Part I--Introduction |
| Preface |
I. |
How the Declaration Claim to Be Written |
13 |
II. |
Fundamental Principles |
25 |
III. |
General Analysis |
30 |
IV. |
The Declaration and Address--Introductory Statement |
32 |
1. Assertion of the Right of Private Judgment.
2. Authority of the Scriptures.
3. The Curse of Religious Schism.
4. The Only Way to Union. |
V. |
Resolutions |
33 |
1. The Christian Association.
2. The Association's Finances.
3. Missionary Work of the Association.
4. The Association not a Church.
5. Immediate Scope of the Work of the Association.
6. Executive Committee of the Association.
7. Time of Meeting.
8. Program of the Meetings.
9. Appeal for Financial Support. |
VI. |
Comment Upon the Declaration |
35 |
Part II--The Necessity for Christian Union |
I. |
Text of the Declaration |
51 |
1. Love and Unity--The Divine Plan.
2. Disastrous Effects of Division.
3. Special Responsibility of the Church in America.
4. Grounds for Hope of Union. |
II. |
Comment Upon the Text |
57 |
III. |
Text of the Declaration |
59 |
1. Christian Union the Common Cause for All Christians.
2. The New Testament Church the Basis of Union.
3. Christians Separated by Non-Essentials.
4. Christian Union at its Lowest Terms.
5. Christian Union Reasonable and Timely. |
IV. |
Comment Upon the Declaration |
62 |
V. |
Text of the Declaration |
70 |
1. Special Appeal to the Ministry in Behalf of Union.
2. If Unity Hereafter, Why not Here?
3. The Duty of Association.
4. Argument from Fulfilled Prophecy.
5. The Call to Freedom as Well as Unity.
6. The Proposed Platform for Unity.
7. Not a New Creed. |
VI. |
Comment Upon the Above |
73 |
VII. |
Introduction to Thomas Campbell's Platform for Union |
76 |
The Platform for Unity |
81 |
1. Proposition 1--The Church Defined
2. Proposition 2--The Province of the Local Congregation.
3. Proposition 3--The Authority of the Scriptures.
4. Proposition 4--Proper Place of the New and the Old Testament.
5.Proposition 5--The New Testament Ordinances.
6.Proposition 6--The Proper Place of Theology.
7. Proposition 7--The Futility of Human Creeds.
8. Proposition 8--Terms of Admission to the Church.
9. Proposition 9--The Brotherhood of the Church.
10. Proposition 10--The Sin of Church Divisions.
11. Proposition 11--Causes of Divisions.
12.Proposition 12--Terms of Church Membership.
13.Proposition 13--The Place of Expediency.
Comment |
IX. |
Text of the Declaration--Method and Purpose of the Platform |
96 |
1. The Multitude no Authority.
2. The Motto of the Restoration.
3. Exhortation to Action.
4. The Associational Plan.
| |
X. |
Comment Upon the Above |
99 |
XI. |
Text of the Declaration |
105 |
1. Earnest Appeal to the Clergy.
2. No Personal Superiority Claimed.
3. The Only Hopeful Platform for Unity.
4. Closed Communion Unbrotherly.
5. The Better Day to Be. |
XII. |
Comment Upon the Above |
108 |
Part III--The Appendix |
I. |
Text of the Appendix |
113 |
1. Reasons for Adding the Appendix.
2. No Intention of Proselyting.
3. Attitude on Creeds.
4. Not a New Party.
5. The Only Test of Fellowship--A Thus Saith the Lord.
6. The Declaration not a Rock of Offense.
7. Suppose the New Testament Wrong?
8. Union by Forbearance.
9. Advantage of Clearing Away Dead Material.
10. The Charge of Latitudinarianism.
11. Three Great Evils.
12. Consequences of Excommunication.
13. True Basis of Union.
14. Different Interpretations of Scriptures.
15. Departure from Bible, Cause of Schism.
16. Not Absolute Uniformity.
17. Plan Better Than Past Programs.
18. Arguments against Creeds.
19. Limitations of Unity.
20. Proper Use of Creeds and Catechisms.
21. Superiority of the Bible.
22. A Further Objection.
23. Further Defense Against Latitudinarianism.
24. Reasons for Writing the Appendix.
25. Adequacy of the Bible.
26. Ethical Definition of a Christian.
27. The New Testament the Rule.
28. The Opposite of Latitudinarian.
29. Opposition to Controversy.
30. Final Illustration. |
II. |
Comment Upon the Appendix |
145 |
1. No Intention of Proselyting.
2. Attitude, Toward Creeds and Confessions.
3. Breadth of Thomas Campbell's Position.
4. The Sin of Church Arrogance.
5. How to Interpret the. Scriptures.
6. Superiority of the Bible as a Standard.
7. Final Conclusions. |