Born: Near Yorktown, Virginia, January 23, 1851.
Died: Washington. D.C., June 14, 1911.
Was born January 23, 1851, near Yorktown, Virginia. He entered Bethany
College in September, 1868, and graduated in June, 1871. Was ordained to
the ministry in October, 1871. He spent some time in preaching for
country churches in eastern Virginia, then took charge of the Church of
Christ in Charlottesville, Virginia. Was married to Miss Emily B. Alsop,
of Fredericksburg, Virginia, March 17, 1874. In September, 1874, he was
called to be assistant Professor of Ancient Languages in Bethany
College. Took the pastorate of Vermont Avenue Church of Christ,
Washington, D. C., September, 1875, which importent place he has
continuously served since that time. Bro. Power was for seven years
President Garfield's pastor. Was elected to the offlce of chaplain of
the House of Representatives by acclamation for the Forty-seventh
Congress. The degrees of M. A. and LL. D. were conferred upon him by
Bethany College. Has served as president of the American Christian
Missionary Society and Trustee of the United Society of Christian
Endeavor, and for twenty years has been president of the Maryland
Christian Missionary Society.
Bro. Power's position at the Capital of the nation, and his relation to the late President Garfield, who was a member of his congregation, in those trying scenes culminating in his death, brought him before a much larger circle than that of his own brethren. He has wrought a work in Washington which few men could have accomplished.