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J. W. McGarvey
A Series of Fifty-Two Bible Lessons (1889)

LESSON XXI.--The Apostolic Commission.


      Repeat the commission as given by Matthew. Matt. xxviii: 18-20. What is a commission? Ans.--It is a document which commits to a person some official authority. Was any authority committed to the apostles in the words just quoted? if so, what are the items of it? Had they not baptized and [48] preached before? See Jno. iv: 2; Matt. x: 7. What new authority, then, was committed in the commission? Ans.--They were now to baptize into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, which they had not done before; and they were to go to all nations, instead of being confined, as before, to the Jews. Comp. Matt. x: 5.

      In Matthew's version, what is mentioned for the apostles to do, and what for those to whom they preached? What is the difference between the teaching mentioned in verse 19, and that mentioned in verse 20? Ans.--The last is teaching the practical duties of Christian life; the first is improperly translated teaching, it should be disciple, or make disciples; and it refers to that preaching before baptism by which sinners are made disciples.

      What is the force of the promise: "Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world?" Ans.--It guaranteed to the apostles not merely the presence, but the help of Christ in their work.


      Repeat the commission as given by Mark. Mark xvi: 16-18. What were the apostles here told to do? What is the difference between "preach the gospel to every creature," and "disciple all nations?" What duty of the apostles mentioned by Matthew is omitted by Mark?

      What conditions of salvation are mentioned? 16. If it were equally true that He that believeth and is not baptized shall be saved, could you account for baptism being mentioned in this way? Under this commission is there any promise of salvation to the unbaptized, and could the apostles, [49] without transcending it, make any such promise? In a parallel passage in Luke, what other duty of sinners is mentioned? Luke xxiv: 47. What is the difference between the remission of sins there mentioned, and the salvation mentioned by Mark? Combining all the items of the commission as given by the three evangelists, what were the apostles to do, what were sinners to do, and what were the baptized to do?


      What signs did Jesus say should follow the believers? Mark xvi: 17, 18. How long did he say they should follow? How many persons among the believers did he say should work these signs? If, then, we find that they were wrought by a portion of the disciples in every country, and that they continued for a number of years, would it be true that they followed the believers? What is the truth as to the generality of these signs in the apostolic age? Did they continue throughout that age? Was it expected by the apostles that they would be permanent? See I Cor. xiii: 8. Is it any objection to Christianity that these signs are not now wrought? If miracles had continued would they now be regarded as extraordinary, or only as ordinary events? Is it wise, then, that they ceased?

[FBL 48-50]

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J. W. McGarvey
A Series of Fifty-Two Bible Lessons (1889)

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