College Park, Ga. |
Born near Morganton, Fannin county, Ga., April
10, 1855; graduated in the College of the Bible,
Lexington, Ky., 1889; minister Pulaski Street
church, Athens, Ga., 1893-1900; president Georgia
Christian Missionary Society 1899-1901; minister
Second church, Augusta, Ga., 1900-1903; treasurer
Georgia Christian Education Society 1903; minister
East Boulevard church, College Park, Ga.,
at the present date--1903.
Jacksonville, Fla. |
Born Smith county, Tenn., June 10, 1860;
raised on a farm; obeyed the gospel when 16; began
preaching when 22; student at Mars Hill, Ala.,
Lexington, Ky., and the University of Chicago;
minister churches in Missouri as follows: Joplin
and Rich Hill, Franklin, Fourth church, St. Louis,
Jefferson City, Neosho, Memphis; minister First
Church, Jacksonville, Fla.