
Preaches before Legislature of Missouri.
Takes on Indian boy to educate.
In April Mr. Campbell went to Memphis, Tenn., to attend a meeting of
the Bible Union.
In August he delivered an address at Washington and Jefferson College
on "The Destiny of Our Country." From there he went to the Lectures at
New York State Convention.
September.--He gave an address at Washington and Jefferson College
on "Phrenology, Animal Magnetism, Spirit Rappings, etc." [413]
October 22.--He started on a tour through Missouri to secure endowment
for a chair in Bethany College. During this tour he delivered two
addresses, by special invitation, before the Legislature of the State. He
took an Indian boy, with consent of his parents, to educate.
Goes East to secure an endowment for college.
Presides over General Convention.
Jesse B. Ferguson teaches post-mortem gospel. Mr. Campbell refutes him.
Mr. Campbell went East to secure endowment for the college: to Virginia,
to Baltimore, returning through Pittsburg.
September.--Addressed the Kentucky State Convention at Harrodsburg.
Gave earnest support to the temperance cause.
October.--Delivered the president's address at the Missionary Convention
at Cincinnati; presided over the Convention. He fulfilled this duty every
year. From this Convention he made a tour through Illinois. Jesse B.
Ferguson led many astray by his spiritism, building upon the text, "Christ
went and preached to the spirits in prison." He taught the doctrine that in
the intermediate state between death and the resurrection all who died
impenitent would have the gospel preached to them, and this post-mortem
gospel would afford all another chance to repent and be saved. Mr.
Campbell exposed the false teaching, going to Nashville for this purpose.
Thomas Campbell died.
January 4.--Thomas Campbell died, eighty-three years of age.
Completes work of revision of translation of Acts of Apostles.
Dr. J. B. Jeter, Richmond, Va., publishes his book, "Campbellism Examined."
Mr. Campbell reviews it in the Harbinger, Vol. 1855, page 512.
May.--Mr. Campbell completes the task of revision of the Acts of
Apostles assigned him by the Bible Union.
His friends noticed that his memory became defective.
Visits Canada.
July.--He visited, with his wife and daughter Decima, St. Catharine's
Springs, Canada.
November.--He made another tour through Virginia.
Tour through South for endowment funds.
Bethany College building burned.
February.--He started on a tour through the South in the work of
soliciting endowment funds for the college, traveling through Cincinnati,
Indianapolis, Indiana and Illinois. He took passage on a steamboat at
Cairo, Ill., for New Orleans. He traveled through Louisiana, Mississippi,
Alabama and Georgia, returning by way of Richmond and Washington.
October.--After attending and presiding over the Missionary Convention
in Cincinnati, he made another tour through Illinois into Iowa, returning
via Chicago.
December 10.--Building of Bethany College destroyed by fire.
December 14.--The trustees of the college appointed a committee to
obtain plans for a new building. [414]
Visits East for funds to rebuild college.
Corner-stone of new college building laid.
January.--Mr. Campbell, nearly seventy years old, accompanied by W. K.
Pendleton, started resolutely to secure funds to restore the college, going
to the Eastern cities first. At Washington he spoke in the Baptist Church
building; President Buchanan and several members of his Cabinet being
present; among others, Judge Jeremiah S. Black, Attorney-General in the
Cabinet of President Buchanan. On returning from the East, they
immediately started through the South and West--through Kentucky,
Tennessee and other States.
July.--The corner-stone of new college
building was laid, Mr. Campbell delivering the address, July 4.
Visits South and later Missouri for funds for college.
He traveled through Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama; in
the fall, through Missouri. Walter Scott published his book, "The
"Lectures and Addresses" published.
He attended the Missionary Convention at Cincinnati, presiding and
delivering the president's address, and then made a tour of Indiana.
James Challen & Son published his "Lectures and Addresses."
Walter Scott died.
April 23.--Walter Scott died at Mayslick, Ky. Mr. Campbell published his
"Life of Thomas Campbell."
Writes his will.
Presides over General Convention.
The Harbinger reduced from sixty to forty-eight pages.
March 11.--He writes his will. Mr. Campbell attended the Missionary
Convention, delivering the address.
Delivered president's address at General Convention.
William Hayden died, April 7.
April 7.--Decima Campbell married J. Judson Barclay.
October 27.--Virginia Campbell married W. R. Thompson.
Mr. Campbell delivered the address at the fifteenth anniversary of the
Missionary Society.
The failure of his memory grew noticeable.
Mr. Campbell attended the General Convention for the last
March 31.--Adds codicil to his will.
July.--He visited James Foster at Glen Easton, Pa.
He gives the copyright of the hymn-book to the American Christian
Missionary Society.
Last visit from home.
Last article published in Harbinger.
April.--Mr. Campbell visited his daughter, Virginia Thompson, at
Louisville, Ky.
Mr. Campbell relinquished the editorship of the Harbinger to W. K.
November.--Mr. Campbell's last article in the Harbinger is published.
Illness and death.
January.--He is confined to the house by a heavy cold.
February 11.--Assisted in ordaining elders at the church at Bethany. This
was his last meeting with the church.
February 25.--He was confined to his bed, and never afterward arose from it.
March 4.--At 11:45 P. M. Alexander death. Campbell
finished his course. [415]