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J. W. McGarvey
A Series of Fifty-Two Bible Lessons (1889)

LESSON XXV.--The Conversion of Cornelius.
Acts X.


      What was the office of Cornelius? 1. What is meant by "the Italian band?" Ans.--A band, or, as the Romans called it, a cohort composed of Italian soldiers.

      What was the character of Cornelius? 2. Being of heathen parentage, by what means had he became so faithful a servant of God? Ans.--He had doubtless learned the true religion from the Jews.

      Describe his interview with the angel. 3-6. What was Cornelius doing when the angel appeared to him? 30. If his prayers were heard, why was he not already saved? Did God answer his prayers by an immediate forgiveness of his sins? What answer did he send to him? 5, 6. If, then, God should audibly hear the prayers of an unconverted man at this day, what according to this example, would be the answer?

      When the angel disappeared what did Cornelius do? 7, 8.


      Describe Peter's vision on the housetop. 9-16. What time of day was this, and how long after Cornelius had started the messengers? 9. What was Peter's objection to eating animals? 14. What effect did the answer have (verse 15) on the old distinction between clean and unclean meats?

      Did Peter at first fully understand the vision? 17. What occurred while he was thinking about it? 17-20. How did the [57] men happen to arrive just after the vision passed away?

      What then passed between Peter and the messengers from Cornelius? 21, 22. When did he go with the men? 23. For what purpose did some of the brethren go with him? Ans.--As this was the first time the gospel was to be preached to the Gentiles, they went as witnesses of what would be done. Acts xi: 12.


      What congregation had Cornelius collected? 24. Of what character must you suppose these kinsmen and near friends to have been? Describe the meeting between Peter and Cornelius. 25, 26. Do you suppose that Cornelius intended to worship Peter as a God? Ans.--No; the word translated "worship" here means to prostrate one's self, as the ancients did in the presence of one greatly their superior.

      What explanation did Peter give of going into the house of a Gentile? 27-29. How does he now understand the vision? 28. What reason did Cornelius give for sending him? 30-33. How many days had it actually been since the angel appeared to him? Comp. 3, 9, 23, 24. Why, then, did Cornelius say it was "four days ago?" Ans.--The Jews always counted the first and last days partly included in any series as whole days, and Cornelius spoke according to this custom.

      What did Cornelius say was the purpose of his friends in coming together? 33.

[FBL 57-58]

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J. W. McGarvey
A Series of Fifty-Two Bible Lessons (1889)

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