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Robert H. Boll
Truth and Grace (1917)



      There is nothing new under the sun because there is nothing new in human nature. There is not a trait, not a tendency, but it has been from Adam's day. And the Bible has all the devious ways of man mapped and charted. In Ps. 49:18 is an observation that might, as far as its truth and applicableness is concerned, have come from the pen of an American writer of the twentieth century: "And men praise thee, when thou doest well to thyself." Now don't they? Our papers are full of it, even our schoolbooks. James was a sober, industrious, ambitious boy. He went to the city and began to work as office boy, and advanced rapidly to chief clerk and manager, and then became partner in the concern: and being an able organizer, he reached out and combined the interests in the line of his business, and prospered wonderfully. He owns vast property and is one of the foremost citizens of the State. See what a poor boy can do! And so forth. But John was born of wealthy parents and was well educated, and developed musical genius. But when he had fame, riches and everything, he joined a poor, unpretentious body of religionists, gave his wealth away; forsook the gay circles of society in which he was wont to shine, and bade the stage farewell forever; went into obscurity, and is to-day wasting his sweetness on the desert air as missionary in some far-away heathen land, making a bare subsistence. We bitterly regret the loss of such a gifted man, and the fact that he became the victim of a religious fanaticism which brought about his ruin. "Take care of yourself," and you shall have the praise of men. But [256] deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Christ, and your praise will no longer be of men, but of God.

      Jan. 13, 1910.


[TAG 256-257]

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Robert H. Boll
Truth and Grace (1917)