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Robert H. Boll
Truth and Grace (1917)



      The sectarian is like unto myself a man--a man, too, for whom the Lord died. He is plainly wrong in his course. So was I also once, before God called me out of darkness into his marvelous light. He is mistaken in many points. So am I--not in matters as vital, perhaps, yet I find every little while that I have been mistaken in this thing and that, and that God is yet lovingly and patiently leading me out of my misapprehensions. I may not condemn the sectarians; it is neither my right nor my place. I may not sit in judgment on his motives and his honesty; One only knows the heart. I must not strive with him, but be gentle, in meekness correcting him when he opposes himself, that peradventure God may give him repentance unto the knowledge of the truth. (2 Tim. 2:24, 25.) Since he has shown a disposition to accept the name of Jesus and to serve him, however misguided his [172] effort, he deserves special regard on that ground. I must not talk down to him from stilts or from the superior height of a pedestal; men can not be won that way. I must not take it all out in criticizing; but let me in humble love, in secret places, plead for him before the throne of grace. This would be something like the right attitude toward the sectarian. My brethren, hold the truth whatever betide; but hold not the truth of our Lord Jesus Christ in bitterness and vindictiveness of spirit, but, speaking it in love, make it a blessing unto all men.

      July 29, 1909.


[TAG 172-173]

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Robert H. Boll
Truth and Grace (1917)