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Robert H. Boll
Truth and Grace (1917)



      We must not digress, but we must progress. We must not overstep the bounds of God's word, but we must go on in it. We must not abandon the first principles but leave them as the mason leaves the foundation and goes on to perfect the building of the house. To the man who comes to seek, it will continually reveal new truths and new light on old truths. But if one goes on the preconception that he has about the sum of the truth already, and studies the he Bible in that light, it will yield him nothing. He will be hardened and blinded and become a sectarian though he may never have a written creed. The unwritten can become just as contracted, unscriptural, tyrannical. As one of our beloved and venerable brethren sometimes says in the pulpit: "We are not right, but the Bible is right." So it is ours to go to God's word daily, with open eyes and ears and hearts and in poverty of spirit, not to confirm our ideas, but to get God's. One of the first results will be the sense of unbounded riches and privileges of which we have never availed ourselves. Another effect will be to humble us and to take some of the censoriousness and self-conceit, with which we are always apt to be afflicted, out of us.


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Robert H. Boll
Truth and Grace (1917)