Born: Owensville, Bath County, Kentucky, November 20, 1859.
Died: Danville, Vermillion County, Illinois, September 14, 1931.
Educated in country schools, at Ladoga (Ind.) Normal, Owingsville (Ky.) Seminary, North Middletown (Ky.) College, and in classrooms as a teacher. Came to Illinois in 1884, and for a decade he served the churches at Homer, Champaign and St. Joseph. In 1894 he became pastor of the First Church in Danville, which he continued to serve for eight years. Then he went to the Third Church, where he continued for ten years. When Mr. Jones went to Danville the Disciples numbered about 150, with a property worth about $3,000. At the close of his eighteen years he left four churches whose combined membership is near two thousand, all well housed in properties whose aggregate value is about $85,000. He received into the congregations there near two thousand people, fourteen hundred of whom were by primary obedience. That work will be his enduring memorial.