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Robert H. Boll
Truth and Grace (1917)



      The work of God is not finished--no, not half. Beware, lest you do such a foolish thing as to judge the Architect by his unfinished building. With majestic [235] patience, slowly (for with him a thousand years are but as a day, and, when the occasion comes, a day as good as a thousand years) he works out his designs and doeth all his pleasure. One generation cometh, another goeth; but God abides and quietly, obscurely, but none the less effectively, works on. His people know it. When they seem to lose a waging battle, they look ahead with eye of faith, and they know that success and victory are on God's side, and that it pays well to stick to him in even this wicked and adulterous generation. They look upon the evil, the sorrow, the curses of this day; but God will bring order and harmony again. He is working at it now; yea, we are helping in the work by his grace. But, Lord, how long? And with Moses of old they pray: "Let thy work appear unto thy servants"--that we may see it and be satisfied forever. (Ps. 90:13-16.)


[TAG 235-236]

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Robert H. Boll
Truth and Grace (1917)