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Robert H. Boll
Truth and Grace (1917)



      The teaching concerning the Holy Spirit is not so obscure. It is hard to grasp the facts God presents, and the human mind, endeavoring to reconcile them with reason, reaches out for explanations; and these "explanations" are the things that mystify us. When one says, "I can't understand it," it may turn out that he really means: "I can't believe it, the way it stands." He cannot make it fit in with whatever else he knows. It is not so much a question of understanding, sometimes, as of believing what the word of God says even when we can't systematize it. The teaching concerning the Holy Spirit is greatly neglected. About the truth is that many are afraid of it--afraid it might lead them into "abstract operation," or lend countenance to some of the extravagances with which the name of the Spirit of God is often disgraced. Others fear that the word of God might be depreciated, or that people might be deluded by mistaking their "feelings" for the work of the Spirit. And so forth. These fears are groundless, in so far at least that a faithful study, acceptance, and presentation of God's teaching on this subject can produce only good results; and any abuses of it cannot be laid either to the truth or to the faithful preacher who presents it. See how much and how important things God says about the Spirit. Follow the subject through Acts or the Epistles. Set aside for the time the consideration of the "baptism of the Holy Spirit" and "miraculous gifts," and mark that which can and does apply to all Christians. Interpret every passage at full face value, and with as little comment and "explanation" as possible. The result will not be bad. You will be surprised at the sweeping statements some of those men of God dared to make. There will come a larger faith, a stronger hope, more courage [50] and reliance upon God, and your fidelity to the word of God, will not be a whit abated. Let us seek to understand all God would have us know about the Holy Spirit. It is one of the great needs of the church to-day.


[TAG 50-51]

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Robert H. Boll
Truth and Grace (1917)