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J. W. McGarvey
A Series of Fifty-Two Bible Lessons (1889)

LESSON XLVIII--Withdrawing from the Disorderly.

      What does Jesus say of the branch that bears not fruit? John xv: 5. What is meant by the branch? What does he further say on the same point? 6. If a man in the church, then, does no good, what does God do to him? Does this refer to formal exclusion from the church, or to spiritual separation from Christ? Which of these must take place first?

      Repeat the language of Jesus concerning the trespasser who repents not. Matt. xviii: 15-17. If the person in question should be to you as a heathen and publican, how should he be to the other members of the church? Does this imply his exclusion from fellowship?

      What command does Paul give in reference to withdrawing from the disorderly? II Thes. iii: 6. What tradition does Paul refer to? Ans.--His oral instruction while he was in Thessalonica. Every one was disorderly who walked not after that tradition. What particular class of disorderly persons in Thessalonica? 14. What oral instruction [100] had he given concerning them? 10. Eat what? Ans.--The Lord's supper, and the food provided by charity; for this is the only eating that the church had control of. What command and exhortation is addressed to such persons? 12. What of those who should disobey the epistle then written by Paul? 14. If this is right in regard to one of the epistles, what of the others? In thus dealing with a man, what caution must we observe? 15. If it is proper to withdraw from a man who will not work, how of those who are guilty of still grosser sins?

      Mention a case of disorder which occurred in the church at Corinth. I Cor. v: 1. What judgment did Paul pronounce in this case? 3-6. What is meant by delivering him to Satan? 5. Comp. verses 2, 13. How does Paul show the propriety of this course by the figure of leaven? 9, 7. What classes of persons does he mention, with whom we must not eat? 11. What eating is means? Ans.--Certainly the Lord's supper, and perhaps also an ordinary meal. Are such persons to be retained in the church, or to be put away? 13. What would be the propriety of retaining in the church persons with whom we will neither eat nor keep company?

      What class of persons does Paul command Titus to reject, and why? Titus iii: 10, 11. What is a heretic? Ans.--It is a schismatic, or one who causes division in the church. Why is such a man "condemned of himself?" Ans.--His own act of causing division condemns him. What does Paul say to the Romans in regard to similar characters? Rom. xv: 17, 18.

      Who are the constituted rulers and teachers [101] of the church? I Tim. iii: 2-4, 5; Titus i: 9. Who are to take the oversight? I Peter v: 1, 2. How are the members required to act toward these rulers, and why? Heb. xii: 17. Whose duty is it, then, to judge in cases of discipline? Who are the more competent to judge; properly qualified elders? or the whole mass of the congregation? Is the fellowship to be withdrawn by the elders alone, or by the assembled congregation? I Cor. v: 4. When a person is Scripturally excluded from the church, how does God regard the transaction? Matthew xviii: 18.

[FBL 100-102]

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J. W. McGarvey
A Series of Fifty-Two Bible Lessons (1889)

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