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Robert H. Boll
Truth and Grace (1917)



      No man can realize himself loved of God and be at all appreciative of that love, without at once becoming more self-respecting. If God so loves him, personally and individually, he may not throw himself away; for this love, even if responded to even a little, gives God a claim on him, even as it gives him a claim on God. He is no more his own; he is bought with a price, a [99] love-price, even the blood of Jesus, who in seeking the wandering sheep followed its path, and was made as a sinner in my behalf that I might be righteous in him. And as a poet said:

"Shall I not take care of all I think,
Yea, even of wretched meat and drink,
If I be dear--if I be dear to some one else?"

      And this love is also the love of Christ that constraineth us to serve him for the blessing of others.


[TAG 99-100]

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Robert H. Boll
Truth and Grace (1917)