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Robert H. Boll
Truth and Grace (1917)



      A certain writer takes the position that every human being is approachable to the influence of the gospel, and that there is a way to every soul, and in every heart a chord that may be struck. So, he concludes, if we fail to reach any man, it is simply because we have failed to find the right road. Now this is simply a big mistake. If every man could thus be reached, Jesus and Paul would have swept everything before them. Yet how often we read, "Some believed and some believed not." Was it Paul's fault? There is one means to save men--the gospel of Christ, not in word only, but backed by its embodiment in the life of the Christians who bear it. Beyond this every means employed will not make Christians, but only nominal followers. Our responsibility does not extend to the converting of men, but only to the faithful and earnest presentation of the gospel in word and life. But the frantic efforts of some evangelists to swell the number of converts by any means possible have been a great curse to Christianity. [40]


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Robert H. Boll
Truth and Grace (1917)