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J. W. McGarvey
A Series of Fifty-Two Bible Lessons (1889)

LESSON X--Ministry of Jesus in Galilee.

      What portion of Matthew is devoted to the career of Jesus before he went into Galilee? Matt. iv: 12. What portion to the time which he spent in Galilee? xix: 1.

      What portion, then, to the remainder of his life? How is Mark's narrative divided in these particulars? See i: 14; x: 1. How is Luke's? See iv: 14; ix: 51. How much space does John give to the ministry in Galilee? vi: 1; vii: 10. In what passages, then, do you find the account of the ministry of Jesus in Galilee? Ans.--In Matt. iv: 12 to xix: 1; Mark i: 14 to x: 1; Luke iv: 14 to ix: 51, and John vi: 1 to 7: 10. Where did the other events of his ministry occur? Ans.--Chiefly jelly about Jerusalem and on the farther side of the Jordan.

      What length of time did the ministry in Galilee occupy? Ans.--About twenty-two months. How is the calculation made? Ans.--He went there four months before the passover. See Lesson IX. He went to Jerusalem to that coming passover (John v: 1); then returned to Galilee and stayed till after the next passover (Jno. vi: 1-4), which makes twelve months more; and he finally left Galilee to go to the feast of tabernacles (John vii: 2-10), which occurred six months after the passover. These sums added together, give the twenty months.

      Note.There is some uncertainty in this calculation, because it is not certain that the feast mentioned in John v: 1 was the passover; but the calculation is probably correct.

      How long was it from his departure out of Galilee till his death? Ans.--As he left there to attend the feast of tabernacles (John vii: 2-10), and was crucified at the next passover (John xviii: 28), it was about six months. [23] To what country, then, did he give the chief part of his ministry?

      Did he visit Jerusalem at all during this period? See John v: 1. Does either Matthew, Mark, or Luke mention this visit to Jerusalem? Ans.--They do not. Did Jesus during this period visit any places outside of Galilee, and if so, what places? See Mark vii: 24; viii: 27. In what direction is each of these regions from Galilee? See the maps.

      What cities were chiefly favored by the miracles of Jesus? Matt. xi: 20, 21-23. Where were these cities? Ans.--Close together on the northwestern shore of the lake of Galilee. In what did the ministry in Galilee chiefly consist? Ans.--In speeches, conversations, and the working of miracles. In what words does Peter describe it? Acts x: 38. What is the longest and most celebrated speech which Jesus delivered in Galilee? Where does it begin and where does it end?

      In what pursuits were the Galileans engaged? Ans.--Almost entirely in agriculture. How did they compare in intelligence with the Jews of Judea? Ans.--They were generally less intelligent. Why, then, did Jesus spend most of his time here? Ans.--Because the people were more teachable than those of Judea, and were not so fierce in their opposition to him.

      What business was supplied by the sea of Galilee? Ans.--Fishing. It abounded in very fine fish. Is its water fresh or salt? Ans. Fresh: it is supplied by the Jordan, which runs in at its northern end, and passes out at the southern.

[FBL 23-24]

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J. W. McGarvey
A Series of Fifty-Two Bible Lessons (1889)

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