(Arranged in order of appearance)
The pilgrim's prayer, by M. M. B. Goodwin. May'83:1
The missionary call, by M. M. B. Goodwin. Jun'83:1
The penny offering. Jun'83:4
Gone home, by Mary A. Chambers. Jul'83:1
Silent lives. Jul'83:1
The stranger's grave, by M. M. B. Goodwin. Aug'83:1
The Master's touch, by Horatius Bonar. Sep'83:1
Follow thou me. Oct'83:1
In His vineyard. Nov'83:1
Nothing to do. Jan'84:1
Taking thought. Feb'84:1
Over and over again, by Josephine Pollard. Mar'84:1
Oh to be something. Apr'84:1
Amen! by S. G. Browning. May'84:1
What hast thou gleaned today? Jun'84:1
Sometime. Jul'84:1
I dare not idle stand. Aug'84:1
Heaven, by Julia Ditto Young. Sep'84:1
Who loves the Lord, by George W. Crofts. Oct'84:1
Missionaries, or beautiful windows, by Mrs. E. E. Orcutt. Oct'84:3
He leads us on. Nov'84:1
Worship. Jan'85:1
Consecration, by Frances Havergal. Feb'85:1
Strength for today. Mar'85:1
Discipleship, by Jessie Brown Pounds. Apr'85:1
Useful according to God's will. May'85:1
He leads us on. Jun'85:1
Little deeds, by Kittie Cuthbertson. Jul'85:1
Patient with the living, by Margaret E. Sangster. Aug'85:1
(untitled poem) Aug'85:2
The unknown future. Sep'85:1
Now, by Adelaide Anne Proctor. Oct'85:1
Ungranted prayer, by Susan M. Day. Nov'85:1
Trust, by Helen Erwine Grigg. Nov'85:1
At set of sun. Nov'85:1
Sunset thoughts. Jan'86:1
In due season. Feb'86:1
(untitled poem) by Frances Kemble. Feb'86:1
Compensation. Mar'86:1
Christ for all, by Margaret E. Sangster. Apr'86:1
The future. Apr'86:1
My times are in Thy hands, by Mary Bradley. May'86:1
While we may. May'86:1
Forsake me not, by John Greenleaf Whittier. Jun'86:1
He leadeth me. Aug'86:1
They neither toil nor spin, by Margaret E. Sangster. Sep'86:1
A little while. Oct'86:1
Hitherto and henceforth, by Frances Ridly Havergal. Nov'86:1
The New Year. Jan'87:1
Trust. Jan'87:1
Not as I will, by Helen Hunt Jackson. Jan'87:1
God knows. Feb'87:1
(untitled poem) by Susan Coolidge. Feb'87:1
(untitled poem) by Hannah Coddington. Feb'87:1
Light in darkness, by Marianne Farningham. Mar'87:1
I shall be satisfied. Apr'87:1
A cup of cold water. May'87:1
If we knew. Jun'87:1
Every-day work. Aug'87:1
Loss and gain. Sep'87:1
The everlasting arms, by A. M. Douglass. Oct'87:1
To give is to live. Nov'87:1
New Year's hymn, by John Greenleaf Whittier. Jan'88:1
(untitled poem) by Miss Havergal. Jan'88:4
Lift me up, by C. F. Parker. Feb'88:1
Leave it all with Him. Mar'88:1
The unfailing cruse. Apr'88:1
Life's labor, by V. A. W. May'88:1
How to do it. May'88:11
If thou couldst know, by Adelaide Proctor. Jun'88:1
Resting in the promises of God, by Ellie Newcomer. Jul'88:1
(untitled poem) Jul'88:12
Close at hand, by Susan Coolidge. Aug'88:1
Retrospection, by Anna Shipton. Aug'88:11
Sometime, somewhere, by Robert Browning. Sep'88:1
The Master and the reapers, by Zoe Dana Underhill. Oct'88:1
(untitled poem) Oct'88:11
If. Nov'88:1
(untitled poem) by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Jan'89:1
The bouquet band, by Josie G. Brown. Jan'89:12
Barley loaves. Feb'89:1
As seeing the invisible, by Emily J. Bugbee. Mar'89:1
Ups and downs, by M. E. R. Apr'89:1
The sin of omission, by Margaret E. Sangster. May'89:1
Whither he himself would come. Jun'89:1
The good news, by Pricilla F. Owens. Jul'89:1
Fellow laborers with St. Paul, by Marianne Farningham. Aug'89:1
Help me do Thy will, by Anna L. Waring. Sep'89:1
Enough, by Frances Ridley Havergal. Sep'89:9
Song of the mites. Sep'89:12
Ministering. Oct'89:1
(untitled poem) by Robert Moffat. Oct'89:1
The little builders, by Miss West. Oct'89:14
A general thanksgiving, by Esther Thorne. Nov'89:1
The New Year, by W. H. Groser. Jan'90:1
I shall not pass again this way. Feb'90:1
The good we do, by Helen A. Rains. Mar'90:1
The Resurrection morn, by George F. Jackson. Apr'90:1
Amen, by S. G. Browning. May'90:1
What is that to Thee? Jun'90:1
The Master's well, by Mary Pinnco Dennis. Jul'90:1
We would see Jesus, by Earnest Christian. Aug'90:1
The five o'clock hour of prayer. Aug'90:2
This too shall pass away. Sep'90:1
Our Thanksgiving psalm. Nov'90:1
Our work in the New Year, by M. M. B. Goodwin. Jan'91:1
Our lesson. Feb'91:1
Is it I? Feb'91:1
A penny a day, by Mrs. J. H. Knowles. Mar'91:1
Are you seeking? by M. E. H. Everett. Mar'91:13
Whatsover thou doest, do quickly, by A. E. K. Apr'91:1
Sisters, by F. R. Havergal. May'91:1
Burn thereon sweet incense every morning, by Isaac Errett. Jun'91:1
Lux mundi, by Elizabeth Flint Merrill. Jul'91:1
My consecration, by Charles A. Dickinson. Aug'91:1
For Christ and the church, by J. M. Morris. Sep'91:1
Anywhere, by A. S. Copley. Oct'91:1
C.W.B.M. Thanksgiving poem, by L. R. Osborne. Nov'91:1
Missionary hymn for the church and children, by Hezekiah Butterworth.. Dec'91:1
Work, for the night cometh, by Lillian Gray. Jan'92:1
Patience. Feb'92:1
Sometime. Mar'92:1
I dare not idle stand. Apr'92:1
Seek ye the Lord, when? how? by Eliza Daring. Apr'92:7
An early missionary. May'92:1
Cast thy bread upon the waters. Jun'92:1
A hymn for the workers, by F. Gordon McLeod. Jul'92:1
The C.W.B.M., by Eliza Davis. Jul'92:14
Gathering crumbs, by Eliza Lummis. Aug'92:1
My prayer. Sep'92:1
My jewels, by E. S. B. Sep'92:12
Trust. Oct'92:1
More blessed. Oct'92:1
A Thanksgiving sermon. Nov'92:1
Glory to God, good will to man. Dec'92:1
Come, let us anew, by Charles Wesley. Jan'93:1
The coming year, by Mary F. Butts. Jan'93:2
The Bible, by A. Steele. Feb'93:1
God's word. Feb'93:2
Broidery work, by Margaret J. Preston. Feb'93:20
Myrrh-bearers, by Margaret J. Preston. Feb'93:21
The presence of the King, by Julia H. May. Mar'93:1
Resurrection poem, by Rosa Evangeline Angel. Mar'93:12
Missionary alphabet. Mar'93:18
Risen indeed. Apr'93:2
How much owest thou unto my Lord? May'93:1
God wants us all. May'93:15
The great famine cry, by M. A. West. Jun'93:1
Waters in the wilderness. Jul'93:1
The whitened fields, by Meta E. B. Thorne. Aug'93:1
The world for Christ. Aug'93:1
Before and behind. Sep'93:1
Brilliant and beautiful, by Charlotte Murray. Oct'93:1
(untitled poem) by Horatius Bonar. Oct'93:1
For common mercies, by Margaret E. Sangster. Nov'93:2
Where women work, by Marianne Farmingham. Jan'94:18
Thy kingdom come, by Sarah Hargraves. Feb'94:1
One by one. Feb'94:9
(untitled poem) by F. W. Faber. Feb'94:12
(untitled poem) by Frances B. Havergal. Feb'94:15
Our mission, by Mrs. E. W. Elston. Feb'94:23
(untitled poem) by John Thompson. Mar'94:2
Easter Sunday, March 25, 1894. Mar'94:2
He is not here, He is risen. Mar'94:2
(untitled poem) by William B. Collyer. Mar'94:2
The mothers of men, by Joaquin Miller. Mar'94:15
Forbid them not, by Julia Gill. Mar'94:16
April. Apr'94:1
(untitled poem) Apr'94:16
They die just the same, by Adelaide Gail Frost. May'94:11
The parting, by Sarah Boardman Judson. May'94:18
The bird's ministry, by Margaret J. Preston. Jun'94:1
The Master's questions. Jul'94:1
Therein abide with God, by Anson D. F. Randolph. Sep'94:1
Is it nothing to you? by Grace P. Turnbull. Oct'94:1
O little town of Bethlehem, by Phillips Brooks. Nov'94:14
(untitled poem) by Phineas Fletcher. Nov'94:15
Opportunity, by E. R. Sill. Dec'94:34
Ring, all ye bells of heaven. Dec'94:42
The star and the song, by Emily Huntington Miller. Dec'94:54
Twas night when the Lord was born, by Alfred J. Hough. Dec'94:67
The glad New Year. Jan'95:11
Love much, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Feb'95:1
The greatest thing, by R. L. Bruce. Feb'95:2
The two glasses, by E. N. W. Feb'95:14
Mothers and temperance. Feb'95:15
The Hebrew mother. Mar'95:14
The mistress of the manse, by J. G. Holland. Mar'95:15
Easter, by Louisa S. Weightman. Apr'95:7
Our Easter message, by Lucy Larcom. Apr'95:15
After Easter, by Mary Lowe Dickinson. May'95:13
My ships. May'95:13
Go, tell my brethren, by Mary G. Funk. May'95:17
Unawares, by Emma A. Lent. Jul'95:54
Prayer, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Jul'95:55
A cup of cold water. Aug'95:62
With empty hands, by Miriam. Aug'95:69
Our country, by Fannie Cosby. Aug'95:70
Trusting. Sep'95:82
Lean hard. Sep'95:85
A response by Marie Radcliffe Butler. Sep'95:94
Humble sheaves, by Lillian Gray. Oct'95:102
A cheerful acquiescence. Oct'95:105
Twenty-one beautiful years. Oct'95:113
Foreign and home, by Candace Lhamon Smith. Oct'95:113
The Bible, by Amelia M. Starkweather. Nov'95:133
Look up, lift up. Nov'95:136
Love counteth not the cost. Nov'95:139
Praise, by Harry Spillman Riggs. Dec'95:192
He is all, by H. Bonar. Dec'95:204
Arise and conquer the land. Jan'96:210
New Year's reverie, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Jan'96:227
(untitled poem) by Mary J. Judson. Feb'96:239
The Mexican maiden's message. Feb'96:247
Sometime, somewhere, by Robert Browning. Feb'96:248
A child's thought of God, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Mar'96:272
Lovest thou me? by Lucy Randolph Fleming. Apr'96:278
A thought of the Resurrection, by Margaret E. Sangster. Apr'96:281
Waiting to enter. Apr'96:293
Suggested thoughts. Jun'96:40
A song of hope, by Mary A. Lathbury. Jun'96:40
In His name, by A. M. Haswell. Jul'96:59
The message, by Mrs. H. M. Wood. Aug'96:66
An invocation, by J. L. Aug'96:72
I have seen Thee, by Mrs. Ogden Lewis. Aug'96:77
The harvest flower, by Mrs. J. W. Koontz. Sep'96:98
A vision, by Caroline Prentice Kelly. Oct'96:120
An old hymn. Nov'96:125
Mother to child. Nov'96:125
The old book. Nov'96:125
Thanksgiving day, by Julia H. Thayer. Nov'96:138
Christmas presents for Jesus. Dec'96:153
A prayer for the New Year, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Dec'96:230
(untitled poems) Dec'96:230
(untitled poem) by John Greenleaf Whittier. Dec'96:230
Tomorrow. Dec'96:230
Victory--a watchword. Jan'97:234
Hail, and farewell, by Mrs. E. E. C. Glasier. Jan'97:239
Our beloved C.W.B.M. by Elizabeth Priest Stevenson. Feb'97:258
Shut in, by Helen E. Moses. Feb'97:262
What is love? by Mary McGee Snell. Mar'97:278
Fuller consecration, by Helen E. Moses. Mar'97:283
A parable, by Elizabeth Cheney. Apr'97:298
Queer little historians, by Adelbert F. Caldwell. Apr'97:312
Who bids for the children? by Charles Mackay. Apr'97:313
A prayer, by Paul Lawrence Dunbar. May'97:18
The lesson, by Paul Lawrence Dunbar. May'97:18
My heart's desire, by Candace Lhamon Smith. Jul'97:48
They that watch for the morning, by Helen E. Moses.
Choice thoughts for daily living, by Eben E. Rexford.
(untitled poem) by Frank Walcott Hutt. Jul'97:58
Gratitude, by Helen E. Moses. Aug'97:66
My rose, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Aug'97:66
Pray and pay, by Dwight Williams. Oct'97:106
(untitled poem) by Eben E. Rexford. Oct'97:106
God's word. Nov'97:126
A missionary's prayer, by Bessie Aylmer Tucker. Nov'97:134
The old fashioned Bible. Nov'97:138
Gold, frankincense and myrrh!, by Louise S. Weightman. Dec'97:145
At Christmastide. Dec'97:145
(untitled poem) by Phillips Brooks. Dec'97:145
Our sunset song, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Dec'97:194
Lovest thou me? by Mary F. Butts. Dec'97:212
For the Master's use, by Frances Bamish. Dec'97:213
January, by Carlotta Perry. Jan'98:217
I leave it all to Thee. Jan'98:218
(untitled poem) by Mrs. E. W. Elston. Jan'98:226
(untitled poem) by Frances Ridley Havergal. Feb'98:238
The coming man, by M. E. S. Feb'98:240
(untitled poem) by F. R. H. Feb'98:241
The little lad's answer. Feb'98:247
We love Him because He first loved us, by Christina Rosetti. Mar'98:262
I thank Thee Lord. Mar'98:262
Christ wants the best. Mar'98:265
Blessings for all, by R. H. Sawyer. Mar'98:266
(untitled poem) by Frances Ridley Havergal. Mar'98:267
(untitled poem) Mar'98:271
(untitled poem) Apr'98:286
The Easter dawning, by Jeannette LaFlamboy. Apr'98:286
Thank-offerings, by Mary K. A. Stone. Apr'98:290
The message, by Gertrude Starr. Apr'98:295
St. John, the aged. May'98:1
Everyday work. May'98:2
(untitled poem) by Timothy Dwight. Jun'98:39
Field preaching, by Phebe Cary. Jul'98:54
No money, by Minnie L. Haskins. Jul'98:57
Myrrh bearers, by Margaret F. Preston. Jul'98:58
Fragments, by Horatio Bonar. Jul'98:59
Pottery, by Isabel M. Jacobs. Jul'98:59
(untitled poem) by Susan Coolidge. Jul'98:59
Freely ye have received, freely give, by Eliza L. Brown. Jul'98:71
The moving of the waters, by George W. Bungay. Aug'98:86
An earthen vessel, by E. R. V. Sep'98:97
Send us forth, O Lord, by John S. B. Monsell. Sep'98:98
He leadeth me, by Arthur O. Garrison. Sep'98:103
October's bright blue weather, by Helen Hunt Jackson. Oct'98:118
The nearest duty, by Sarah A. Gibbs. Oct'98:122
Thanksgiving, by Will Carleton. Oct'98:124
(untitled poem) by Horatio Bonar. Oct'98:124
One day's service, by Amos R. Wells. Oct'98:126
A song in a strange land, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Oct'98:132
True success, by Mrs. M. F. Miles. Oct'98:142
A Christian's Thanksgiving. Nov'98:145
Outward bound. Nov'98:146
In little faces. Nov'98:152
The Bible. Nov'98:159
A mother's gift--the Bible. Nov'98:161
Jesus only, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Nov'98:165
A prayer for the times. Dec'98:221
The old year and young year. Dec'98:225
A word for 1899. Dec'98:225
A New Year's wish, by Frances Ridley Havergal. Dec'98:225
(untitled poem) by Oliver Wendell Holmes. Dec'98:225
The closing year, by Helen A. Rains. Dec'98:225
To the New Year, by Dinah Maria Muloch Craik. Dec'98:225
(untitled poem) by Frances Ridley Havergal. Dec'98:225
Weaving life's web. Dec'98:226
A New Year's thought, by Mary Warren Ayars. Dec'98:226
An Arab saying. Dec'98:226
Helping the weak, by John Greenleaf Whittier. Dec'98:226
The New Year, by Margaret Sangster. Dec'98:226
The Carpenter of Nazareth. Dec'98:227
Our silver year, by Mrs. S. A. Ellis. Dec'98:228
The silver anniversary, by Mrs. Johnson. Dec'98:229
The message of the years, by C. H. Daniels. Jan'99:238
(untitled poem) by John Greenleaf Whittier. Jan'99:239
Girded of God, by Mrs. E. Fa. A. Drake. Jan'99:244
(untitled poem) by Lucy Larcom. Jan'99:245
The call of to-day, by Jessie Brown Pounds. Jan'99:251
Life, by Bishop Doane. Jan'99:253
Twilight song, by Bessie Farrar Madsen. Jan'99:253
The ministry of intercession, by Francis Ridley Havergal. Feb'99:262
Wonderful words. Feb'99:269
No children's graves in China, by Andrew J. Eidson. Feb'99:270
The little maid's sermon. Feb'99:270
1874-1899, by Elizabeth Priest Stevenson. Feb'99:276
Unfolding, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Feb'99:277
The love of God, by Helen Hunt Jackson. Feb'99:278
Thy love, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Mar'99:314
The gift of love, by Persis L. Christian. Mar'99:314
My baby. Mar'99:315
He is risen--go tell, by Lucy Larcom. Apr'99:329
(untitled poem) by Emily Huntington Miller. Apr'99:330
(untitled poem) by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Apr'99:332
(untitled poem) by Harriet Prescott Spofford. Apr'99:332
(untitled poem) by Mary D. Brine. Apr'99:335
(untitled poems) by Nettie Fillmore, Ora E. McPherson, Bessie R. Wharton, Mrs. B. L. Smith and Mary Ledgerwood. Apr'99:336
(untitled poems) by Mrs. M. F. Miles, Candace Lhamon Smith, Mrs. A. K. Thurgood, Carrie Lowe Smead, and Craigie Jean McDowell. Apr'99:337
The prayer of self, by Priscilla Leonard. Apr'99:348
(untitled poem) by Harriet Prescott Spofford. May'99:2
Our silver anniversary, by Adelaide Gail Jenks. May'99:18
(untitled poem) by Adelaide A. Proctor. May'99:19
Satisfied, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Jun'99:41
Our country, by Edna Dean Proctor. Jun'99:43
My refuge. Jun'99:48
Bringing in the mites, by E. C. C. Glazier. Jun'99:49
A true fairy tale. Jun'99:50
A child's wisdom. Jun'99:52
The Macedonian cry. Jun'99:58
Songs in the night, by Angie B. Martin. Jul'99:65
Sunrise, by Persis L. Christian. Jul'99:67
The falling cross. Jul'99:75
The coming of His feet. Jul'99:76
A girl of India. Jul'99:77
A new version of an old theme. Jul'99:82
Cherries, by F. E. Weatherley. Jul'99:84
On the gift of a Bible. Aug'99:97
Our silver anniversary, by Mrs. S. Thornberry. Aug'99:113
A scientific grandpa. Aug'99:114
(untitled poem) by Lucy Larcom. Aug'99:120
Marah and Elim, by Horatius Bonar. Sep'99:121
(untitled poem) by Nathan Brown. Sep'99:121
The cry of a heathen child. Oct'99:145
(untitled poem) by Jessie Brown Pounds. Oct'99:145
The Publican, by William J. Long. Oct'99;157
(untitled poem) Oct'99:160
We thank Thee, Lord, by William D. Kelly. Nov'99:169
Our Christ, by Lucy Larcom. Nov'99:169
Risen with Christ, by Alfred S. Dyer. Nov'99:174
Jacob's well, by Mrs. M. C. H. Nov'99:179
If the Lord should come, by Margaret E. Sangster. Nov'99:181
(untitled poem) by Lucy Larcom. Nov'99:181
(untitled poem) by Mrs. M. F. Miles. Dec'99:253
(untitled poem) by Ella M. Huffman. Dec'99:253
(untitled poem) by W. T. Matson. Dec'99:265
Voices from the past, by Jessie Brown Pounds. Dec'99:267
Two or three, by Margaret E. Sangster. Dec'99:269
(untitled poem) by J. V. Cheney. Dec'99:269
Christmas greetings (by Jennie Encell, Lillian Forrest and Susan Coolidge) Jan'00:285
The golden time, by Margaret E. Sangster. Jan'00:290
The voice of the Christ-child, by Phillips Brooks. Jan'00:294
A Christmas song, by Phillips Brooks. Jan'00:296
(untitled poem) by F. W. Faber. Feb'00:315
No chain is stronger than its weakest link, by Laura R. Osborne. Feb'00:322
(untitled poem) by Francis S. Osgood. Feb'00:322
(untitled poem) by J. R. Miller. Feb'00:326
The empty temple, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Feb'00:326
The little arm-chair. Mar'00:341
(untitled poem) by John Greenleaf Whittier. Mar'00:341
(untitled poem) by Mrs. W. D. Harrison. Mar'00:347
A song at the dawn, by Richard Watson Gilder. Mar'00:353
(untitled poem) by Mrs. T. W. Brown. Mar'00:353
(untitled poem) by Mrs. C. S. King. Mar'00:353
(untitled poem) by Phoebe Cary. Mar'00:353
(untitled poem) by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Mar'00:354
The coral builders, by J. B. Mar'00:355
The first tangle, by Anna F. Burnham. Mar'00:356
(untitled poem) by J. E. Rankin. Mar'00:356
The fisher lad of Galilee, by M. C. H. Mar'00:357
(untitled poem) by Mrs. F. L. Ballard. Mar'00:357
Days and nights, by Oliver Wendell Holmes. Mar'00:358
Is it well with the child? Mar'00:358
Love in the heart makes home. Mar'00:359
(untitled poem) by William Cullen Bryant. Apr'00:376
I kissed her in my heart, by Susan Teal Perry. Apr'00:383
(untitled poem) by Frances Ridley Havergal. Apr'00:383
The anthem of the world, by Mrs. M. F. Miles. Apr'00:387
Easter, by Louisa S. Wrightman. Apr'00:390
Lines to the vessel upon wich Miss Graybiel and Miss Frost sail this 24th day of February, 1900, by Laura Gerould Craig. Apr'00:400
Close at hand, by Susan Collidge. May'00:6
Be patient with the living. May'00:16
Waiting, by John Burroughs. Jun'00:33
(untitled poem) by Margaret E. Sangster. Jun'00:38
The patriot's vision, by T. C. Harbaugh. Jul'00:65
The waiting, by John Greenleaf Whittier. Jul'00:72
(untitled poem) by John Greenleaf Whittier. Jul'00:73
Ode to November. Jul'00:78
The black man's portion in the word, by Harriet L. Keyes. Jul'00:79
Above to below, by James Russell Lowell. Jul'00:80
The poet and his song, by Paul Lawrence Dunbar. Jul'00:80
Proverbs from the Chinese, by Joel Benton. Jul'00:83
Shepherding the sheep. Jul'00:85
A nation's prayer, by Agnes True. Aug'00:97
In China, by Margaret E. Sangster. Aug'00:97
Gethsemane, by Elt Wheeler. Sep'00:134
(untitled poem) Sep'00:134
A welcome to Mary Graybiel, by Jessie Brown Pounds. Sep'00:149
His word giveth life, by Mrs. H. J. Miller. Oct'00:161
God's word. Oct'00:167
Man's helpmeet, by Anna Cable Wilson. Oct'00:167
(untitled poem) by Albert Edward Lancaster. Oct'00:168
The woman's victory, by M. Farmingham. Oct'00:169
Heavenly treasure, by J. G. Saxe. Oct'00:169
(untitled poem) by John Greenleaf Whittier. Oct'00:169
Thanksgiving, by Madeline S. Bridges. Oct'00:178
(untitled poem) by Mary D. Brine. Oct'00:178
(untitled poem) by Francis Quarles. Oct'00:179
The time for prayer. Oct'00:182
(untitled poem) Nov'00:199
(untitled poem) by Edward Roland Still. Nov'00:200
A Christian woman's cause for Thanksgiving, by Lucy Hindman McAfee. Nov'00:203
Such as I have, by Maria Cooley Healy. Nov'00:263
At a Persian well, by Margaret J. Preston. Dec'00:277
(untitled poem) by Edwin Arnold. Dec'00:277
Thankfulness, by G. A. Persell. Dec'00:278
(untitled poem) by Carlotta Perry. Dec'00:281
The Christmas glory now. Dec'00:290
Thanks be to God, by Frances Ridley Havergal. Dec'00:295
At the crossing of the centuries, by Coletta Ryan. Dec'00:295
Christmastide, by Philips Brooks. Jan'01:309
A New Year's prayer, by Christina G. Rosetti. Jan'01:316
The lost angel song, by Virginia Woodward Cloud. Jan'01:327
(untitled poem) by Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Jan'01:328
(untitled poem) by Mrs. Browning. Jan'01:328
Everywhere, everywhere Christmas tonight, by Phillips Brooks. Jan'01:330
A Christmas message. Jan'01:331
(untitled poem) by Adelaide Anne Proctor. Jan'01:332
The sunset song, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Feb'01:341
Missionary Mother Goose, by M. B. Banks. Feb'01:351
The children's prayer, by Hewitt. Mar'01:373
India's idols, by Alfred A. C. Lyall. Apr'01:405
The Easter feast, by Zitella Cocke. Apr'01:410
A Resurrection song, by Margaret E. Sangster. Apr'01:424
A blessed opportunity. May'01:1
Toward sunset. May'01:5
Toward sunset, by Persis L. Christian. May'01:5
(untitled poem) by John Greenleaf Whittier. May'01:5
(untitled poem) by Eugene Field. May'01:9
The mother. May'01:15
If we had but a day, by Mary Lowe Dickinson. Jun'01:33
(untitled poem) by Marianne Farningham. Jun'01:34
(untitled poem) by John Keble. Jun'01:35
My Father's house, by Marianne Farningham. Jun'01:51
Love thyself last, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Jun'01:52
(untitled poem) Jul'01:65
(untitled poem) by Horatius Bonar. Jul'01:66,73
The prairie sod church, by Charles Moreau Harper. Jul'01:76
The heroic age, by Richard Watson Gilder. Jul'01:79
Ich Dien, by Susie M Best. Aug'01:97
(untitled poem) Aug'01:97
(untitled poem) by Christina Rossetti. Aug'01:98
(untitled poem) by Adelaide Gail Frost. Aug'01:102
(untitled poem) by Rosetti. Aug'01:109
The streets of Nazareth. Aug'01:112
Thanks, by Marianne Farningham. Aug'01:113
The message of peace, by Julia Ward Howe. Aug'01:116
(untitled poem) by Guy Balguy. Aug'01:116
Upon his shoulder, by Mary Bowles Jarvis. Sep'01:129
The home circle, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Sep'01:129
(untitled poem) by F. W. Faber. Sep'01:137
(untitled poem) by Lyman W. Denton. Sep'01:137
(untitled poem) by Adelaide Gail Frost. Sep'01:141
A morning prayer. Sep'01:145
The first Twentieth Century Convention, by Adelaide Gail Jenks. Oct'01:161
(untitled poem) Oct'01:170
My father's house, by Marianne Farningham. Oct'01:181
(untitled poem) by Adelaide Proctor. Oct'01:182
(untitled poem) by Richard Burton. Nov'01:200
A kiss and a smile. Dec'01:384
C.W.B.M. Day messages, by Mrs. C. L. Thurgood. Dec'01:286
Thanksgiving, by Endentee. Dec'01:298
A vacant chair at Thanksgiving, by E. B. Thorne. Dec'01:299
(untitled poem) by Margaret E. Sangster. Dec'01:301
Christmas day. Jan'02:309
A Christmas thought. Jan'02:311
Greeting, by Mary E. Ireland. Jan'02:328
Christmas time, by William Dean Howells. Jan'02:329
(untitled poem) by George MacDonald. Jan'02:330
Submission and rest. Feb'02:341
(untitled poem) by Mary White Morton. Feb'02:342
A tribute to W. H. Belding, by Campbell-Mellen, Louise. Feb'02:349
The child's Twenty-Third Psalm. Feb'02:350
The child Samuel. Feb'02:351
(untitled poem) by Wordsworth. Feb'02:351
Some day, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Feb'02:355
One of God's little heroes. Mar'02:390
A mother's youth, by Mrs. George Archibald. Mar'02:390
If I can live, by Helen Hunt Jackson. Mar'02:392
The Resurrection life, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Apr'02:405
On Easter Day, by Martha Burr Banks. Apr'02:405
An Easter carol, by Bishop Brooks. Apr'02:421
Dorcas, by Maria Cooley Healy. May'02:1
(untitled poem) by Alfred Lord Tennyson. May'02:5
The chamber of God's rest, by J. C. Morgan. Jun'02:54
In the silence. Jul'02:65
(untitled poem) by Washington Gladden. Jul'02:65
Remembering our promoted leader, Mrs. O. A. Burgess, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Jul'02:66
Tributes of love. Jul'02:67
(untitled poem) by C. St.John Hofman. Jul'02:71
(untitled poem) by Walter C. Smith. Jul'02:72
(untitled poem) by Paul Lawrence Dunbar. Jul'02:77
We three, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Jul'02:94
Omaha, 1902, by Rose Bush Wilkinson. Aug'02:97
(untitled poem) by A. E. Barr. Aug'02:102
The new leaf. Aug'02:104
Some day--some day, by James Whitcomb Riley. Aug'02:113
The pilot is on board, by Hezekiah Butterworth. Aug'02:125
In memoriam, by A. W. Meredith. Sep'02:139
In the hollow of his hand, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Sep'02:157
Restore to God His share. Oct'02:161
On to Omaha, by J. H. Wright. Oct'02:168
The gentle angel, by Edward Rowland Sill. Oct'02:170
He that believeth shall not make haste, by Susan Coolidge. Oct'02:175
In Toronto, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Oct'02:176
Thoughts for the voyage, by Annie R. Bourne. Nov'02:193
(untitled poem) Nov'02:199
Her likeness, by Dinah M. Mulock. Nov'02:201
For so He giveth His beloved sleep, by Mrs. P. R. Gibson. Nov'02:202
(untitled poem) by Margaret E. Sangster. Dec'02:291
(untitled poem) by Marion Douglass. Dec'02:292
(untitled poem) by Will Carleton. Dec'02:293
In everything give thanks, by Zitella Cocke. Dec'02:299
The cry of the pilgrims, by Walter G. Menzies. Dec'02:307
The New Year. Jan'03:321
In Bethlehem, by Margaret Sangster. Jan'03:335
Ruth, by Mrs. M. C. Healy. Feb'03:353
Off the coast of Africa, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Feb'03:368
The love of Christ constraineth us, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Mar'03:385
A child's thought of God, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Mar'03:400
It is not yours, by Robert Louis Stevenson. Mar'03:404
Easter song from "Faust," by Goethe. Apr'03:417
A resurrection song, by Horatius Bonar. Apr'03:427
A humble plea. Apr'03:434
Stand fast!, by Frank L. Stanton. May'03:1
I wait. May'03:1
Slipping away. Jun'03:33
(untitled poem) Jun'03:33
How much owest thou, by Caroline Sheldon. Jun'03:49
A morning prayer, by Phebe A. Holder. Jun'03:50
(untitled poem), by Curtis. Jun'03:50
(untitled poem), by E. F. F. Jun'03:52
Dark is thy night, o India, by Paul Avenel. Jun'03:52
The house by the side of the road, by Sam Walter Foss. Jul'03:65
(untitled poem) by Bassi. Aug'03:99
(untitled poem) by John Greenleaf Whittier. Aug'03:111
A solitary way. Sep'03:129
(untitled poem) by Anna B. Bensel. Sep'03:134
Come, come awa' by W G. Menzies. Sep'03:142
Thy will, o Lord, be done. Oct'03:161
Africa, by Samuel Wolcott. Oct'03:173
Praise to God. Nov'03:193
Give thanks, by Ellen Isabella Tupper. Nov'03:193
His lamps. Nov'03:198
A bit of life, by Clara J. Denton. Nov'03:200
A Christmas symphony, by Helen Hunt Jackson. Dec'03:292
The birth of Christ, by Thomas Campbell. Dec'03:307
Harvest song, by Our Dumb Animals. Dec'03:317
Gracious words, by Mrs. Merrill E. Gates. Jan'04:321
(untitled poem) by Mrs. Farningham. Jan'04:327
(untitled poem) by Florence McCorkle. Jan'04:342
(untitled poem) by Henry VanDyke. Jan'04:344
Help those women, by Simpson Ely. Jan'04:346
Beyond to-day. Feb'04:353
The pilot. Feb'04:353
(untitled poem) by Henry VanDyke. Feb'04:367
Feed my lambs, by Mrs. M. C. Healy. Mar'04:391
Easter hymn, by W. B. Apr'04:417
April, by Mary Schell Cochran. Apr'04:417
Aspen leaves, by Virginia Hedges. May'04:6
(untitled poem) by C. J. Augustin. May'04:14
Carest thou not, by Minnie Dabney Crenshaw. Jun'04:33
Look unto God, by Charlotte Mae Davenport. Jun'04:38
Darkness. Jul'04:65
Be strong, by Maltbie D. Babcock. Aug'04:97
To my mother, by Tom Moore. Aug'04:97
(untitled poem) Aug'04:97
(untitled poem) by Jean Ingelow. Aug'04:101
(untitled poem) by Margaret J. Preston. Aug'04:112
Christ and woman, by Anson G. Chester. Sep'04:129
Lift Thou me up, by Bertha Mason Fuller. Sep'04:147
Brotherhood, by E. S. Martin. Oct'04:161
A suggestion. Oct'04:161
Some day. Oct'04:180
To-day is Thine, by M. E. Atkinson. Dec'04:297
It came upon the midnight clear, by Edmund Hamilton Sears. Jan'05:329
Pilgrim song, by G. T. S. Feb'05:361
Hindered, by G. M. L. Feb'05:365
The shepherd lad of Bethlehem, by Mrs. M. C. Healy. Mar'05:393
Mary, by Margaret E. Sangster. Apr'05:425
Nature's worship, by John Greenleaf Whittier. May'05:1
Interruptions, by Adelaide Gail Frost. May'05:5
(untitled poem) by Maltbie D. Babcock. May'05:29
June, by Lowell. Jun'05:33
Silence, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Jun'05:39
A goodly heritage. Jun'05:63
Kirat Sagar, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Aug'05:97
(untitled poem) by Theodore Parker. Aug'05:102
The Love of Christ constraineth us, by Mrs. A. B. Wade. Aug'05:103
(untitled poem) by Margaret E. Sangster. Aug'05:106
(untitled poem) Aug'05:112
He careth. Sep'05:129
Fruition, by Ruble T. Weyburn. Sep'05:130
Tired little shoes, by May G. VanVoorhis. Sep'05:133
Himalayan roses, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Sep'05:139
(untitled poem) by Janet Remington. Sep'05:146
October. Oct'05:162
(untitled poem) Oct'05:165
(untitled poem) by Margaret E. Sangster. Oct'05:165
(untitled poem) by Robert Browning. Oct'05:165
(untitled poem) Oct'05:183
October. Oct'05:183
November, by Helen Hunt Jackson. Nov'05:209
Watchman, what of the night? by Mrs. A. B. Wade. Nov'05:209
A song for the Christmas time, by Ethelbert D. Warfield. Dec'05:273
A manger in the star-light, by May Griggs VanVoorhis.
A song of hope, by Mary A. Lathbury. Jan'06:317
(untitled poem) by Maltbie D. Babcock. Jan'06:319
Something to live for and something to love, by Richard Realf. Feb'06:337
(untitled poem) Feb'06:359
(untitled poem) by Horatius Bonar. Feb'06:364
The old man, by J. Breckenridge. Mar'06:375
The shepherd and the lamb, by Marianne Farmingham. Mar'06:389
The man in the boy, by Burleigh. Mar'06:389
(untitled poem) by Rogers. Mar'06:389
The smiles, by S. E. Kizer. Mar'06:404
Tis sweet to know, by Mrs. A. B. Wade. Mar'06:406
Cast thy bread upon the waters, by Mrs. M. F. Miles. Apr'06:414
Nature, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Apr'06:425
(untitled poem) by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Apr'06:425
(untitled poem) by Celia Thaxter. Apr'06:425
A vision of immortality, by F. R. Havergal. Apr'06:435
If thou couldst know, by Adelaide Proctor. May'06:1
Doe the nexte thynge. Jun'06:41
(untitled poem), by Emily Dickinson. Jun'06:49
(untitled poem) Jun'06:70
The curse of empty hands. Jul'06:73
The sparrow's creed, by Rebecca W. Easterbrooks. Aug'06:105
Westward, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Sep'06:145
(untitled poem) by Maltbie D. Babcock. Sep'06:155
(untitled poem) by Charlotte Becker. Sep'06:156
Compensations, by Anson G. Chester. Sep'06:158
(untitled poem) by R. A. Rhees. Sep'06:172
My triumph, by John Greenleaf Whittier. Oct'06:177
(untitled poem) by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Oct'06:188
(untitled poem) by Crabbe. Oct'06:194
Thankfulness, by A. M. S. Rossiter. Nov'06:212
(untitled poem) by George Eliot. Nov'06:214
His covenant, by Daisy P. Drake. Nov'06:216
A prayer for light, by Henry Van Dyke. Dec'06:297
The light is breaking, by John Greenleaf Whittier. Dec'06:297
At eventide, by Marie Conway Oemler. Dec'06:312
(untitled poems) Dec'06:327
A prayer for the New Year, by Henry Hallam Tweedy. Jan'07:329
Our helpers, by Mrs. M. F. Miles. Feb'07:front cover
The chambered nautilus, by Oliver Wendell Holmes. Feb'07:361
Of such is the Kingdon, by May Griggs Van Voorhis. Mar'07:401
In praise of children, by William Canton. Mar'07:401
Inasmuch as ye did it unto the least of these, by Edwin Markham. Mar'07:404
(untitled poem) by Constance Milman. Mar'07:413
(untitled poem) by Irene Fowler Brown. Mar'07:416
At twilight, by Mrs. A. B. Wade. Mar'07:426
(untitled poem) by William Cullen Bryant. Mar'07:426
Mary Magdalene, by Mrs. M. C. Healy. Apr'07:433
Our Father's love, by Mrs. M. F. Miles. Apr'07:440
It was you who invited me here, by Mrs. A. B. Wade) Apr'07:442
Sowing. May'07:7
(untitled poem) May'07:11,13
(untitled poem) by Ella Wheeler Wilcox. May'07:13
(untitled poem) by Alice Gay Judd. May'07:13
Inquiring the way, by Frank Walcott Hutt. Jun'07:54
(untitled poems) Jun'07:55
To give is to live. Jul'07:73
Sundered, by Geraldine Meyrick. Jul'07:83
All God's work. Jul'07:103
The word that came, by Marianne Farningham. Aug'07:114
(untitled poems) Aug'07:118
America's mission. Aug'07:119
Teach us to pray. Sep'07:145
India, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Sep'07:148
Our first missionaries, by Jessie Brown Pounds. Sep'07:149
For love's sake, by Margaret J. Preston. Sep'07:161
Miriam, By Mrs. M. C. Healy. Oct'07:186
Courage, by Alice Gay Judd. Nov'07:217
My Thanksgiving, by Will Carleton. Nov'07:218
My work, by Frances Havergal. Nov'07:222
The two ages, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Dec'07:311
(untitled poem) Dec'07:312
(untitled poem) by John Milton. Dec'07:316
The everlasting arms, by Saxe Holm. Dec'07:320
Long ago, by Christinia G. Rossetti. Dec'07:340
Worthy Christmas gifts, by Cora A. Lewis. Dec'07:340
The restored years. Jan'08:345
Bethesda, by Mrs. M. C. Healy. Jan'08:345
The New Year. Jan'08:346
(untitled poem) by Mrs. M. A. Matthews. Jan'08:362
The Dead Sea, by W. P. Finsey. Jan'08:376
(untitled poem) Jan'08:380
(untitled poem) by George Elliott. Jan'08:380
A prayer, by Washington Gladden. Feb'08:382
The secret of the Lord. Feb'08:384
(untitled poem) by Henry Van Dyke. Feb'08:384
(untitled poem) by Helen Hunt. Feb'08:388
(untitled poem) by Robert Browning. Feb'08:388
In His might, by Ida Wilhite Garrison. Feb'08:391
(untitled poem) by John Greenleaf Whittier. Feb'08:392
Little, but great, by Charles Mackay. Feb'08:424
One stitch, by Susan Coolidge. Feb'08:427
The children's crusade, by Mrs. M. C. Healy. Feb'08:429
(untitled poem) by John Greenleaf Whittier. Mar'08:437
Boy wanted, by Nixon Waterman. Mar'08:441
Wanted, a girl, by May Griggs VanVoorhis. Mar'08:441
Jesus wants them, by May Griggs VanVoorhis. Mar'08:441
(untitled poem) by John Greenleaf Whittier. Mar'08:465
(untitled poem) by Anna Burnham Bryant. Mar'08:472
The Master is risen, by Mary Lowe Dickinson. Apr'08:477
Sometime, somewhere, by Robert Browning. Apr'08:485
(untitled poem) by Marianne Farmingham. Apr'08:510
Through peace to light, by Adelaide Anne Procter. May'08:1
The sifting of Peter, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
The Master's touch. Jun'08:41
Not here, but risen. Jun'08:42
Christus consolator, by Rossiter W. Raymond. Jun'08:53
(untitled poem) by James Whitcom Riley. Jun'08:57
An invitation to the country, by William Jennings Bryant. Jun'08:72
Flower in the crannied wall, by Alfred Lord Tennyson.
A tribute. Jul'08:82
In memory of Mrs. Moses, by Mrs. M. D. Ferris. Jul'08:83
(adaptation of poem by John Greenleaf Whittier to honor Helen E. Moses) Jul'08:85
Lines on a noble life, by Alice Gay Judd. Jul'08:89
The closed door, by Thomas Nelson Page. Jul'08:90
My need, by Julia C. R. Dorr. Jul'08:96
Where dwellest thou?, by Rebecca Martin Hopkins. Jul'08:122
Nature's gladness, by Sidney Dobell. Jul'08:124
(untitled poem) Jul'08:124
On, by Charles B. Morrell. Aug'08:126
Do not forget. Aug'08:126
Resignation, by Marta Scott Conser. Aug'08:135
Asahel's lesson, by Annie M. L. Hawes. Aug'08:135
(untitled poem) Aug'08:139, 145
My need of Christ, by Nannie C. Wilhoit. Aug'08:163
Trust, by Maltbie D. Babcock. Aug'08:169
Go quickly. Aug'08:169
(untitled poem) by Robert Louis Stevenson. Aug'08:170
Life, by Charles Poole Cleaves. Sep'08:173
Salvation, by Victor Hugo. Sep'08:174
A rose to the living, by Nixon Waterman. Sep'08:183
Lead, chieftain, lead, by Kate Sunden. Sep'08:185
(untitled poem) by Ada P. Buck. Sep'08:203
Have you today? by George Klingle. Sep'08:206
The good days, by Elizabeth Roberts MacDonald. Sep'08:207
(untitled poem) by George McDonald. Sep'08:207
Things that abide, by Washington Gladden. Oct'08:209
Today is the best time, by Nixon Waterman. Oct'08:211
(untitled poem) by Browning. Oct'08:213
My prayer, by John Greenleaf Whittier. Oct'08:214
A dawn song, by Ezra Pound. Oct'08:219
The summons, by John Greenleaf Whittier. Oct'08:224
(untitled poem) by Adelaide A. Proctor. Oct'08:224
Faith, by Byron Williams. Oct'08:241
Cana, by James Freeman Clarke. Oct'08:242
The prison house of self, by Henry Van Dyke. Oct'08:244
His vanguard, by Margaret E. Sangster. Nov'08:245
(untitled poem) Nov'08:253
(untitled poem) by Anne Preston. Nov'08:253
(untitled poem) Nov'08:262
Anchored within the haven, by Helen E. Moses. Nov'08:317
(untitled poem) by William Canton. Nov'08:331
(untitled poem) by Helen E. Moses. Nov'08:337
A Christmas carol, by J. G. Holland. Dec'08:341
(untitled poem) Dec'08:350
Our victor, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Dec'08:350
(untitled poem) by Browning. Dec'08:351
Life, by Bishop Doane. Dec'08:371
Open the door of your heart, by Edward Everett Hale. Dec'08:373
(untitled poem) by Susan Coolidge. Dec'08:375
(untitled poem) by Phillips Brooks. Dec'08:376
Recognized--at last, by S. Otis Roe. Jan'09:377
(untitled poem) Jan'09:380
Life. Jan'09:380
(untitled poem) by Frances Ridley Havergal. Jan'09:383
(untitled poem) by A. L. Carter. Jan'09:385
The crystal, by Sidney Lanier. Jan'09:389
What have we done today? by Nixon Waterman. Jan'09:408
This beautiful earth, by Amos R. Wells. Jan'09:408
(untitled poem) by Robert Browning. Feb'09:418
(untitled poem) by J. W. Conley. Feb'09:418
(untitled poem) by William Cullen Bryant. Feb'09:418
(untitled poem) by Eliabeth Barrett Browning. Feb'09:420
The tapestry weavers, by Anson G. Chester. Feb'09:452
A father's lesson, by Charlton Lawrence. Mar'09:457
The Maister and the Bairns. Mar'09:465
(untitled poem) by Horatius Bona. Mar'09:468
Dedication, by May G. Van Vooris. Mar'09:470
Just for today. Mar'09:492
(untitled poem) by Nora Perry. Mar'09:492
(untitled poem) by Louise Chandler Moulton. Mar'09:492
Wings, by Harriet P. Spofford. Apr'09:500
He is risen, by Mrs. M. F. Miles. Apr'09:503
(untitled poem) Apr'09:503
(untitled poem) by Ceclia Thaxter. Apr'09:507
Baby's smile, by Louis M. Waterman. Apr'09:507
(untitled poem) by John Stuart Blackie. Apr'09:525
Easter Day, by Agnes Greene Foster. Apr'09:529
In light or darkness, by Jessie E. Schindle. Apr'09:529
Before the Gospels were, by Edwin Markham. May'09:1
(untitled poem) by Sarah Warner Brooks. May'09:6
Where are the nine?, by Mrs. M. C. Healy. May'09:7
(untitled poem) by Karl J. P. Spitta. May'09:11
(untitled poem) by Mrs. M. C. Healy. May'09:19
(untitled poem) by Henry Moore. May'09:25
In Judea. May'09:26
Cheer, by Henry Van Dyke. May'09:26
(untitled poem) by H. Bonar. May'09:26
The mother, by May Hollis. May'09:33
Tomorrow, by Laura Sanford. May'09:34
(untitled poem) by Alice Carey. May'09:35
(untitled poem) by Margaret Sangster. May'09:35
Remembering Mrs. Helen E. Moses, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Jun'09:37
The new house, by Edwin L. Sabin. Jun'09:40
(untitled poem) by Richard Watson Gilder. Jun'09:55
(untitled poem) by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Jun'09:62
Centennial song, by Mrs. M. C. Healy. Jul'09:73
Give me the joy of living, by Julian J. Cutter. Jul'09:76
Instant believing, by Amos R. Wells. Jul'09:78
(untitled poem) by Margaret E. Sangster. Jul'09:78
(untitled poem) Jul'09:93
The saints that have no day, by Katharine Perry. Jul'09:105
If I can live, by Helen Hunt Jackson. Aug'09:109
(untitled poem) by James Russell Lowell. Aug'09:114
The perfect plan, by Susan Coolidge. Aug'09:116
(untitled poem) Aug'09:122
Our daily talk. Aug'09:139
Dreams, by Mary Treudley. Aug'09:145
The torch, by Ellen Calista Smith. Aug'09:146
Fear thou not. Sep'09:149
An evening prayer, by Grace Duffield Goodwin. Sep'09:149
(untitled poem) by Henry Burton. Sep'09:151
If ye then be risen, by Helena Gilbert. Sep'09:152
Entered into life. Sep'09:158
The nameless saints, by Edward Everett Hale. Oct'09:185
There's heaven in it, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Oct'09:192
Entered into life. Oct'09:197
The genius and the stone, by Louis Woodcock. Oct'09:210
Obscure martyrs, by Edwin Arnold. Oct'09:214
Is it worth while, by Joaquin Miller. Oct'09:216
Trust. Oct'09:217
The starless crown. Oct'09:217
(untitled poem) by R. Wilton. Oct'09:218
Forward music. Oct'09:218
Opportunity. Oct'09:218
Within us, by Lucy Larcom. Nov'09:329
A question. Nov'09:332
(untitled poem) Dec'09:333
Work, by Henry VanDyke. Dec'09:335
(untitled poem) by Phillips Brooks. Dec'09:337
The Lord's Supper, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Dec'09:338
Why not smile? by Nixon Waterman. Dec'09:361
A Christmas offering, by Donald A. Fraser. Dec'09:361
A petition, by Henry Van Dyke. Dec'09:365
Our gifts, by M. E. Sangster. Dec'09:367
The peace giver, by Algernon Charles Swinburne. Dec'09:367
The turned lesson, by Francis Haveral. Dec'09:371
Hymn. Jan'10:373
New Year's thoughts, by Lillian Gray. Jan'10:374
A Psalm for the New Year, by Dinah Muloch Craik. Jan'10:376
I can wait, by W. E. Evans. Jan'10:379
(untitled poem) by John Greenleaf Whittier. Jan'10:381
Entered into life, by Phoebe Carey. Jan'10:384
His care. Jan'10:385
Our lives are songs. Jan'10:401
(untitled poem) by Mary Franz. Jan'10:402
Waiting, by Florence A. Jones. Jan'10:405
Do your best. Jan'10:406
Push hard, by George Klingle. Feb'10:408
The Master's touch. Feb'10:417
(untitled poem) Feb'10:418
The Master's touch, by Horatius Bonar. Feb'10:445
(untitled poem) Feb'10:446
Thy will be don. Feb'10:447
(untitled poem) by R. H. Stoddard. Mar'10:450
(untitled poem) by Jemima Luke. Mar'10:452
The castle builder, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Mar'10:462
(untitled poem) by John Greeleaf Whittier. Mar'10:463
(untitled poems) Mar'10:463,465
The little brown girl and I, by Jessie Brown Pounds. Mar'10:465
(untitled poem) by Eugene Field. Mar'10:485
(untitled poem) by Horatius Bonar. Mar'10:487
We children. Mar'10:488
(untitled poem) by Gerald Massey. Mar'10:488
(untitled poem) by Margaret E. Sangster. Apr'10:490
(untitled poem) by Horatius Bonar. Apr'10:494
Easter thoughts, by Alice Gay Judd. Apr'10:495
(untitled poem) by Mary Mapes Dodge. Apr'10:498
Plowing and reaping, by Edward Everett Hale. Apr'10:501
Another land of palms, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Apr'10:509
Easter, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Apr'10:517
Let'me begin anew. Apr'10:519
(untitled poem) by John Greenleaf Whitter. May'10:5
(untitled poem) by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. May'10:5
Great truths. May'10:11
Shut in, by Helen E. Moses. May'10:12
Entered into life. May'10:12
What have we done today? by Nixon Waterman. May'10:21
Where is Christ? by Henry Van Dyke. May'10:21
(untitled poem) by Jessie Brown Pounds. May'10:23
A prayer, by Elizabeth Tesh. May'10:31
June roses, by Helen M. Richardson. Jun'10:39
A Convention hymn, by Mrs. David Lyon. Jun'10:40
I love the west, by Emma L. Miller. Jun'10:41
The God of the open air, by Henry Van Dyke. Jun'10:64
When I have time. Jun'10:65
The lilt of a laugh, by Strickland W. Gillilan. Jun'10:66
Heart o' the year, by Emma A. Leute. Jun'10:67
Womanhood, by Mrs. E. R. Steinhauer. Jul'10:69
Prayer. Jul'10:69
Withheld, by Amy Ruth Wenzel. Jul'10:71
The meaning of pain. Jul'10:74
(untitled poem) by John Greenleaf Whittier. Jul'10:74
The missionary, by J. Scholes. Jul'10:75
The unknown country, by Dinah Mulock Craik. Jul'10:82
Centenary hymn--1909, by Theodore Arnold. Jul'10:85
Just this minue. Jul'10:87
Foundered. Jul'10:98
Just where thou art, by Isabel Darling. Jul'10:101
Christ is all in all, by Mrs. M. F. Miles. Jul'10:103
The mother's prayer, by William Cullen Bryant. Aug'10:105
At the door, by Eugene Field. Aug'10:105
(untitled poem) Aug'10:106
August, by Mary C. Kittredge. Aug'10:107
The glory of work, by Henry Van Dyke. Aug'10:115
(untitled poem) by Jean Ingelow. Aug'10:123
(untitled poem) by Susan Coolidge. Aug'10:134
Climbing to rest, by Lucy Larcom. Sep'10:142
September, by Helen Hunt Jackson. Sep'10:143
(untitled poem) by Jean Ingelow. Sep'10:152
The potter's clay, by Robert J. Burdette. Sep'10:166
My prayer, by Blanceh Bloor Schleppey. Sep'10:173
By the sea, by Mrs. M. C. Healy. Sep'10:174
Columbus. Sep'10:175
The stars are everywhere. Sep'10:176
Thy will be done. Oct'10:178
In dedication, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Oct'10:188
A missionary jubilee song, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Oct'10:200
Let us be kind. Oct'10:211
Until he find. Oct'10:212
(untitled poem) by John Greenleaf Whittier. Oct'10:212
Thankfulness, by Adelaide Anne Procter. Nov'10:213
Give thanks. Nov'10:216
Mrs. C. N. Pearre, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Nov'10:216
(untitled poem) by James Buckham. Nov'10:218
If we knew, by Genesee Richardson. Nov'10:220
Thank God. Nov'10:222
Acknowledgment, by Louise Adrian. Nov'10:222
The guest of every day. Nov'10:293
The Father's house, by Marianne Farningham. Nov'10:293
A miracle of love, by George E. Day. Nov'10:298
Be pitiful, by Emma A. Lentz. Nov'10:304
(untitled poem) Nov'10:304
Recompense. Nov'10:310
Opportunity, by Helen Hunt Jackson. Nov'10:311
Helen Hunt's last prayer, by Helen Hunt Jackson. Nov'10:314
(untitled poem) Nov'10:314
(untitled poem) by Frances E. Willard. Nov'10:316
The Christmas angels, by Anna Burnham Bryant. Dec'10:317
Peace. Dec'10:318
A Christmas wish for you. Dec'10:319
Christmas hymn, by Phillips Brooks. Dec'10:322
(untitled poem) by John Greenleaf Whittier. Dec'10:322
True gifts, by E. S. Marin. Dec'10:326
Christmas hymn, by Eugene Field. Dec'10:328
While we may. Dec'10:338
If the Christ-child came, by Margaret E. Sangster. Dec'10:346
Christmas carol, by Bishop Brooks. Dec'10:347
Love, by Christien G. Rosetti. Dec'10:347
A Christmas prayer. Dec'10:348
One day. Jan'11:350
(untitled poem) by Charles Wesley. Jan'11:350
If? Jan'11:351
Love's share, by Mabel Earle. Jan'11:352
My mountain home. Jan'11:355
Entered into life, by James Buckham. Jan'11:361
Christ for the New Year, by H. B. Hartzler. Jan'11:378
What matter? by F. M. P. Deas. Jan'11:379
(untitled poem) by Mabel B. Haskell. Jan'11:380
(untitled poem) by James Russell Lowell. Feb'11:381
(untitled poem) by N. P. Allen. Feb'11:381
The Mother-heart, by Emma A. Leute. Feb'11:385
No time to pray. Feb'11:387
Entered into life, by Gerald Massey. Feb'11:391
What of that? Feb'11:392
In Heaven with Thee, by John Encell. Feb'11:399
Oregon Rally song, by Mamie Elliott Wade. Feb'11:399
With our guide, by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Feb'11:401
A song of harvest, by John Greenleaf Whittier. Feb'11:410
Service, by M. A. Matthews. Feb'11:412
Armored. Mar'11:413
Some missionary sayings from Africa. Mar'11:422
(untitled poem) by James Russell Lowell. Mar'11:426
Me and my black mammy, by Howard Weedon. Mar'11:431
(untitled poem) Mar'11:445
The stars of heaven, by James Buckham. Mar'11:446
(untitled poem) by Sidney Lanier. Apr'11:451
Risen with Christ, by Emily Huntington Miller. Apr'11:452
Crucify! by Will Reed Dunroy. Apr'11:477
God's care. Apr'11:478
The yellow violet, by William Cullen Bryant. Apr'11:480
(untitled poem) by Susan Coolidge. Apr'11:480
The Challenge of the harvest, by Ursula Wiles Errett. May'11:6 (first line on Jun'11:41)
The time spirit, by Anne Burnham Bryant. May'11:7
Jubilee song, by Clara Clendenan. May'11:14
A morning prayer, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox. May'11:35
Lord of all being, by Oliver Wendell Holmes. May'11:36
Life thoughts, by Etta M. Francis. Jun'11:38
The sunset empire, by Ursula Wiles Errett. Jun'11:42
The earth and man, by Stopford A. Brooke. Jun'11:43
Resignation, by Adelaide Ann Procter. Jun'11:47
Entered into life, by Juliaette Frances Thomas. Jun'11:52
In God's good time, by John A. Howell. Jun'11:54
(untitled poem) by Edith Hickman Divall. Jun'11:64
My prayer, by Mrs. L. N. Singer. Jun'11:66
Reliance, by Henry Van Dyke. Jun'11:68
Sometime, somewhere, by Robert Browning. Jul'11:70
Entered into life, by Cardinal Newman. Jul'11:82
The church of God. Aug'11:126
To know all is to forgive all. Aug'11:128
(untitled poem) by Lucy Larcom. Aug'11:137
The pasture lane, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Aug'11:138
I shall not pass again this way. Aug'11:139
Building, by Susan Coolidge. Sep'11:141
Kissing the rod, by James Whitcomb riley. Sep'11:142
(untitled poem) Sep'11:143
True ministers. Sep'11:158
Entered into life, by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Sep'11:158
A translation, by Tom F. McBeath. Sep'11:160
When Christ comes, by E. G. Wellesley-Wesley. Sep'11:162
(untitled poem) by James Russell Lowell. Sep'11:162
Truth, by James Russell Lowell. Sep'11:169
Life--mosaic, by Frances R. Havergal. Sep'11:170
A last prayer, by Helen Hunt Jackson. Oct'11:175
(untitled poem) by Edith Hickman Divall. Oct'11:181
Entered into life (poem) by A. R. Cousin. Oct'11:188
The question. Oct'11:194
If I could know, by Florence W. Miller Black. Nov'11:209
The two seals. Nov'11:210
Be strong. Nov'11:214
Life, by James Russell Lowell. Nov'11:215
A message in verse, by Annie R. Butler. Nov'11:217
(untitled poem) Nov'11:226
(untitled poem) by Anna S. Driscol. Dec'11:274
A Christmas wish, by Frances Ridley Havergal. Dec'11:275
An offering, by Anna Garst. Dec'11:277
We pray, by G. C. Adams. Dec'11:287
Entered into life, by Mary Wheaton Lyon. Dec'11:288
Just to know, by Mary Babbett. Dec'11:299
(untitled poem) by John Greenleaf Whittier. Dec'11:301
Christmas snow, by Coralie Austin. Dec'11:303
(untitled poem) Jan'12:305
New Year's reverie, by Ella Wheeler Wilcos. Jan'12:306
The New Year, by John Greenleaf Whittier. Jan'12:332
Come unto me, by George Gatlin. Jan'12:333
(untitled poem) by Caroline A. Mason. Feb'12:337
The child at the door, by Mary A. Lathburg. Feb'12:343
The Golden Temple, Benares, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Feb'12:369
A fellowship prayer. Mar'12:373
Mother, by W. B. C. Mar'12:374
The boy that laughs. Mar'12:378
His first school day, by Mrs. W. D. VanVoorhis. Mar'12:379
Si Jeunesse Savait, by James E. Craig. Mar'12:393
A rose to the living, by Nixon Waterman. Mar'12:405
Look, lest ye miss him. Mar'12:407
(untitled poem) by G. Dewse. Mar'12:408
A voice from the sea. Apr'12:409
Alone with God, by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Apr'12:410
(untitled poem) by J. G. Holland. Apr'12:410
(untitled poem) by I. Zangwill. Apr'12:413
(untitled poem) by F. J. Yokley, Apr'12:432
Others. Apr'12:432
Peace hymn of the nations, by Susie M. Best. May'12:1
Where the west begins, by Arthur Chapman. May'12:7
Entered into life, by George Massey. May'12:15
A prayer for the city, by Frank Mason North. May'12:34
Our circle song, by Adelaide Gail Frost. May'12:36
Summer, by Alfred Lord Tennyson. Jun'12:37
In common things, by Minot J. Savage. Jun'12:46
Along the way, by James Buckham. Jun'12:48
Stir us to pray. Jun'12:51
Goodbye! by James W. Dorr. Jun'12:52
(untitled poem) Jun'12:63
(untitled poem) by Susan Coolidge. Jun'12:65
Into the deep, by Susan Coolidge. Jul'12:69
All faithful souls, by Edward Everett Hale. Jul'12:71
On leaving the Training School, by Myrtle Furman. Jul'12:72
Morning, noon and night. Jul'12:73
The river, by Janet Remington. Jul'12:77
Voices, by Bessie Farrar Madsen. Jul'12:83
The masterpiece. Jul'12:84
The unanswered prayer, by Margaret J. Preston. Jul'12:94
(untitled poem) Jul'12:96
The Psalm of the healers, by Henry Van Dyke. Jul'12:100
This, too, shall pass, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Jul'12:100
A pastoral, by I. Zangwell. Aug'12:101
(untitled poem) Aug'12:102, 129
The divine whisper, by Mary R. Baldwin. Aug'12:132
Saint John, the aged. Sep'12:133
The true patriotism, by John Greenleaf Whittier. Sep'12:137
The two fold red, white and blue, by W. B. Gallaher. Sep'12:139
America for Christ, our obligation, by Ursula Wiles Errett. Sep'12:139
Unto the hills, by Walter G. Menzies. Sep'12:148
The missionaries' plea, by Walter G. Menzies. Sep'12:155
Our country's voice is pleading. Sep'12:160
Evening in the isle of palms, by Rose Bush Wilkinson, Sep'12:164
(untitled poem) by Louise Bushnell. Oct'12:167
A song of hope, by Mary A. Lathbury. Oct'12:168
Angels, by Margaret E. Sangster. Oct'12:179
(untitled poem) by Helen Hunt Jackson. Oct'12:186
The burden, by Theodosia Garrison. Oct'12:191
Where to give, by Pattie Pearce. Oct'12:192
The best things. Oct'12:193
The little red bush, by Elizabeth Lincoln gould. Oct'12:196
(untitled poem) Nov'12:198
(untitled poem) by Henry VanDyke. Nov'12:201
(untitled poem) by George MacDonald. Nov'12:287
The living present, by S. E. Kiser. Nov'12:289
An evening song. Nov'12:292
Who will tell the story, by Lewis A Hurt. Dec'12:293
A song of Christmas, by Edmund H. Sears. Dec'12:295
Christmas, by Edwin Arnold. Dec'12:296
(untitled poem) by Sharlott M. Hall. Dec'12:297
The spring time of the soul, by Ethelbert D. Warfield. Dec'12:299
He gave Himself for me, by Charles M. Sheldon. Dec'12:303
There shone a star, by Margaret E. Sangster. Dec'12:310
A Christmas hymn, by Richard Watson Gilder. Dec'12:319
(untitled poem) Dec'12:319
The better way, by G. Bennett. Dec'12:320
The German Christmas melody. Dec'12:320
To mother. Dec'12:321
Backward-forward. Jan'13:327
A New Year's prayer, by Theodore Parker. Jan'13:342
The curtain falls. Jan'13:343
Ring in the new, by Alfred Lord Tennyson. Jan'13:351
Life, by Henry Van Dyke. Jan'13:357
The new year. Jan'13:357
David Livingstone. Feb'13:363
Entered into life, by Eliza M. H. Abbott. Feb'13:377
Do you know how many stars? by William Hertz. Mar'13:403
(untitled poem) by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Mar'13:403
(untitled poem) by Mary J. Judson. Mar'13:417
(untitled poem) by Edwin L. Sabin. Mar'13:417
Jesus loves all the babies, by Mrs. E. B. Redd. Mar'13:417
What are you weaving? by Mary A. Lathbury. Mar'13:418
Your niche. Mar'13:419
Thy will be done. Mar'13:420
Welcome to the Three Graces, by Walter G. Menzies. Mar'13:426
A morning prayer, by Frances Ridley Havergal. Mar'13:434
The hills, by John Trotwood Moore. Mar'13:439
There alway, alway something sings, by Ralph Waldo Emerson. May'13:1
Redeem the time, by Horatius Bonar. May'13:3
So I send you. May'13:14
LIfe abounding, by Charles Blanchard. May'13:14
(untitled poem) by John Greenleaf Whittier. May'13:29
The valleys that lie between, by E. C. Baird. Jun'13:33
Day by day. Jun'13:36
The thankful heart. Jun'13:68
So send I you. Jul'13:69
Their request. Jul'13:71
And what did you do?, by Robert Davis. Jul'13:96
Haste note--rest not. Jul'13:104
The rope holders, by Alice Gay Judd. Jul'13:105
Faith. Aug'13:109
God's surprises, by Mary Currier Rolofson. Aug'13:110
Try smiling. Aug'13:111
(untitled poem) by Horatius Bonar. Aug'13:112
The call of the snows, by Edith Elsam. Aug'13:114
The preacher. Aug'13:116
Together, by Anna Burnham Bryant. Aug'13:118
Entered into life, by John Greenleaf Whittier. Aug'13:125
(untitled poem) by Lulu C. Baker. Aug'13:132
The lofty work, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Aug'13:139
The sea of peace, by Ruth McEnery Stuart. Sep'13:145
The inevitable. Sep'13:150
(untitled poem) by Edwin Arnold. Sep'13:159
Sunset, by Charlotte Burgis DeForest. Sep'13:161
Father, take my hand, by W. E. Killough. Sep'13:164
(untitled poem) by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Sep'13:171
Rest, peace, joy, by Mary Nutting Walker. Oct'13:178
Hold fast to joy, by Mary E. Allbright. Oct'13:179
Autumn reveries, by Dinah Mulock Craik. Oct'13:179
Life's lessons. Oct'13:181
The nameless saints, by Edward Everett Hale. Oct'13:183
Entered into life, by Adelaide A. Proctor. Oct'13:192
He careth, by Fanny Edna Stafford. Oct'13:194
The grace of cheerfulness, by Emma A. Lente. Oct'13:205
Ballad of ships at sea, by Hector Fuller. Oct'13:206
Her mother, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Oct'13:208
(untitled poem) Nov'13:214
Echoes. Nov'13:215
In times of gloom, by Marianne Farningham. Nov'13:219
(untitled poem) by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Nov'13:224
The voice of God, by E. B. Nov'13:227
A song of courage, by Arthur Hugh Clough. Nov'13:248
Christmas, by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. Dec'13:291
The Christmas hope. Dec'13:294
The Prince of Peace, by James Russell Lowell. Dec'13:303
The little church, by Margie Parr Tuttle. Dec'13:305
A Christmas carol. Dec'13:314
(untitled poem) Dec'13:316
Dear old Japan, by Kojiro Unoura. Dec'13:320
The desire of all nations, by Edwin Markham. Dec'13:320
Better things. Jan'14:321
Isaiah, by Alexander Guiraud. Jan'14:326
The past year, by N. P. Willis. Jan'14:333
Christian Woman's Board of Missions, by M. W. R. Jan'14:343
The Golden year, by Alfred Lord Tennyson. Jan'14:349
The New Year. Jan'14:350
(untitled poem) by Helen Hunt Jackson. Jan'14:351
The new China, by Margaret E. Sangster. Jan'14:352
Watch your thoughts, by Thomas Curtis Clark. Jan'14:352
The light of the Gospel, by Ora Lee. Feb'14:368
I will not worry, by Hattie Dusenbury. Feb'14:384
(untitled poem) by Horatius Bonar. Feb'14:388
To a new baby, by Thomas L. Masson. Mar'14:389
The Angel's gift, by Jessie Brown Pounds. Mar'14:391
Benediction for woman's missionary societies. Mar'14:402
O little child. Mar'14:402
A little child, by Mrs. Geo. W. Oliver. Mar'14:410
Big brother. Mar'14:417
(untitled poem) by Sarah K. Bolton. Mar'14:426
Nature's Easter story. Apr'14:429
Tell how, by Horatius Bonar. Apr'14:431
In perfect trust, by George Bancroft Griffith. Apr'14:433
Dreaming and waking, by Lucy Larcom. Apr'14:447
Easter song, by Minnie Pickens. Apr'14:457
The follower, by Anna B. Bryant. Apr'14:459
Each to all, by Susan Coolidge. Apr'14:459
At Easter, by Emma A. Lente. Apr'14:461
Spiritual freedom, by Madam Guyon. May'14:21
Benedictions. May'14:26
The hidden great, by Herbert J. Bryce. May'14:26
Indian names, by Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. May'14:27
More love, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox. May'14:35
God's letter, by Friedrich Ruckert. May'41:48
Satisfaction with longing, by Lulu Ethel Garton. Jun'14:52
The burden, by Lucy Rider Meyer. Jun'14:67
Benedictions. Jun'14:71
In the heart of the woods. Jun'14:71
The spacious firmament on high, by Joseph Addison. Jun'14:75
(untitled poem) by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Jun'14:79
Home, by Edwin Markham. Jun'14:88
We will rest in the shadow, by Helen L. Dungan. Jul'14:93
(untitled poem) by Gerhard Tersteegen. Jul'14:99
Entered into life, by Gillie Cary. Jul'14:100
A song of the fight, by Frederic Lawrence Knowles. Jul'14:114
(untitled poem) by Amos R. Wells. Jul'14:124
A song of invitation, by Fay Wilkinson. Aug'14:128
Whatsoever He saith, do it, by Beesie Q. Jordan. Aug'14:138
(untitled poem) Aug'14:139
Intercessory prayer. Aug'14:140
Song for young women's mission circles, by Ida Withers Harrison. Aug'14:148
Now and then, by Minnie L. Pickens. Aug'14:150
At evening peace shall come, by Maud Meredith. Sep'14:175
Andrew Rykman's prayer, by Whittier. Sep'14:176
A prayer. Sep'14:192
(untitled poem) Sep'14:194, 204
(untitled poem) by Persis L. Christian. Oct'14:205
Our new twelve, by Alla M. Forster. Oct'14:208
With thee. Oct'14:215
The master of my boat. Oct'14:222
Perfect trust. Oct'14:231
How. Nov'14:251
Others, by C. D. Meigs. Nov'14:275
Climb, though the rocks be rugged, by Charles M. Snow. Nov'14:282
The spoken word, by Louisa A. Nash. Nov'14:319
The beautiful house of today, by Willis Blanchard. Nov'14:322
Story old, yet always sweet. Dec'14:346
Abbie Ben Adams. Dec'14:354
(untitled poem) Dec'14:357
The first Christmas day. Dec'14:364
A prayer. Jan'15:366
A motto for the new year, by Edna A. Peck. Jan'15:367
(untitled poem) Jan'15:383
To the young woman's mission circles, by Mary Gooch Anderson. Jan'15:386
(untitled poem) by Inez Fox. Jan'15:386
The Christian's New Year prayer. Jan'15:390
Startin' agin, by May Griggs Van Voorhis. Jan'15:390
The Lord bless thee and keep thee, by Anna Wilson Simmons.
(untitled poem) by L. Gedicke. Feb'15:411
Love makes the burden light. Feb'15:420
God's love, by George Taggart. Feb'15:435
A child's service, by Margaret J. Preston. Mar'15:438
The first Easter, by Mary R. Ellis. Mar'15:439
Don't worry, by Elizabeth Porter Gould. Mar'15:442
The children's song, by Rudyard Kipling. Mar'15:442
Reliance. Mar'15:443
Now I lay me, by Eugene Fields. Mar'15:453
Look to the hills! by Mary B. Wingate. Mar'15:456
The voice, by Charles Hunson Towne. Mar'15:457
Work, by Angela Morgan. Mar'15:462
His rest, by Amy E. Campbell. Mar'15:465
They'll soon be men, by Mrs. M. E. Sangster. Mar'15:476
Come gentle peace, by Mary R. Ellis. Apr'15:477
Peace, a meditation, by Ursula Wiles Errett. Apr'15:479
Peace, be still, by E. C. Baird. Apr'15:480
Spring song, by Sallie O. Johnson. Apr'15:481
Alone with God, by Ocey Turk Sheridan. Apr'15:489
Her golden wedding, by Gillie Cary. Apr'15:490
A life garden, by Mabel Earle. Apr'15:493
Easter, by Minnie L. Pickens. Apr'15:496
Out in the field, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Apr'15:499
Prayer thought, by Phillips Brooks. Apr'15:509
The best things. May'15:6
My cross, my joy, by Charles M. Sheldon. May'15:7
California, by Adelaide Gail Frost. May'15:14
Drifting home, by Coralie Austin. May'15:14
The deep sighing of the poor, by Charlotte Elizabeth Wells. May'15:17
Benediction. May'15:20
Poem of cheer, by Martha Grinstead. May'15:20
Present day miracles. May'15:23
(untitled poem), by Ophellia G. Browning. May'15:24
(untitled poem) Jun'15:41
Victory, by Minnie L. Pickens. Jun'15:42
The coming race, by John Addington Symond. Jun'15:57
Benediction. Jun'15:63
Love, by Henry Van Dyke. Jun'15;63
Tomorrow. Jun'15:65
(untitled poem) by Emiloy Huntington Miller. Jun'15:65
Pray one for another. Jun'15:67
Somebody cares, by J. Wm. Kirschner. Jun'15:68
(untitled poem) by John Greenleaf whittier. Jul'15:81
Ask and ye shall receive. Jul'15:116
Nature. Aug'15:118
Ivy poem, by Grace Eccles. aug'15:120
College of Missions hymn, by Wenona and Erma Wilkinson and Neva Nicholson. aug'15:121
A prayer, by George Matheson. Aug'15:125
They will miss her, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Aug'15:126
My soul to your soul, by Charles Blanchard. Aug'15:131
A philosophy of life, by Jean Scholes. Aug'15:131
The arsenal at Springfield, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Aug'15:137
A wasted day, by C. Louise Bell. Aug'15:142
Come ye apart. Sep'15:158
The garden, by Hildegarde Hawthorne. Sep'15:164
God's love is sure. Sep'15:171
Praise for God, by Amos R. Wells. Sep'15:176
For this one day, by Edna S. Valentine. Sep'15:179
A lesson from the camel. Sep'15:194
The burden of the hour, by George Klingle. Oct'15:214
One days work, by Eliza H. Morton. Oct'15:218
(untitled) by Alfred Tennyson. Oct'15:281
Womanhood, by Mrs. E. R. Steinhauer. Oct'15:224
The country child. Oct'15:227
Sonnet, by Gustine Courson Weaver. Nov'15:237
Longing and listening, by Samuel W. Duffield. Nov'15:238
My star of hope, by Mrs. J. F. Foster. Nov'15:241
(untitled) by Julia H. Baker. Nov'15:242
Meditations, by Virginia Hedges. Nov'15:245
Keep thou our feet, by Nannie G. McDonald. Nov'15:246
The Christian Woman's Board of Missions, by Jessie Smith Bentley. Nov'15:248
Thanksgiving, by Ellie K. Payne. Nov'15:252
Love of christ, by John M. Morse. Nov'15:253
The light lies on the farther hill, by richard Watson Gilder. Nov'15:272
If Christ were here, by Alla M. Forster. Nov'15:305
The life of the long ago, by Benjamin F. Taylor. Nov'15:315
A Christmas greeting, by Alice Gray Judd. Dec'15:317
The star of Bethlehem. Dec'15:319
Not as I will, by Helen Hunt Jackson. Dec'15:320
Following the star, by Ellie K. Payne. Dec'15:331
(untitled) by Marianne Farmingtham. Dec'15:340
There is no unbelief. Dec'15:348
Lost, by R. C. P. Jan'16:355
Happy New Year. Jan'16:356
(untitled) by Ripley D. Sanders. Jan'16:366
The work of my hands, by Ada L. Forster. Jan'16:366
Each in his own tongue, by M. M. Carruth. Jan'16:368
Vanguard of God. Jan'16:369
(untitled) Jan'16:380 Feb'16:381
The four guests. Feb'16:388
It is better further on, by Ada L. Forster. Feb'16:393
If I can live, by Helen Hunt Jackson. Feb'16:400
A mile with me, by Henry Van Dyke. Feb'16:401
Our heroic women, by T. J. Golightly, Feb'16:408
Serving, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Feb'16:409
The wounded bird. Feb'16:422
A noon song, by Henry Van Dyke. Feb'16:424
The hands that rock the cradles of the world, by Laura Scherer Copenhaver. Mar'16:425
C.W.B.M. Mar'16:439
Song of the State Superintendent. Mar'16:448
The divine touch, by May Griggs Van Voorhis. Mar'16:448
For the service of the King. Mar'16:457
(untitled) by J. A. Egerton. Mar'16:464
It takes so little, by Ida J. Morris. Apr'16:465
O all wide places, by George MacDonald. Apr'16:466
Easter, by Louisa S. Weightman. Apr'16:467
The watcher who watches the world, by William Herbert Hudnut. Apr'16:469
(untitled) Apr'16:470,479
(untitled) by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Apr'16:486
A legend of the thorn, by Benjamin F. Leggett. Apr'16:489
Disappointment. Apr'16:491
The set of a soul. Apr'16:506
Morning prayer, by Nixon Waterman. May'16:5
The gift, by Fronia S. Savage. May'16:5
On the water lily, by S. F. Butts. May'16:25
(untitled poem) by Eugene Ware. Jun'16:46
Brotherhood, by C. R. Piety. Jun'16:50
One of these days, by J. W. Foley. Jun'16:53
Help lighten the load. Jul'16:73
(untitled poem) Jul'16:84
The summons to service. Jul'16:85
The missionaries' plea. Jul'16:85
(untitled poem) Jul'16:85
The end of the King's highway. Jul'16:95
(untitled poem) Sep'16:149
The call of Christ to me. Sep'16:150
Hannah's boy and mine. Sep'16:155
Peace, a meditation. Sep'16:172
Honolulu. Sep'16:175
Launch out the ship. Sep'16:180
(untitled poem) Oct'16:181
Intercession. Oct'16:190
The recessional. Oct'16:194
October. Oct'16:203
Opportunity. Oct'16:205
(untitled poem) Oct'16:208,216
A moment to the morning. Nov'16:233
(untitled poem) Nov'16:238,251
Hope. Nov'16:251
Saturday night. Nlov'16:310
The night of nights. Dec'16:313
A Christmas thought. Dec'16:319
Disappointments. Dec'16:320
A prayer for peace. Dec'16:321
The Christmas message. Dec'16:333
The gift of gifts. Dec'16:335
The ninety and nine. Dec'16:337
(untitled poem) Dec'16:339 Jan'17:349
The New Year. Jan'17:354
Be swift. Jan'17:355
(untitled poem) Jan'17:357, 364
Resolve, by Charlotte Perkins Stetson. Jan'17:371
(untitled poem) by H. S. Thorne. Jan'17:372
(untitled poem) Feb'17:389, 393
India's voices, by Annie agnes Lackey Macdougall. Feb'17:394
The joy of the second mile (poem) by Albert L. Berry. Feb'17:399
(untitled poem) Feb'17:400
His message, by Mrs. R. H. Wattles. Feb'17:403
Influence, by George Lee Burton. Feb'17:407
(untitled poem) Feb'17:424
The seeker after God. Mar'17:429
As the train goes by, by May Griggs Van Voorhis. Mar'17:440
Gleanings and reports. Mar'17:461
(untitled poem) Apr'17:465, 466
The room overhead, by amos R. Wells. Apr'17:469
A legend of the thorn, by Benjamin F. Leggett. Apr'17:472
A wish, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Apr'17:473
The dawn of day, by Lena McCanne. apr'17:484
C.W.B.N., by C. Theressa Long. Apr'17:485
To a little girl's picture, by Ellie K. Payne. Apr'17:486
Be swift. Apr'17:488
Acknowledge him, by Bertha Canfield. Apr'17:490
The cure, by Alice Gay Judd. Apr'17:491
A song, by Robert Browning. May'17:21
Where cross the crowded ways, by Walter J. Gresham. May'17:40
Do we mean it? by Alla M. Forster. May'17:40
The still small voice, by Maxine Braxton Ragland. Jun'17:71
America. Jun'17:72
Life's mirror. Jul'17:74
Your flag and my flag, by Wilbur D. Nesbit. Jul'17:75
Thou knowest I love thee. Jul'17:85
Trust, by Albert R. Adams. Jul'17:106
Three prayers. Jul'17:112
A Disciple's prayer, by Neva Nicholson. Aug'17:112
Flood tide, by F. T. Porter. Aug'17:115
Sonnet, by Susan Gammon. Aug'17:127
(untitled) Aug'17:129
Out there, by Margaret E. Sangster. Aug'17:132
(untitled) by Harriet W. Durbin. Aug'17:135
Beauty for ashes, by Lida A. Moon. Aug'17:140
Prayer, by James W. White. Aug'17:148
(untitled) by J. G. Whittier. Sep'17:149
This coming year, by Fronia Smith Savage. Sep'17:157
Take my life and let it be. Oct'17:197
(untitled) Oct'17:205
When the master came, by Nanna Crozier Wood. Oct'17:206
If I could know. Oct'17:215
(untitled) Oct'17:217
A thanksgiving, by Margaret Wentworth. Nov'17:229
A prayer, by Neva Nicholson. Nov'17:234
Thanksgiving hymn. Nov'17:237
What Christ said, by George MacDonald. Nov'17:239
A song of thanksgiving. Nov'17:240
A song of harvest, by John Greenleaf Whittier. Nov'17:261
(untitled) by George D. Emerson. Nov'17:261
(untitled) Dec'17:317
The first glad Christmas day, by Emily F. Appleton. Dec'17:318
Christmas day, by Alice Gay Judd. Dec'17:319
Winter, by Stephen H. Thayer. Jan'18:341
My New Year's prayer. Jan'18:346
The Bible, by Sarah N. Cleghorn, Jan'18:347
A psalm for the New Year, by Dinah Muloch Craik. Jan'18:352
(untitled) by W. D. Russell. Jan'18:352
The last adventure, by James Terry White. Jan'18:353
A New Year, by Mar'garet E. Sangster. Jan'18:361
Thanksgiving, by Margaret Wentworth. Jan'18:372
(untitled) by Elizabeth L. Gould. Jan'18:372
(untitled) by Robert McIntyre. Feb'18:384
(untitled) by Richard Watson Gilder. Mar'18:413
The women at the tomb, by Elizabeth wilson. Mar'18:420
(untitled) by George Herbert. Mar'18:420
My pledge, by Herbert A. Jump. Mar'18:421
Church of Christ arise! by Mary Gray Clark. Mar'18:432
At Easter, by Emma A. Lente. Mar'18:442
(untitled) by Abbie Farwell Brown. Mar'18:443
The Sepulcher in the garden, by John Finley. Mar'18:455
A world's heartache, by Frederick George Scott. Mar'18:455
My aim, by Thomas Curtis Clark. Apr'18:457
The prayers I make, by Michael Angelo. Apr'18:458
(untitled) by S. D. Patterson. Apr'18:465
Abou Ben Adhem, by Leigh Hunt. Apr'18:471
It is more blessed, by Frank Walcott Hutt. Apr'18:472
Daybreak, by Thomas Curtis Clark. Apr'18:475
Where cross the crowded ways of life, by Frank Mason North. Apr'18:477
The tragedy of the ages, by Nellie Haverstack. Apr'18:486
All things new. Apr'18:490
(untitled) May'18:1
The Men and Millions Movement in Los Angeles, California, by Adelaide Gail Frost. May'18:5
Our debt, by Henry M. Onderdonk. May'18:7
A passing shadow, by Helen F. Berry. May'18:14
(untitled) May'18:16,19
Our watchword, by Mrs. A. S. Brown. May'18:21
(untitled) by James Montgomery. May'18:31
At close of day, by Mary A. Harper. Jun'18:45
Co-workers with God, by Susan Coolidge. Jun'18:47
The true need, by Thomas Curtis Clark. Jun'18:49
My prayer today, by mary Carey Blackburn. Jun'18:56
The years, by Lida A. Moon. Jun'18:68
Looking this way, by Lydia Pennington. Jun'18:71
A thankful heart, by E. I. Tupper. Jun'18:75
The outlook and the uplook. Jun'18:76
Our service flags, by Mrs. G. E. Whitmore. Jul'18:79
(untitled) by Ripley D. Saunders. Jul'18:80
To the boys of our honor roll, by Ellie K. Payne. Jul'18:85
From "Morituri Salutamus" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Jul'18:95
The Christian flag, by Fanny Crosby. Jul'18:107
The blue and the gray. Jul'18:108
The law of life, by Helen Frances Berry. Jul'18:112
A prayer, by Amora Fitch. Jul'18:112
God bless our native land (poem) by C. T. Brooks. Aug'18:148
The house of my soul, by Clanen Zumwalt. Aug'18:131
The day's work, by S. T. G. Aug'18:133
The good Samaritan, by Mattie B. Tenny. Aug'18:139
We too. Aug'18:146
To Miss Cynthia Allen, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Sep'18:152
Atonement, by Mary R. Ellis. Sep'18:165
He careth for you. Sep'18:167
The mountain peak, by Nannie G. McDonald. Sep'18:175
Mary Magdalen, by Richard Burton. Sep'18:179
A legend, by Rose Osborn. Oct'18:189
(untitled) by George D. Gelwicks. Oct'18:202
The venture, by Calvin Dill Wilson. Oct'18:203
(untitled) by Susan Coolidge. Oct'18:205
(untitled) by Adelaide A. Procter. Oct'18:216
(untitled) by John Greenleaf Whittier. Oct'18:220
(untitled) Nov'18:221
(untitled) by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Nov'18:222
South America, by Edwin Wyle. Oct'18:192
Our quest of life, by Florence M. Crim. Nov'18:280
A Thanksgiving. Nov'18:282
The greatest of these, by Walter G. Menzies. Nov'18:285
The Pilgrim's prayer, by Marcia M. B. Goodwin. Dec'18:292
The last Missionary Tidings, by Adelaide Gail Frost. Dec'18:297
Peace, by Mrs. M. F. Miles. Dec'18:299
Our Savior's mission, by Olive M. Stevens. Dec'18:306
When will it reign? by Hillis Lumley. Dec'18:309
Dear heart, by Mrs. F. T. Porter. Dec'18:318
Two hours. Dec'18:318