Lexington, Mo. |
Born in Maysville, Ky., Sept. 1, 1875. Educated
in Public Schools of Kentucky, Tennessee and
Illinois; at the age of fifteen entered Kentucky
University, graduating 1896 with degree of A. B.;
1897 with the degree of A. M.; has English and
classical diploma from College of the Bible. Minister
Kirksville, Ky., Amarillo, Texas, Monroe
City, Mo., and Lexington, Mo. Spent eight months
as state evangelist of Mississippi.
Jefferson City, Mo. |
Born Monroe county, Mo., March 8, 1868. Student
at Kentucky University and College of the
Bible, Lexington, Ky.; graduate College of the Bible,
Lexington, Ky. Minister at Frankford and Bowling
Green, Mo., 1895-99; three following years at
New London, and Mt. Zion, Mo. Preached at
New London alone 1902 until called to Jefferson
City, Mo., Sept. 1st of that year.
Portland, Oregon. |
Born at Howell, Oregon, January 13, 1866;
student at College of the Bible, Lexington, Ky.,
graduating with class of 1893. Minister church
at Cuba. Ill., 1893-97; minister church, Monmouth,
Oregon, 1897-1901; minister Rodney Avenue
church, Portland, Oregon, 1901. President
Oregon Christian Missionary Convention, 1902.
Portland, Oregon. |
Born Monroe, Wis., July 16, 1851. Student at
Eureka College. Ill., graduating with degree A. B.,
1882; A. M. 1885; D. D. Eugene Divinity
School, Eugene, Oregon, 1902. Last ministry in
Middle West, Davenport, Ia., 1892. Evangelist
California 1893; evangelist Montana. Minister
First church, Portland, Oregon seven years.