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P. J. Kernodle Lives of Christian Ministers (1909) |
EV. WILLIAM G. BRADY died about the year
1886. He was a member of the Deep River Conference.
At Conference at Oldham's Grove in Moore county, in 1870, he was chairman of the committee on Sunday schools. He preached at Parks' Cross Roads in connection with Rev. W. W. Lawrence, and in 1872, he attended the Conference at Union Grove in Randolph county. He was appointed on the standing committee on Temperance. He likewise attended, in 1873, the Conference at Parks' Cross Roads; and in 1874, at the Conference at Pleasant Grove, he was appointed a fraternal messenger to the North Carolina and Virginia Conference. He was recommended to the Pleasant Grove Conference for ordination and the following were appointed the ordaining presbytery: Revs. A. S. Nelson, J. N. Farrell, and J. S. Lawrence. At the Conference at Shiloh, in 1875, he was appointed a fraternal messenger again to the North Carolina and Virginia Conference. He preached at Pleasant Grove and Oldham's Grove.
In 1877, at the Conference at Pleasant Ridge, he served on the committee on Education, and in 1878, at Union Grove, he delivered the annual sermon before the Conference from 1 Cor. 3:11. At Parks' Cross Roads, the Conference elected him a fraternal messenger to the Worth Carolina and Virginia Conference, which he attended at Christian chapel, in 1879.
He was prompt in the discharge of any duty or obligation imposed by his Conference, and was regular in attendance upon the Conferences as the records show. He attended the Conference at Pleasant Grove in 1880, at Shady Grove in 1881, at Pleasant Cross in 1882, at [363] Shiloh in 1883, at Big Oak in 1884, and at New Center in 1885, serving on various committees. In 1886, the committee on Memoirs at the Conference at Smithwood in Guilford county, presented resolutions expressive of his deep piety and faithfulness as a minister of the gospel. "That in the meek and quiet tenor of his life, he gave evidence of his being a sincere follower of Christ and that he now rests from his labors." Rev. J. S. Lawrence preached a sermon to the memory of Rev. Wm. G. Brady from Rev. 20:12.
[LCM 363-364]
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P. J. Kernodle Lives of Christian Ministers (1909) |