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Robert H. Boll
Truth and Grace (1917)



      If there is a passage in the Bible that you do not like--that you skip or hasten over in your reading; on which you do not like to dwell; to which you do not want your attention called; about which you would rather hear nothing--rest assured it is the very passage you need. It is the very medicine your condition demands, and, however bitter it may be, it will help you. Turn back now to it. Do not try to explain it away, to get around, over, or under it. Meet it squarely. It will cut like a two-edged sword, but to heal. It will convict and condemn you, but that it may save. Let it sink into your [102] heart. Humble yourself, and smite your breast, saying: "God be merciful to me a sinner." In that way you will get the good of God's word, and in no other; for as long as you refuse any of it, the rest will not help you.


[TAG 102-103]

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Robert H. Boll
Truth and Grace (1917)