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J. W. McGarvey
A Series of Fifty-Two Bible Lessons (1889)

LESSON L.--The Judgment.

      Quote what Jesus says about a judgment of this world? Jno. xii: 31. To what did he refer? Ans.--To God's decision against the world's treatment of his Son. Quote what Peter says about a judgment of the house of God? I Peter iv: 17. Does God execute judgment, then, in this world?

      Quote a passage which shows that there will be a judgment after death? He. ix: 27, 28. To how many is it appointed to die? To how many, then, is the judgment appointed? What words of Jesus show the universality of the judgment? Matt. xxv: 32. Quote a statement made by Paul to the same effect. II Cor. v: 10.

      What did Jesus say of his own generation and the Ninevites in the judgment? Luke xi: 32. When will the Ninevites rise up with that generation? After what event, then, will the judgment take place? With what event in the history of the present heavens and earth does Peter connect the day of judgment? II Peter iii: 7-10. What was its connection with the destruction of the earth and the resurrection of the dead in John's vision? Rev. xx: 11-13. Will the judgment then, take place immediately after death, or not until the resurrection of the dead and the end of the world?

      What is the condition of the wicked between death and the resurrection? [104] Luke xvi: 22-24. Was the rich man really in hell? Ans.--No. The word rendered "hell" in this passage is hades, and represents the disembodied state. He was in the torments which wicked spirits endure between death and the resurrection. If wicked spirits are thus punished before the resurrection, what propriety is there in judging them afterward? Ans.--The object of the judgment is not to try men and find out what they deserve, for that God knows; but to make known his decision and give the reason for it. See Matt. xxv: 34, 35; 41, 42. This is the reason why all men and angels are to be present.

      By what standard are men to be judged? Rev. xx: 12. What books are referred to? Ans.--The books of the Bible, and the book containing the names of those who are to be saved. (See verse 15.) Have not all men acted contrary to the things written in the books? How, then, can any be saved? What has God promised in reference to the sins of his people? He. viii: 12. Will sins that have been forgiven, then, be taken into account in the judgment? What, then, is our greatest need, in order to be prepared for the judgment?

      What judgment does Paul mention among the principles of the doctrine of Christ? He. vi: 1, 2. Is the eternal judgment one which is to be going on eternally, or one whose rewards and punishments are to be eternal? What judgment then, is the one referred to?

      What duty did Jesus enforce by referring to the judgment? Matt. xi: 20-22. What duty did Paul enforce by it in addressing the Athenians? Acts xvii: 30, 31. What exhortation does Peter draw from it? [105] I Peter 3:14. Is it right, then, for preachers to refer to it in order to bring sinners to repentance, to persuade Christians to be faithful?

[FBL 104-106]

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J. W. McGarvey
A Series of Fifty-Two Bible Lessons (1889)

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