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Philip Mauro Life in the Word (1909) |
BIBLE STUDY ANDREW JUKES The author of "The Characteristic Differences of the Four Gospels," has given us a very suggestive and original comparative study of the various offerings of the Mosaic law as set forth in Leviticus I to VII. HANNAH WHITALL SMITH The author of "The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life" has written in this work a deeply spiritual, mystical and symbolical interpretation of God's truth as found in the books of the Old Testament. STUDIES IN CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE JAMES A. ANDERSON The actual changes which attested scientific discoveries have brought about in the world of religious thought are set forth in plain, straightforward fashion. Those who have not realized the changes will gain new and inspiring visions of truth and those who are bewildered by conflicting currents of thought will be re re-established in their faith.
A scholarly but not pedantic account, clear and historically consecutive, of the witnesses for the deeper life of faith from the apostles down to our own time. Vie author illuminates his subject with pure style, clear definition, thorough analysis and persuasive apology. T. T. MARTIN The author of "God's Plan With Men" has written another essentially biblical interpretation of one of the fundamental doctrines of Christian life. The preface says: "The author is not a seeker after new truth, why seek after new truth before we have mastered old truth? Zither the Scriptures contain all needed truth and no new truth is needed and none can be found or the Scriptures are not inspired." DEVOTIONAL CORTLAND MYERS, D. D. "Dr. Myers' purpose in writing this book Is to make real the power which comes from the habit of prayer. The reality of this dynamic spiritual force is clearly set forth in chapters on the Real Power, the Real Presence, the Real Purity, the Real Plea, the Real Persistence and the Real Purposes of Prayer."--Service. HENRY C. MABIE, D. D. Principal P. T. Forsyth of Hackney College, London, says: "I have found the book very suggestive. I wish the view you promote might get more hold to deepen religion and save it from shallowness. I am sure if the Church is to remain a real Society and not be swallowed up in human Society it must be secured in a far deeper grasp of Christ's Cross on the lines you serve so well." PERCY C. AINSWORTH "A very delightful and helpful new volume of meditations in the Psalms, full of devotional reflections for the quiet hour, which make a personal appeal to every Christian man or woman. It is a very well wrought out book of devotion, and pleasing and readable throughout."--Herald and Presbyter. S. D. GORDON Its Foreshadowings, Facts and Spirit. "Mr. Gordon presents the subject with remarkable skill and penetration and the publishers have really outdone themselves in presenting charming booklet."
WILLIAM EDWARD BIEDERWOLF "Especially clear and valuable is the chapter on the 'Filling of the Spirit.' This seems to me one of the best presentations of the meaning of this great scriptural phase I have ever read."--Prof. Henry Goodwin Smith, Lane Theological Seminary. |
[LITW 111-112]
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Philip Mauro Life in the Word (1909) |