Ernie Stefanik A Collation of Thomas Campbell's Declaration and Address (1997)

A Collation of Thomas Campbell's Declaration and Address:
Textual Variants in the First and Second Editions

      The following critical apparatus catalogues and classifies the emendations to the text of the first edition of Thomas Campbell's Declaration and Address (Washington, PA: Washington Christian Association, 1809) as published in the second edition, in Alexander Campbell's Memoirs of Elder Thomas Campbell (Cincinnati: H. S. Bosworth, 1861). That only one edition of the book was published in the author's lifetime does not obviate the need for such an analysis of the text. The Facsimile Edition (Pittsburgh, PA: Centennial Committee, 1908), containing Thomas Campbell's autograph corrections, indicates that the author recognized the need for revision in the word forms, though not in the structure and sense of this work. After a half century, Alexander Campbell was not content to merely reprint the Declaration and Address. With his considerable editorial skills, he left his own imprint on the work as he attempted to resolve matters that he considered problematical in the text. This is not to suggest that Alexander Campbell attempted to re-shape the content with editorial hammer strokes; however, he certainly did apply a coat of editorial polish as he presented this foundational work to a second generation of Disciples. Perhaps the collation reveals more about editorial preferences than authorial intentions.

      In categorizing the variants I have, in general, followed the classes advanced by Sir Walter Greg in his theory of proof-texts. The substantives (words as meaningful units, or diction) include substitution of one word for another; alteration in word order; addition or deletion of words; change in number, case, or tense (himself-themselves, churches-church's, came-come); expansion of abbreviations; homonyms and near-homonyms (principal-principle, idol-idle affect-effect). Misspellings and probable typographical errors are classified not as substantives, but as accidentals. The accidentals (forms that words take) include spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and typography. In the category of spelling are archaic to modern spelling (hath-has, ye-you, thou-you, amongst-among, betwixt-between, shew-show); British and American conventions (endeavour-endeavor, centre-center); probable typographical errors or misspellings (fraction-faction, howevery-however, Gods-God's); words with accepted variants (toward-towards, farther-further, beat-beaten); compounds (any where-anywhere, good will-good-will); contractions (tho'-though); and changes in Scripture reference notations. A summary of the textual variants in the two editions of Declaration and Address reveals the following:

Legend Category Occurrences
{D} Diction 94
{C} Capitalization 577
{P} Punctuation 1665
{S} Spelling 410
{T} Typography 14
  TOTAL 2760

      The publisher's note to the Facsimile Edition states:

      It shows a few corrections made with a quill pen by its author and many more revision marks at the hand of his illustrious son, when he gave it to the printers to republish in his Life of Thomas Campbell. Each compositor of that work was immortalized by having his name written in pencil on the margin opposite the beginning of his "take."
Unfortunately the publisher does not indicate the source of the assertion that Thomas Campbell made only "a few corrections" while Alexander Campbell made "many more revision marks." I have serious doubts about the accuracy of the statement since there are approximately 115 corrections in Thomas Campbell's copy, whereas this collation reveals 2760 variants in the second edition of the Declaration and Address. If Alexander Campbell did not include all of his emendations in his father's copy of the book for the printer, why should we assume that he included a fraction (less than five percent) of them there? Certainly a few of the revision mark's are non-authorial, as they relate to insertion points for the editorial notes of the second edition and notes for the compositors. It remains for an expert in manuscripts to examine the copy held at Bethany College and to determine who was responsible for the corrections. In the meantime, my working hypothesis is that the autograph corrections for the substantives and accidentals are, with few exceptions, those of Thomas Campbell, and that Alexander Campbell made his emendations on the proof-sheets. While it is also possible that the alterations were the work of an editor at H. S. Bosworth, or of Robert Richardson as his father-in-law's assistant in the project, Alexander Campbell as editor of the Memoirs of Elder Thomas Campbell would have approved the editorial choices. Whatever the resolution of this matter, I have identified the autograph corrections by the markers (TC) and (AC).

      Grateful acknowledgement is made to the project originator for his suggestions, criticisms, and encouragement. His interest in this project has helped to shape the collation and to improve its utility as a critical tool for the study of the Declaration and Address. Thanks also to Mary Walsh for her careful proofreading of the first edition against the facsimile edition.

      The present work has been titled "A Collation" as there is no pretension to consider it as definitive. Since mechanical collation is not available for this project, the apparatus has been constructed by reading and re-reading text against text. And this work continues.

      Addenda and corrigenda are earnestly solicited.

Ernie Stefanik
Derry, PA

Created 12 December 1997.
Updated 8 July 2003.

 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 2.1   | 25.1        AT [ [AT {P}{T}
 2.1   | 25.1        Buffaloe, [ Buffalo,  {S}
 2.3   | 25.2        denominations; [ denominations,  {P}
 2.4   | 25.3        gospel [ Gospel  {C}
 2.4   | 25.3        ministry; [ ministry,  {P}
 2.5   | 25.3        agreed [ agreed, {P} (TC)
 2.5   | 25.3        upon, [ upon  {P} (TC)
 2.6   | 25.4        herein after [ hereinafter  {S}
 2.7   | 25.5        titled [ designated  {D} (TC)
 2.7   | 25.5        above-- [ above,  {P}
 2.9   | 25.7        together; [ together,  {P}
 2.10  | 25.7        Mr. [ Elder  {D} (TC)
 2.11  | 25.8        gospel, [ Gospel,  {C}
 2.13  | 25.9        association: [ Association;  {C}{P}
 2.14  | 25.10       declaration [ Declaration  {C}
 2.15  | 25.10       address, [ Address,  {C}
 2.15  | 25.11       printed [ printed,  {P}
 2.16  | 25.11       expence [ expense,  {S}{P}
 2.17  | 25.12       September [ --SEPTEMBER  {T}{P}
 2.17  | 25.12       1809. [ 1809.]  {P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 3.T   | 25.T        &C. [ ETC.  {S} (AC)
 3.2   | 25.14       churches [ Churches  {C}
 3.2   | 25.14       western country [ Western country  {C} (TC) {1}
 3.4   | 25.16       christian [ Christian  {C}
 3.4   | 25.16       world; [ world,  {P}
 3.5   | 26.1        act [ act, {P} (TC)
 3.7   | 26.3        Standard; [ standard;  {C}
 3.8   | 26.3        divinely [ Divinely  {C}
 3.8   | 26.4        conformed; [ conformed,  {P}
 3.10  | 26.6        brother: [ brother;  {P}
 3.10  | 26.6        but that every [ every  {D} (TC)
 3.12  | 26.8        judgment;-- [ judgment--  {P}
 3.12  | 26.8        God--We [ God. We  {P}
 3.13  | 26.9        divine [ Divine  {C}
 3.13  | 26.10       all [ all,  {P}
 3.15  | 26.12       it: [ it;  {P}
 3.15  | 26.12       that [ that,  {P}
 3.15  | 26.12       therefore [ therefore, {P}
 3.20  | 26.17       are [ are,  {P}
 3.20  | 26.17       therefore [ therefore,  {P}
 3.22  | 26.19       every thing [ everything  {S}
 3.22  | 26.19       and, [ and  {P}
 3.23  | 26.21       things; [ things,  {P}
 3.24  | 26.22       have [ take  {D} (TC)
 3.26  | 26.23       nature, [ nature  {P}
 3.27  | 26.24       christians; [ Christians;  {C}
 3.29  | 26.27       measures, [ measures  {P}
 3.30  | 27.2        churches;-- [ Churches:  {C}{P}
 3.31  | 27.2        purity, [ purity  {P}
 3.31  | 27.3        church [ Church  {C}
 3.34  | 27.5        amidst [ amid  {S}
 3.34  | 27.6        rancour [ rancor  {S}
 3.36  | 27.8        any where, [ anywhere  {S}{P}
 3.37  | 27.9        word; [ word,  {P}
 3.37  | 27.9        and to-day, [ to-day,  {D} (TC)
 3.38  | 27.9        for ever. [ forever.  {S}
 3.39  | 27.11       that [ that,  {P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 4.1   | 27.11       men, [ men  {P}
 4.2   | 27.12       church [ Church  {C}
 4.2   | 27.13       God, [ God  {P}
 4.2   | 27.13       farther [ further  {S}
 4.3   | 27.14       to, [ to  {P}
 4.3   | 27.14       by, [ by  {P}
 4.4   | 27.15       divine [ Divine  {C}
 4.4   | 27.15       rule: [ rule;  {P}
 4.4   | 27.15       The [ the {C}
 4.6   | 27.17       alone [ alone,  {P}
 4.6   | 27.17       word [ word,  {P}
 4.6   | 27.18       salvation-- [ salvation;  {P}
 4.8   | 27.20       Lord.-- [ Lord.  {P}
 4.11  | 27.24       Washington-- [ Washington,  {P}
 4.12  | 27.25       christianity, [ Christianity,  {C}
 4.16  | 27.30       Ministry, [ ministry,  {C}
 4.19  | 27.32       And [ And,  {P}
 4.19  | 27.33       also [ also,  {P}
 4.19  | 27.33       Holy [ holy {C}
 4.21  | 27.34       society [ Society  {C}
 4.27  | 28.6        society [ Society  {C}
 4.27  | 28.7        church, [ Church,  {C}
 4.30  | 28.9        relation: [ relation;  {P}
 4.31  | 28.10       church [ Church  {C}
 4.31  | 28.11       association;-- [ associa- tion; {P}
 4.32  | 28.11       church [ Church  {C}
 4.34  | 28.14       purpose: [ purpose,  {P}
 4.36  | 28.16       society, [ Society,  {C}
 4.37  | 28.17       christianity, [ Christianity,  {C}
 4.40  | 28.20       diligence;-- [ diligence;  {P}
 4.41  | 28.22       christianity, [ Christianity,  {C}
 4.42  | 28.23       any thing [ anything  {S}
 4.44  | 28.25       christian [ Christian  {C}
 4.45  | 28.25       church-- [ Church,  {C}{P}
 4.45  | 28.26       or, [ or  {P}
 4.45  | 28.26       any thing, [ anything  {S}{P}
 4.45  | 28.26       christian [ Christian  {C}
 4.45  | 28.26       faith, [ faith  {P}
 4.46  | 28.27       cannot [ can not  {S}
 4.46  | 28.27       thus [ "Thus  {P}{C}
 4.46  | 28.27       Lord [ Lord,  {P}
 4.47  | 28.28       precedent. [ precedent."  {P}
 4.48  | 29.1        standing [ Standing  {C}
 4.48  | 29.1        committee [ Committee  {C}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 5.2   | 29.4        business, [ business  {P}
 5.2   | 29.4        society. [ Society.  {C}
 5.2   | 29.5        committee [ Committee  {C}
 5.4   | 29.7        society [ Society  {C}
 5.5   | 29.8        institu- tution-- [ institution,  {S}{P}
 5.7   | 29.10       society, [ Society, {C}
 5.7   | 29.10       committee [ Committee  {C}
 5.8   | 29.11       pro re nota [ special  {D} (TC)
 5.9   | 29.12       society [ Society  {C}
 5.9   | 29.12       viz. [ viz.:  {P}
 5.9   | 29.13       On [ on  {C}
 5.11  | 29.14       half yearly [ half-yearly  {S}
 5.16  | 29.20       society [ Society  {C}
 5.18  | 30.2        society-- [ Society;  {C}{P}
 5.19  | 30.3        society [ Society  {C}
 5.19  | 30.4        half yearly [ half-yearly  {S}
 5.20  | 30.5        society, [ Society,  {C}
 5.21  | 30.6        Churches [ Church's  {D} (TC)
 5.21  | 30.6        His [ his {C}
 5.23  | 30.8        christianity; [ Christianity;  {C}
 5.24  | 30.9        ministers, [ ministers  {P}
 5.25  | 30.11       of, [ of {P}
 5.25  | 30.11       society, [ Society,  {C}
 5.27  | 30.12       gospel, [ Gospel,  {C}
 5.28  | 30.14       Standard [ standard  {C}
 5.28  | 30.14       aforesaid-- [ aforesaid;  {P}
 5.28  | 30.14       and, that [ and that,  {P}
 5.30  | 30.16       towards [ toward  {S}
 5.30  | 30.16       connexion [ connection  {S}
 5.30  | 30.17       society [ Society,  {C}{P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 6.T   | 30.T        &c. [ ETC.  {S} (AC)
 6.4   | 30.22       BRETHREN, [ BRETHREN:  {P} (AC)
 6.5   | 30.23       THAT [ That  {T}
 6.5   | 30.23       design, [ design  {P}
 6.5   | 30.23       tendency, [ tendency  {P}
 6.6   | 30.24       religion, [ religion  {P}
 6.9   | 30.27       christianity. [ Christianity.  {C}
 6.9   | 30.28       Author [ author  {C}
 6.11  | 30.29       "glory [ "Glory  {C}
 6.11  | 31.1        and, on [ and on  {P}
 6.11  | 31.1        earth, [ earth  {P}
 6.11  | 31.1        good will [ good-will  {S}
 6.12  | 31.1        towards  [ toward  {S}
 6.12  | 31.2        divine [ Divine  {C}
 6.14  | 31.4        expressly [ expressively {D}
 6.16  | 31.6        attained; [ attained,  {P}
 6.16  | 31.6        degree, [ degree  {P}
 6.17  | 31.7        God, [ God  {P}
 6.17  | 31.7        men, [ men  {P}
 6.18  | 31.8        and [ and,  {P}
 6.18  | 31.9        time [ time,  {P}
 6.21  | 31.12       another; [ another,  {P}
 6.22  | 31.12       cannot [ can not  {S}
 6.22  | 31.13       justifiable, [ justifiable  {P}
 6.23  | 31.14       endeavours, [ endeavors {S}{P}
 6.27  | 31.18       persecutions!!! [ persecution!!!  {D}
 6.27  | 31.19       must [ must,  {P}
 6.29  | 31.20       exist, [ exist;  {P}
 6.29  | 31.20       Apostle, [ apostle,  {C}
 6.30  | 31.22       these [ those {D}
 6.34  | 31.26       neighbourhoods [ neighborhoods  {S}
 6.34  | 31.26       christians [ Christians  {C}
 6.36  | 31.28       gospel [ Gospel  {C}
 6.36  | 31.28       settlements, [ settle- ments  {P}
 6.37  | 31.29       country, [ country  {P}
 6.38  | 31.30       gospel [ Gospel  {C}
 6.38  | 31.30       ministry; [ ministry,  {P}
 6.38  | 31.31       hea- thenism: [ heathenism,  {P}
 6.39  | 31.31       churches [ Churches  {C}
 6.39  | 31.32       divisions, [ divisions  {P}
 6.40  | 31.32       cannot [ can not  {S}
 6.40  | 31.32       ministers; [ min- isters,  {P}
 6.40  | 31.33       or, [ or  {P}
 6.41  | 31.33       themselves, [ themselves  {P}
 6.41  | 31.34       Severals [ Several,  {S}{P}
 6.42  | 31.34       time [ time,  {P}
 6.42  | 32.1        gospel, [ Gospel,  {C}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 7.1   | 32.2        ad- vantage [ advantage,  {P}
 7.1   | 32.3        heathens.-- [ heathens.  {P}
 7.2   | 32.4        dispensa- tions [ dispensa- tion  {D}
 7.5   | 32.7        amongst [ among  {S}
 7.5   | 32.8        christians, [ Christians,  {C}
 7.7   | 32.9        world;-- [ world;  {P}
 7.10  | 33.1        purposes; [ purposes,  {P}
 7.12  | 33.4        churches, [ Churches,  {C}
 7.15  | 34.1        spurious [ specious  {D} (TC)
 7.15  | 34.1        pretence, [ pretense,  {S}
 7.16  | 34.3        church, [ Church  {C}{P}
 7.17  | 34.4        base, [ base  {P}
 7.19  | 34.6        scriptural [ Scriptural  {C}
 7.20  | 34.7        church [ Church  {C}
 7.20  | 34.7        God; [ God,  {P}
 7.20  | 34.8        which, [ which  {P}
 7.22  | 34.9        woeful [ woful  {S}
 7.23  | 34.10       divine [ Divine  {C}
 7.24  | 34.12       gospel [ Gospel  {C}
 7.25  | 34.13       ordinances; [ ordinances,  {P}
 7.27  | 34.15       scandals; [ scandals,  {P}
 7.28  | 34.16       Thus [ Thus,  {P}
 7.28  | 34.16       christians [ Chris- tians  {C}
 7.29  | 34.17       another [ another,  {P}
 7.30  | 34.18       God: [ God;  {P}
 7.30  | 34.19       Meantime [ meantime,  {C}{P}
 7.31  | 34.20       stumbled; [ stumbled,  {P}
 7.33  | 34.21       religion; [ religion,  {P}
 7.33  | 34.22       heaven, [ heaven  {P}
 7.35  | 34.24       gospel [ Gospel  {C}
 7.35  | 34.24       contempt; [ contempt,  {P}
 7.36  | 34.25       multitudes [ multitudes,  {P}
 7.36  | 34.25       gospel [ Gospel  {C}
 7.38  | 34.27       unheard of [ unheard-of  {S}
 7.39  | 35.2        country.-- [ country.  {P}
 7.40  | 35.2        so. [ so?  {P} (TC)(AC)
 7.41  | 35.3        endeavour, [ endeavor,  {S}
 7.41  | 35.3        scriptural [ Scrip- tural  {C}
 7.42  | 35.4        say, [ say  {P}
 7.43  | 35.6        gospel [ Gospel  {C}
 7.44  | 35.7        undertaking. [ undertaking?  {P}
 7.45  | 35.8        endeavours. [ endeavors.  {S}
 7.47  | 35.11       is [ is,  {P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 8.1   | 35.13       christianity-- [ Christianity;  {C}{P}
 8.1   | 35.14       anti-christian [ antichristian  {S}
 8.2   | 35.14       hierarchy-- [ hierarchy;  {P}
 8.2   | 35.15       connexion [ connection  {S}
 8.3   | 35.16       nations, [ nations  {P}
 8.8   | 35.21       us, [ us  {P}
 8.9   | 35.23       ends, [ ends  {P}
 8.9   | 35.23       given; -- [ given,  {P}
 8.11  | 35.25       any thing [ anything  {S}
 8.11  | 35.25       less, [ less  {P}
 8.13  | 35.27       reformation, [ reform- ation  {P}
 8.14  | 35.28       things [ things,  {P}
 8.16  | 35.30       privileges, [ privileges  {P}
 8.18  | 35.32       times, [ times  {P}
 8.19  | 35.34       endeavours [ endeavors  {S}
 8.20  | 36.1        anti-christian [ anti- christian  {S} {2}
 8.21  | 36.2        world; [ world--  {P}
 8.21  | 36.2        recompences [ recompenses  {S}
 8.22  | 36.3        Surely [ Surely,  {P}
 8.22  | 36.3        then [ then,  {P}
 8.22  | 36.3        favour [ favor  {S}
 8.25  | 36.6        gospel [ Gospel  {C}
 8.26  | 36.8        centuries, [ centuries  {P}
 8.27  | 36.9        churches [ Churches,  {C}{P}
 8.30  | 36.12       christian [ Christian  {C}
 8.31  | 36.13       others [ other's {S}
 8.31  | 36.13       good; [ good,  {P}
 8.32  | 36.14       documents, [ documents  {P}
 8.32  | 36.14       subjects, [ subjects  {P}
 8.33  | 36.15       excited, [ excited  {P}
 8.33  | 36.15       considerations, [ considerations  {P}
 8.35  | 36.18       what! [ what  {P}
 8.35  | 36.18       Tho' [ though  {C}{S}
 8.35  | 36.18       well meant [ well-meant  {S}
 8.36  | 36.18       endeavours [ endeavors  {S}
 8.36  | 36.18       union, [ union  {P}
 8.38  | 36.20       attempt. [ attempt!  {P} (TC)
 8.38  | 36.21       christians [ Christians  {C}
 8.40  | 36.23       opposition, [ opposition  {P}
 8.40  | 36.23       success, [ success  {P}
 8.41  | 36.25       endeavours; [ endeavors;  {S}
 8.41  | 36.25       divine [ Divine  {C}
 8.42  | 36.26       have, [ have   {P}
 8.42  | 36.26       ago, [ ago  {P}
 8.43  | 36.26       any thing  [ any- thing  {S}
 8.44  | 36.28       evils, [ evils  {P}
 8.44  | 36.28       christians [ Christians  {C}
 8.46  | 36.30       with, [ with  {P}
 8.46  | 36.30       enemy, [ enemy  {P}
 8.47  | 36.31       church, [ Church,  {C}
 8.48  | 36.32       pieces. [ pieces?  {P}
 8.48  | 36.33       let [ Let  {C}
 8.49  | 36.34       endeavours [ endeavors  {S}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 9.2   | 37.2        business; [ business,  {P}
 9.3   | 37.3        inadvertencies, [ inadvertencies {P}
 9.6   | 37.6        us; [ us,  {P}
 9.6   | 37.7        labouring [ laboring  {S}
 9.7   | 37.7        cause; [ cause,  {P}
 9.7   | 37.8        armour [ armor  {S}
 9.8   | 37.8        God; [ God,  {P}
 9.9   | 37.9        gospel [ Gospel  {C}
 9.9   | 37.10       duty, [ duty  {P}
 9.14  | 37.15       offence, [ offense,  {S}
 9.14  | 37.15       discouragement, [ discourage- ment  {P}
 9.15  | 37.16       any, [ any one  {P}{D}
 9.15  | 37.17       question, [ question  {P}
 9.15  | 37.17       connexion [ connection  {S}
 9.18  | 37.19       good. [ good?  {P}
 9.20  | 37.22       for [ for,  {P}
 9.20  | 37.23       surely [ surely,  {P}
 9.21  | 37.23       divine [ Divine  {C}
 9.21  | 37.24       any thing [ anything  {S}
 9.26  | 37.29       alone, [ alone  {P}
 9.26  | 37.30       forward, [ for- ward  {P}
 9.32  | 38.2        Apostle, [ apostle,  {C}
 9.33  | 38.2        who [ Who  {C}
 9.33  | 38.2        things!-- [ things?  {P}
 9.35  | 38.4        so [ so,  {P}
 9.35  | 38.5        suffi- ciency, [ sufficiency  {P}
 9.36  | 38.5        But [ But,  {P}
 9.38  | 38.8        churches; [ Churches,  {C}{P}
 9.39  | 38.9        John 17, 20, 23, [ (John xvii: 20, 23,)  {S}{P}
 9.41  | 38.11       Pray [ "Pray  {P}
 9.42  | 38.12       Jerusalem, [ Jerusalem;  {P}
 9.42  | 38.12       thee. [ thee."  {P}
 9.44  | 38.14       enterpize; [ enterprise,  {S}
 9.44  | 38.14       attempt, [ attempt  {P}
 9.45  | 38.16       churches [ Churches  {C}
 9.46  | 38.17       God. [ God?  {P}
 9.48  | 38.18       thought: [ thought;  {P}
 9.48  | 38.18       But [ but  {C}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 10.3  | 38.22       endeavours, [ endeavors  {S}{P}
 10.4  | 38.23       peculiar, [ peculiar cause,  {D} (TC)
 10.7  | 38.26       do, [ do  {P}
 10.8  | 38.27       connexion [ connection  {S}
 10.9  | 38.29       themselves [ himself  {D} (TC)
 10.10 | 38.30       brethren, [ brethren  {P}
 10.13 | 38.33       event, [ event  {P}
 10.14 | 38.34       church [ Church  {C}
 10.14 | 39.1        purity [ purity,  {P}
 10.14 | 39.1        prosperity; [ prosperity,  {P}
 10.14 | 39.1        but, [ but  {P}
 10.16 | 39.4        incredi- ble, [ incredible,  {P}
 10.17 | 39.4        church [ Church  {C}
 10.18 | 39.5        purity, [ purity  {P}
 10.19 | 39.7        any thing [ anything  {S}
 10.20 | 39.8        but [ both  {D} (TC)
 10.21 | 39.8        model, [ model  {P}
 10.21 | 39.9        practice, [ practice  {P}
 10.22 | 39.9        church, [ Church,  {C}
 10.23 | 39.11       or all [ or in all  {D} (TC)
 10.23 | 39.11       churches, [ Churches,  {C} {3}
 10.26 | 39.14       worse; [ worse,  {P}
 10.26 | 39.14       divinely inspired [ divinely-inspired  {S}
 10.27 | 39.16       church [ Church  {C}
 10.28 | 39.16       Aposto- lick [ apostolic  {C}{S} (TC) {4}
 10.29 | 39.17       church, [ Church,  {C}
 10.29 | 39.17       be [ be,  {P}
 10.31 | 39.20       churches [ Churches  {C}
 10.32 | 39.21       Christ, [ Christ  {P}
 10.33 | 39.22       holiness; [ holi- ness,  {P}
 10.34 | 39.22       agreed, [ agreed  {P}
 10.37 | 39.26       opinion, [ opinion  {P}
 10.38 | 39.27       pity, [ pity  {P}
 10.38 | 39.28       things!! [ things!  {P}
 10.39 | 39.29       amongst [ among  {S}
 10.39 | 39.29       us, [ us  {P}
 10.39 | 39.29       up with human [ up human  {D}
 10.40 | 39.30       God; [ God,  {P}
 10.41 | 39.31       brethren; [ brethren,  {P}
 10.44 | 39.34       brethren, [ brethren  {P}
 10.44 | 39.34       denominations, [ denominations  {P}
 10.44 | 40.34       consider, [ con- sider  {P}
 10.45 | 40.1        prejudices, [ prejudices  {P}
 10.46 | 40.2        with [ against  {D} (TC)
 10.48 | 40.4        practice, [ practice  {P}
 10.49 | 40.6        terms, [ terms  {P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 11.1  | 40.8        christian [ Christian  {C}
 11.1  | 40.8        church; [ Church;  {C}
 11.3  | 40.11       all, [ all  {P}
 11.5  | 40.13       fellow-brethren [ brethren  {D} (TC)
 11.6  | 40.14       brethren, [ brethren  {P}
 11.11 | 40.19       christian [ Christian  {C}
 11.11 | 40.20       head, [ head,  {T}
 11.11 | 40.20       centre, [ center,  {S}
 11.12 | 40.20       rule-- [ rule;  {T} {P}
 11.14 | 40.22       cannot [ can not  {S}
 11.15 | 40.23       suppose, [ suppose  {P}
 11.15 | 40.24       it; [ it,  {P}
 11.16 | 40.25       assume, [ assume  {P}
 11.16 | 40.25       propose, [ propose  {P}
 11.17 | 40.26       essentials, [ essentials  {P}
 11.20 | 40.29       Authority [ authority  {C}
 11.21 | 40.30       belief, [ belief  {P}
 11.21 | 40.30       them, [ them  {P}
 11.23 | 40.32       any thing [ anything  {S}
 11.23 | 40.33       duty, [ duty  {P}
 11.24 | 40.33       presume [ presume,  {P}
 11.26 | 41.2        none, [ known  {D}
 11.26 | 41.2        but of a few; [ of but few;  {D}
 11.28 | 41.4        event, [ event  {P}
 11.29 | 41.5        information, [ information  {P}
 11.30 | 41.5        concurrence, [ concurrence  {P}
 11.31 | 41.6        begin-- [ begin,  {P}
 11.31 | 41.6        sometime-- [ some time,  {S}{P}
 11.36 | 41.12       ours: [ ours;  {P}
 11.37 | 41.13       urge, [ urge  {P}
 11.44 | 41.21       well known [ well-known  {S}
 11.46 | 41.23       vehemence, [ vehemence  {P}
 11.47 | 41.25       tho' [ though  {S}
 11.48 | 41.26       and [ and,  {P}
 11.49 | 41.26       decline: [ decline;  {P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 12.2  | 41.28       means, [ means  {P}
 12.4  | 41.31       church, [ Church,  {C}
 12.6  | 41.33       men, [ men  {P}
 12.6  | 41.33       them:-- [ him;  {D}{P}
 12.7  | 41.34       suppose, [ suppose  {P}
 12.7  | 42.1        advan- tage, [ advantage  {P}
 12.9  | 42.2        farther [ further  {S}
 12.10 | 42.4        would, [ would  {P}
 12.10 | 42.4        means, [ means  {P}
 12.10 | 42.4        our- selves, [ ourselves  {P}
 12.11 | 42.5        farther [ further  {S}
 12.11 | 42.5        add [ add,  {P}
 12.14 | 42.8        feelings, [ feelings  {P}
 12.14 | 42.9        towards [ toward  {S}
 12.15 | 42.9        scriptural [ Scriptural  {C}
 12.15 | 42.9        amongst [ among  {S}
 12.15 | 42.9        churches, [ Churches,  {C}
 12.16 | 42.10       acknowledged, [ acknowledged  {P}
 12.17 | 42.12       conciliate; [ conciliate,  {P}
 12.18 | 42.12       other, [ other  {P}
 12.18 | 42.13       charity, [ charity  {P}
 12.19 | 42.13       truth:-- [ truth:  {P}
 12.19 | 42.14       truth, [ truth,"  {P}
 12.19 | 42.14       Apostle, [ apostle,  {C}
 12.19 | 42.14       and [ "and  {P}
 12.21 | 42.16       forever. [ forever."  {P} (TC)
 12.21 | 42.16       Indeed [ Indeed,  {P}
 12.22 | 42.17       divine [ Divine  {C}
 12.22 | 42.17       union, [ union  {P}
 12.23 | 42.19       chris- tian: [ Christian,  {C}{P}
 12.24 | 42.19       favour [ favor  {S}
 12.24 | 42.20       weak, [ weak  {P}
 12.26 | 42.21       principle, [ principle  {P}
 12.26 | 42.22       impossible.-- [ impossible.  {P}
 12.28 | 42.24       good natured [ good-natured  {S}
 12.29 | 42.25       thing [ thing,  {P}
 12.29 | 42.25       however [ however,  {P}
 12.31 | 42.27       believe, [ believe  {P}
 12.33 | 42.29       effected; [ effected,  {P}
 12.34 | 42.30       divinely revealed [ Divinely-revealed  {C}{S}
 12.34 | 42.30       truth; [ truth,  {P}
 12.34 | 42.30       good natured [ good-natured  {S}
 12.34 | 42.31       christian [ Christian  {C}
 12.35 | 42.31       condeseension; [ condescension, {S}{P}
 12.37 | 42.34       christian [ Christian  {C}
 12.38 | 42.34       discernment, [ discernment  {P}
 12.39 | 43.1        Redeemer; [ Redeemer,  {P} (TC)
 12.40 | 43.2        no [ "no  {P} (TC)
 12.42 | 43.5        judgment? [ judgment?"  {P} (TC)
 12.43 | 43.6        practicable, [ practicable  {P}
 12.44 | 43.7        you." [ us."  {D} (TC)
 12.46 | 43.9        shepherd. [ Shepherd?  {C}{P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 13.5  | 43.19       chris- tian [ Christian  {C}
 13.6  | 43.19       say, [ say  {P}
 13.8  | 43.21       stumbling block [ stumbling-block  {S}
 13.11 | 43.24       work-- [ work,  {P}
 13.12 | 43.25       way; [ way,  {P}
 13.12 | 43.26       chaff, [ chaff  {P}
 13.13 | 43.27       revelation;-- [ revelation;  {P}
 13.14 | 43.28       power, [ power  {P}
 13.16 | 43.31       we [ you  {D} (TC)
 13.17 | 43.31       ignorant of, [ ignorant of  {P}
 13.17 | 43.31       with, [ with  {P}
 13.18 | 43.32       church. [ Church.  {C}
 13.18 | 43.33       prayers, [ prayers  {P}
 13.20 | 44.1        cannot, [ can not,  {S}
 13.21 | 44.1        silent, [ silent  {P}
 13.22 | 44.3        cannot; [ can not;  {S}
 13.24 | 44.5        nature, [ nature  {P}
 13.25 | 44.6        anti-christian [ antichristian  {S}
 13.26 | 44.7        church [ Church  {C}
 13.29 | 44.11       love-- [ love;  {P}
 13.29 | 44.11       But [ but  {C}
 13.30 | 44.12       *   *   *   * [ *   *   *  {P}
 13.30 | 44.12       See Mal. 2, 1--10. [ (See Mal. ii: 1-10.)  {S}{P}
 13.31 | 44.13       Oh! [ O!  {S}
 13.31 | 44.13       consider, [ consider  {P}
 13.32 | 44.14       grave; [ grave,  {P}
 13.32 | 44.15       it: [ it!  {P}
 13.33 | 44.16       there!-- [ there!  {P}
 13.34 | 44.16       God, [ God  {P}
 13.36 | 44.19       church. [ Church.  {C}
 13.37 | 44.20       meantime, [ mean time,  {S}
 13.38 | 44.21       perpetuated, [ perpetuated  {P}
 13.38 | 44.21       'till [ till  {P}
 13.44 | 44.27       day, [ day  {P}
 13.44 | 44.28       amongst [ among  {S}
 13.45 | 44.30       attempt-- [ attempt.  {P}
 13.48 | 44.33       called; [ called,  {P}
 13.49 | 44.33       man; [ man,  {P}
 13.49 } 44.34       Christ [ Christ,  {P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 14.3  | 45.2        amongst [ among  {S}
 14.3  | 45.2        us; [ us,  {P}
 14.3  | 45.3        cannot  [ can not  {S}
 14.5  | 45.5        Till [ Until  {D}
 14.6  | 45.6        together; [ together,  {P}
 14.6  | 45.6        christian [ Christian  {C}
 14.10 | 45.11       christianity-- [ Christianity; {C}{P}
 14.10 | 45.11       In [ in  {C}
 14.11 | 45.12       you-- [ you.  {P}
 14.13 | 45.13       churches, [ Churches,  {C}
 14.13 | 45.14       purity-- [ purity;  {P}
 14.15 | 45.16       forward [ forward,  {P}
 14.16 | 45.18       syren [ siren  {S}
 14.17 | 45.18       professor, [ professor:  {P}
 14.17 | 45.19       come-- [ come,  {P}
 14.18 | 45.19       come-- [ come,  {P}
 14.18 | 45.19       he,-- [ he;  {P}
 14.19 | 45.21       not.-- [ not.  {P}
 14.20 | 45.21       "Have [ Have  {P}
 14.26 | 45.29       yea [ yea,  {P}
 14.29 | 45.32       servants, [ servants  {P}
 14.29 | 45.32       Prophets, [ prophets,  {C}
 14.31 | 46.1        amongst [ among  {S}
 14.32 | 46.1        things-- [ things,  {P}
 14.32 | 46.2        thunderings, [ thunderings  {P}
 14.37 | 46.7        Providence [ God  {D} (TC)
 14.37 | 46.8        distance? What [ distance? ¶ What  {T} (TC)
 14.45 | 46.16       Zion"-- [ Zion."  {P}
 14.46 | 46.17       dear bought [ dear-bought  {S}
 14.49 | 46.20       upon [ on  {D}
 14.49 | 46.20       earth;-- [ earth;  {P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 15.1  | 46.21       fast [ fast,  {P}
 15.1  | 46.21       therefore [ therefore,  {P}
 15.5  | 46.26       doing, [ doing  {P}
 15.6  | 46.27       endeavours [ endeavors  {S}
 15.7  | 46.28       first fruits [ first-fruits  {S}
 15.8  | 46.30       propo- sitions-- [ propositions,  {P}
 15.9  | 46.30       candour [ candor  {S}
 15.10 | 46.31       despise, [ despise  {P}
 15.10 | 46.31       misconstrue, [ misconstrue  {P}
 15.12 | 46.34       scriptural [ Scriptural  {C}
 15.12 | 46.34       amongst [ among  {S}
 15.13 | 47.1        churches, [ Churches,  {C}
 15.14 | 47.2        dictate: [ dictate,  {P}
 15.18 | 47.7        weakness, [ weakness  {P}
 15.19 | 47.7        power-- [ power.  {P}
 15.20 | 47.9        church, [ Church,  {C}
 15.22 | 47.11       For [ "For  {P} (TC)
 15.23 | 47.12       spirit [ Spirit  {C}
 15.24 | 47.13       spirit; [ Spirit;  {C}
 15.24 | 47.14       spirit; [ Spirit;  {C}
 15.25 | 47.15       spirit [ Spirit  {C}
 15.28 | 47.18       God. [ God."  {P} (TC)
 15.28 | 47.18       face [ face,  {P}
 15.28 | 47.18       then [ then,  {P}
 15.29 | 47.19       di- vine [ Divine  {C}
 15.30 | 47.20       church [ Church  {C}
 15.33 | 47.23       any thing [ anything  {S}
 15.37 | 47.28       christian [ Christian  {C}
 15.39 | 47.30       cannot, [ can not,  {S}
 15.41 | 47.32       Came, [ Come,  {D} (TC)
 15.44 | 48.2        fellow-christians, [ fellow-Christians,  {C}
 15.46 | 48.4        church. [ Church.  {C}
 15.48 | 48.6        towards [ toward  {S}
 15.48 | 48.6        creed, [ creed  {P}
 15.48 | 48.6        standard, [ standard  {P}
 15.48 | 48.7        church; [ Church,  {C}{P}
 15.49 | 48.7        or, [ or  {P}
 15.49 | 48.8        communion;-- [ communion;  {P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 16.1  | 48.8        farther [ further  {S}
 16.3  | 48.10       ground: [ ground  {P} (TC)
 16.3  | 48.11       premises: [ premises,  {P}
 16.4  | 48.12       Apostles [ apostles  {C}
 16.4  | 48.12       them.-- [ them;  {P}
 16.4  | 48.12       That [ that  {C}
 16.6  | 48.14       church [ Church  {C}
 16.7  | 48.15       beginning-- [ beginning. {P}
 16.8  | 48.16       follows. [ follows:  {P}
 16.9  | 48.17       THAT [ That  {T}
 16.9  | 48.20       church [ Church  {C}
 16.12 | 48.20       scriptures, [ Scriptures,  {C}
 16.13 | 48.22       else [ else;  {P} (TC)
 16.14 | 48.23       christians. [ Christians.  {C}
 16.15 | 48.24       church [ Church  {C}
 16.17 | 48.26       another; [ another,  {P}
 16.19 | 48.28       them [ them,  {P}
 16.20 | 48.29       purpose, [ purpose  {P}
 16.24 | 48.34       christians [ Christians  {C}
 16.25 | 49.1        communion; [ communion,  {P}
 16.25 | 49.1        taught, [ taught  {P}
 16.26 | 49.2        them, [ them  {P}
 16.26 | 49.2        any thing [ anything  {S}
 16.26 | 49.3        be admitted, [ to be admitted,  {D} (TC)
 16.27 | 49.3        divine [ Divine  {C}
 16.27 | 49.3        church [ Church  {C}
 16.29 | 49.5        Apostles [ apostles  {C}
 16.29 | 49.6        church; [ Church;  {C}
 16.30 | 49.6        terms, [ terms  {P}
 16.30 | 49.7        approven [ approved  {S} (TC)
 16.31 | 49.8        scriptures [ Scriptures  {C}
 16.31 | 49.8        Testament [ Test- aments  {D}
 16.34 | 49.11       church; [ Church,  {C}{P}
 16.34 | 49.12       cannot [ can not  {S}
 16.37 | 49.14       discipline [ discipline,  {P}
 16.37 | 49.15       church, [ Church,  {C}
 16.38 | 49.16       members; [ members,  {P}
 16.39 | 49.17       worship [ worship,  {P}
 16.39 | 49.17       discipline [ discipline,  {P}
 16.40 | 49.18       church, [ Church,  {C}
 16.43 | 49.21       scriptures [ Scriptures  {C}
 16.43 | 49.21       silent, [ silent  {P}
 16.44 | 49.23       be; [ be,  {P}
 16.45 | 49.24       de- ficiency, [ deficiency  {P}
 16.46 | 49.25       church; [ Church;  {C}
 16.46 | 49.25       any thing [ anything  {S}
 16.47 | 49.25       christians [ Christians  {C}
 16.48 | 49.27       ordinances, [ ordinances  {P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 17.2  | 49.30       church, [ Church,  {C}
 17.3  | 49.32       church; [ Church,  {C}{P}
 17.4  | 49.32       amongst [ among  {S}
 17.4  | 49.32       christians, [ Chris- tians,  {C}
 17.6  | 49.34       scripture [ Scripture  {C}
 17.8  | 50.2        word: [ word,  {P}
 17.9  | 50.3        christians [ Christians  {C}
 17.11 | 50.5        men; [ men,  {P}
 17.11 | 50.6        God-- [ God.  {P}
 17.11 | 50.6        therefore [ Therefore,  {C}{P}
 17.13 | 50.8        church. [ Church.  {C}
 17.13 | 50.9        Hence [ Hence,  {P}
 17.15 | 50.10       churchs's [ Church's  {C}{S}
 17.16 | 50.13       divine [ Divine  {C}
 17.18 | 50.14       expedient; [ expedient,  {P}
 17.18 | 50.15       be, [ be  {P}
 17.22 | 50.18       christian [ Christian  {C}
 17.22 | 50.18       communion: [ communion;  {P}
 17.23 | 50.20       church, [ Church,  {C}
 17.24 | 50.21       judgment; [ judgment,  {P}
 17.25 | 50.22       church [ Church  {C}
 17.29 | 50.26       divinely revealed [ Divinely-revealed  {C}{S}
 17.30 | 50.28       church; [ Church;  {C}
 17.32 | 50.29       knowledge: [ knowledge;  {P}
 17.33 | 50.31       scriptural [ Scriptural  {C}
 17.34 | 50.32       practice; [ practice,  {P}
 17.35 | 50.33       thro' [ through  {S}
 17.36 | 50.34       in, [ in  {P}
 17.36 | 50.34       things [ things,  {P}
 17.38 | 51.2        church. [ Church.  {C}
 17.39 | 51.3        enabled, [ enabled  {P}
 17.39 | 51.3        thro' [ through  {S}
 17.39 | 51.3        grace, [ grace  {P}
 17.42 | 51.7        father, [ Father,  {C}
 17.43 | 51.7        spirit, [ Spirit,  {C} (TC)
 17.44 | 51.9        divine [ Divine  {C}
 17.45 | 51.10       joint heirs [ joint-heirs  {S}
 17.47 | 51.12       among [ among the  {D}
 17.47 | 51.12       christians [ Christians  {C}
 17.48 | 51.13       anti-christian, [ antichristian,  {S}
 17.49 | 51.15       exclo- ding [ excluding {S} (TC) {5}
 17.49 | 51.16       wcre [ were  {S} (TC)
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 18.1  | 51.16       anti-scriptural, [ antiscriptural,  {S}
 18.3  | 51.18       anti-natural, [ antinatural,  {S}
 18.4  | 51.18       christians [ Christians  {C}
 18.4  | 51.19       hate [ hate,  {P}
 18.7  | 51.22        confusion, [ confusion  {P}
 18.8  | 51.23       That, [ That  {P}
 18.8  | 51.23       instances,) [ instances)  {P}
 18.9  | 51.24       God; [ God,  {P}
 18.9  | 51.24       and, [ and  {P}
 18.9  | 51.24       others,) [ others)  {P}
 18.10 | 51.25       opinions, [ opinions  {P}
 18.10 | 51.26       inventions, [ inventions  {P}
 18.12 | 51.27       worship, [ worship  {P}
 18.12 | 51.28       church; [ Church,  {C}{P}
 18.13 | 51.29       universally acknowledged [ universally-acknowledged {S}
 18.14 | 51.30       church [ Church  {C}
 18.17 | 51.32       church [ Church  {C}
 18.18 | 51.33       members, [ members  {P}
 18.18 | 51.34       scriptural [ Scriptural  {C}
 18.20 | 52.2        scriptures; [ Scriptures;  {C}
 18.21 | 52.2        2dly, [ secondly,  {S}
 18.22 | 52.4        tempers [ temper  {D} (TC)
 18.23 | 52.5        3dly, [ Thirdly,  {S}
 18.23 | 52.5        scripturally [ Scripturally  {C}
 18.27 | 52.9        divine [ Divine  {C}
 18.28 | 52.10       church, [ Church,  {C}
 18.31 | 52.14       divine [ Divine  {C}
 18.33 | 52.16       purpose, [ purpose  {P}
 18.33 | 52.16       adopted, [ adopted  {P}
 18.34 | 52.17       pretence [ pretense  {S}
 18.34 | 52.18       origin-- [ origin,  {P}
 18.37 | 52.20       church. [ Church.  {C}
 18.41 | 52.25       necessity-- [ necessity,  {P}
 18.42 | 52.26       one, [ one  {P}
 18.43 | 52.27       Zion-- [ Zion;  {P}
 18.44 | 52.28       Is. 57, 14, [ Isaiah lvii: 14,  {S}{P}
 18.48 | 52.32       cast [ Cast {C}
 18.49 | 52.33       stumbling block [ stumbling-block  {S}
 18.49 | 52.34       prepare tho [ prepare the {S}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 19.1  | 52.34       scriptural [ Scriptural   {C}
 19.1  | 52.34       amongst [ among  {S}
 19.1  | 53.1        christians, [ Christians,  {C}
 19.4  | 53.3        stumbling blocks-- [ stumbling-blocks--  {S}
 19.4  | 53.4        ages [ ages,  {P}
 19.5  | 53.5        towards [ toward  {S}
 19.6  | 53.5        object, [ object  {P}
 19.6  | 53.6        mistake, [ mistake  {P}
 19.7  | 53.7        left-- [ left,  {P}
 19.9  | 53.9        brethren, [ brethren  {P}
 19.9  | 53.9        towards [ toward  {S}
 19.11 | 53.11       scripture [ Scripture  {C}
 19.11 | 53.11       reason; [ reason,  {P}
 19.14 | 53.14       adequate; [ adequate,  {P}
 19.15 | 53.16       issue-- [ issue?  {P}
 19.18 | 53.20       candour, [ candor,  {S}
 19.20 | 53.21       right;-- [ right;  {P}
 19.21 | 53.23       which [ which,  {P}
 19.23 | 53.24       obtained; [ ob- tained,  {P}
 19.23 | 53.25       objection, [ objection  {P}
 19.24 | 53.26       general [ General  {C}
 19.24 | 53.26       council. [ Council.  {C}
 19.25 | 53.28       con- science-- [ conscience;  {P}
 19.26 | 53.28       conviction, [ conviction  {P}
 19.28 | 53.30       suspence [ suspense  {S} (TC)
 19.29 | 53.31       This [ This,  {P}
 19.29 | 53.32       persuaded [ persuaded,  {P}
 19.30 | 53.32       christians [ Christians  {C}
 19.31 | 53.34       such-- [ such,  {P}
 19.34 | 54.3        such-- [ such;  {P}
 19.34 | 54.3        Union [ "Union  {P}
 19.34 | 54.3        Truth [ Truth"  {P}
 19.35 | 54.3        Word [ word  {C}
 19.35 | 54.4        Standard; [ standard;  {C}
 19.36 | 54.5        promises; [ promises,  {P}
 19.38 | 54.7        When [ "When  {P}
 19.38 | 54.8        spirit [ Spirit  {C}
 19.40 | 54.9        standard bearers-- [ standard-bearers,  {S}{P}
 19.41 | 54.11       carnal; [ carnal,  {P}
 19.42 | 54.12       strong holds;" [ strongholds;"  {S}
 19.42 | 54.12       strong holds [ strongholds  {S}
 19.43 | 54.13       separation; [ separation,  {P}
 19.47 | 54.17       this; [ this,  {P}
 19.48 | 54.18       prevail;-- [ prevail;  {P}
 19.49 | 54.20       peace." [ peace."  {P}
 19.49 | 54.20       And [ "And  {P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 20.3  | 54.23       cannot [ can not  {S}
 20.4  | 54.24       kingdom, [ kingdom  {P}
 20.4  | 54.24       an house, [ a house  {D}
 20.5  | 54.25       cannot [ can not  {S}
 20.6  | 54.26       church [ Church  {C}
 20.9  | 54.30       it " [ it."  {P}
 20.16 | 55.2        done-- [ done.  {P}
 20.18 | 55.4        him [ Him  {C}
 20.18 | 55.5        "if [ "If  {C}
 20.19 | 55.6        any thing [ anything  {S}
 20.20 | 55.7        which [ who  {D}
 20.24 | 55.11       on, [ on  {P}
 20.24 | 55.11       Lord [ Lord;  {P}
 20.27 | 55.14       "for [ "For  {C}
 20.29 | 55.17       burneth."-- [ burneth."  {P}
 20.30 | 55.18       ye [ you  {S}
 20.31 | 55.19       meet, [ meet  {P}
 20.31 | 55.19       least, [ least  {P}
 20.33 | 55.21       church [ Church  {C}
 20.35 | 55.23       pros- perity-- [ prosperity,  {P}
 20.39 | 55.28       said, [ said:  {P}
 20.40 | 55.29       offence [ offense  {S}
 20.43 | 55.32       church [ Church  {C}
 20.43 | 55.33       every where [ everywhere  {S}
 20.46 | 56.2        cannot [ can not  {S}
 20.47 | 56.3        no where [ nowhere  {S}
 20.48 | 56.4        word o. [ word of  {S}
 20.48 | 56.4        God.-- [ God.  {P}
 20.49 | 56.5        christian [ Christian  {C}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 21.2  | 56.8        centre; [ center;  {S}
 21.5  | 56.11       know, [ know  {P}
 21.7  | 56.13       Ye [ You  {S} (TC)
 21.8  | 56.14       ye [ you  {S} (TC)
 21.8  | 56.15       Jesus, [ Jesus;  {P}
 21.9  | 56.15       Ye [ You  {S} (TC)
 21.10 | 56.17       Ye [ You  {S} (TC)
 21.11 | 56.18       Ye [ You  {S} (TC)
 21.12 | 56.19       ye [ you  {S} (TC)
 21.12 | 56.19       Ye [ You  {S} (TC)
 21.13 | 56.20       Ye [ You  {S} (TC)
 21.14 | 56.21       rule [ rule,  {P}
 21.15 | 56.22       Ye [ You  {S} (TC)
 21.15 | 56.23       re -ject, [ reject {P}
 21.16 | 56.23       christian [ Chris- tian  {C}
 21.16 | 56.24       brother; [ brother,  {P}
 21.17 | 56.24       condemned, [ condemned  {P}
 21.17 | 56.25       rejected, [ rejected  {P}
 21.17 | 56.25       law:-- [ law;  {P}
 21.18 | 56.25       Ye [ You  {S} (TC)
 21.21 | 56.29       communion-- [ communion;  {P}
 21.21 | 56.30       Ye [ You  {S} (TC)
 21.22 | 56.31       cannot, [ can not  {S}{P}
 21.23 | 56.32       you;-- [ you;  {P}
 21.23 | 56.32       character;-- [ character;  {P}
 21.24 | 56.33       profession, [ profession  {P}
 21.27 | 57.3        any thing [ anything  {S}
 21.28 | 57.3        minded, [ minded  {P}
 21.28 | 57.3        suppose; [ suppose,  {P}
 21.28 | 57.4        hope, [ hope  {P}
 21.29 | 57.5        them:-- [ them;  {P}
 21.29 | 57.5        Only [ only  {C}
 21.30 | 57.5        such, [ such  {P}
 21.30 | 57.6        light; [ light,  {P}
 21.31 | 57.6        reject it, [ reject it  {P}
 21.35 | 57.11       spirit; [ Spirit,  {C}{P} (TC)
 21.36 | 57.12       zeal;-- [ zeal;  {P}
 21.37 | 57.14       own, [ own  {P}
 21.38 | 57.14       church's [ Church's  {C}
 21.39 | 57.16       brethren, [ brethren;  {P}
 21.40 | 57.16       mistake-- [ mistake.  {P}
 21.40 | 57.16       so [ So  {C}
 21.41 | 57.18       scripture [ Scripture  {C}
 21.41 | 57.18       matter of fact [ matter-of-fact   {S}
 21.42 | 57.18       evidence, [ evidence  {P}
 21.43 | 57.19       inattention, [ inattention  {P}
 21.44 | 57.20       effect;-- [ effect,  {P}
 21.44 | 57.21       case, [ case  {P}
 21.45 | 57.22       instances.-- [ instances.  {P}
 21.46 | 57.22       evil: [ evil;  {P}
 21.48 | 57.25       things, [ things  {P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 22.1  | 57.27       brethren, [ brethren  {P}
 22.1  | 57.27       any thing [ anything  {S}
 22.2  | 57.28       christian [ Christian  {C}
 22.2  | 57.28       unity; [ unity,   {P}
 22.2  | 57.28       farther [ further  {S}
 22.3  | 57.29       it: [ it;  {P}
 22.4  | 57.30       subject; [ subject,  {P}
 22.7  | 57.34       dispute; [ dispute,  {P}
 22.7  | 57.34       hesitate, [ hesitate  {P}
 22.7  | 57.34       differ, [ differ  {P}
 22.9  | 58.2        this, [ this  {P}
 22.10 | 58.3        ground, [ ground;  {P}
 22.11 | 58.4        For [ For,  {P}
 22.12 | 58.6        divine [ Divine  {C}
 22.13 | 58.7        divine [ Divine  {C}
 22.13 | 58.7        spirit, [ Spirit,  {C} (TC)
 22.14 | 58.8        peace [ peace,  {P}
 22.16 | 58.10       unity [ unity,  {P}
 22.17 | 58.11       party [ party,  {P}
 22.17 | 58.11       absurd, [ absurd  {P}
 22.21 | 58.16       means, [ means  {P}
 22.22 | 58.16       church [ Church  {C}
 22.23 | 58.17       fractions; [ factions,  {S}{P}
 22.24 | 58.19       christianity [ Christianity  {C}
 22.27 | 58.22       For [ "For  {P}
 22.27 | 58.22       commandment [ commandment:  {P}
 22.27 | 58.23       that [ That  {C}
 22.28 | 58.23       son [ Son  {C}
 22.30 | 58.25       him-- [ him;  {P}
 22.31 | 58.26       spirit [ Spirit  {C}
 22.31 | 58.27       us"-- [ us,"  {P}
 22.33 | 58.28       love, [ love  {P}
 22.33 | 58.29       brother; [ brother,  {P}
 22.38 | 58.34       reclaimed.-- [ reclaimed.  {P}
 22.40 | 59.2        Christ hath [ Christ has  {S}
 22.40 | 59.3        he hath [ he has  {S}
 22.44 | 59.6        christianity; [ Christianity,  {C}{P}
 22.45 | 59.8        Author; [ author,  {C}{P}
 22.48 | 59.11       pretence [ pretense  {S}
 22.49 | 59.12       systems; [ systems,  {P}
 22.49 | 59.12       believe [ believe,  {P}
 22.49 | 59.12       instances [ in- stances,  {P}
 22.49 | 59.13       intention: [ intention;  {P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 23.2  | 59.14       not-- [ not;  {P}
 23.3  | 59.16       them-- [ them;  {P}
 23.5  | 59.18       church [ Church  {C}
 23.6  | 59.19       systems; [ systems--  {P}
 23.6  | 59.20       party [ party,  {P}
 23.8  | 59.21       least [ least,  {P}
 23.9  | 59.22       these, [ these  {P}
 23.9  | 59.23       christian [ Christian  {C}
 23.10 | 59.23       love. [ love!  {P}
 23.10 | 59.24       it, [ it  {P}
 23.12 | 59.25       healer, [ healer  {P}
 23.13 | 59.27       bonds, [ bonds  {P}
 23.14 | 59.28       bound, [ bound  {P}
 23.15 | 59.29       condition: [ condition,  {P}
 23.16 | 59.30       bondage; [ bondage  {P}
 23.16 | 59.30       withs [ withes  {S}
 23.17 | 59.31       Sampson [ Samson  {S}
 23.18 | 59.32       prisoner; [ prisoner,  {P}
 23.18 | 59.32       or, [ or  {P}
 23.18 | 59.32       anti-christ [ Antichrist  {C}{S}
 23.18 | 59.32       were, [ were  {P}
 23.19 | 59.33       reformation. [ Reformation.  {C}
 23.20 | 59.34       see these things [ see things {D}
 23.20 | 59.34       light; [ light,  {P}
 23.21 | 60.1        condition-- [ condition,  {P}
 23.22 | 60.2        confusion-- [ confusion,  {P}
 23.22 | 60.2        beloved, [ Beloved,  {C}
 23.23 | 60.3        him; [ him,  {P}
 23.25 | 60.6        him; [ him,  {P}
 23.26 | 60.7        "By [ By  {P}
 23.27 | 60.7        ye [ you  {S} (TC)
 23.27 | 60.8        disciples, [ disciples,"  {P}
 23.27 | 60.8        saith [ says  {S}
 23.27 | 60.8        if [ "If  {P}{C}
 23.27 | 60.8        ye [ you  {S} (TC)
 23.27 | 60.8        another. [ another."  {P}
 23.28 | 60.9        "this [ "This  {C}
 23.28 | 60.9        commandment [ commandment,  {P}
 23.28 | 60.9        that [ That  {C}
 23.28 | 60.9        ye [ you  {S} (TC)
 23.29 | 60.10       ye [ you  {S} (TC)
 23.30 | 60.11       name, [ name  {P}
 23.30 | 60.12       has [ hast {S}
 23.31 | 60.12       me [ me,  {P}
 23.31 | 60.12       one [ one,  {P}
 23.31 | 60.12       are," [ are;"  {P}
 23.32 | 60.13       me-- [ me;  {P}
 23.32 | 60.14       thou [ thou,  {P}
 23.32 | 60.14       Father [ Father,  {P}
 23.33 | 60.15       us; [ us:  {P}
 23.35 | 60.17       them, [ them;  {P}
 23.35 | 60.17       one: [ one,  {P}
 23.36 | 60.17       them [ them,  {P}
 23.36 | 60.18       and them [ and thou  {D}
 23.36 | 60.18       me; [ one;  {D}
 23.37 | 60.19       has [ hast  {S}
 23.38 | 60.20       them, [ them  {P}
 23.S1 | 60.S1       THOS. [ THOS. {S}{T} (TC)
 23.S1 | 60.S1       CAMPBELL, Secretary. [ CAMPBELL, {T}{D}{P} (TC)
 23.S2 | 60.S2       THOS. [ THOS. {S}{T} (TC)
 23.S2 | 60.S2       ACHESON, Treasurer. [ ACHESON. {T}{D}{P} (TC)
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 24.1  | 60.24       TO [ To  {T}
 24.2  | 60.25       done-- [ done,  {P}
 24.2  | 60.26       doing-- [ doing,  {P}
 24.3  | 60.26       accomplished-- [ accom- plished,  {P}
 24.6  | 61.2        tho' [ though  {S}
 24.6  | 61.2        declared; [ declared,  {P}
 24.7  | 61.2        yet, [ yet  {P}
 24.7  | 61.3        misconstruction.-- [ misconstruction.  {P}
 24.8  | 61.4        brethren, [ brethren  {P}
 24.9  | 61.5        directly [ directly,  {P}
 24.9  | 61.5        in irectly, [ indirectly,  {S}
 24.10 | 61.6        churches, [ Churches,  {C}
 24.11 | 61.7        assistance, [ assistance  {P}
 24.11 | 61.7        favour [ favor  {S}
 24.12 | 61.8        or, [ or  {P}
 24.12 | 61.8        endeavouring [ endeavoring  {S}
 24.12 | 61.8        churches [ Churches  {C}
 24.13 | 61.9        churches-- [ Churches,  {C}{P}
 24.14 | 61.11       fellow-chris- tians, [ fellow-Christians,  {C}
 24.15 | 61.11       which, [ which  {P}
 24.17 | 61.13       God-- [ God,  {P}
 24.18 | 61.14       practice;-- [ practice;  {P}
 24.19 | 61.15       himself.-- [ himself.  {P}
 24.19 | 61.15       Therefore [ Therefore,  {P}
 24.21 | 61.18       forbid, [ forbid  {P}
 24.24 | 61.20       account;-- [ account.  {P}
 24.24 | 61.21       and [ And  {C}
 24.24 | 61.21       all, [ all  {P}
 24.25 | 61.21       free [ free,  {P}
 24.25 | 61.21       unconstitutional [ unconditional  {D} (TC)
 24.26 | 62.2        description; [ description,  {P}
 24.27 | 62.3        holiness, [ holiness  {P}
 24.28 | 62.4        office [ office,  {P}
 24.28 | 62.4        scrip- tures; [ Scrip- tures,  {C}{P}
 24.29 | 62.5        even [ of even  {D} (TC)
 24.29 | 62.5        all, [ all  {P}
 24.30 | 62.6        charge, [ charge:  {P}
 24.30 | 62.6        "they [ "They  {C}
 24.32 | 62.8        called; [ called,  {P}
 24.32 | 62.8        fast hasten [ hasten  {D}
 24.32 | 62.8        period, [ period  {P}
 24.33 | 62.10       Such [ Such,  {P}
 24.34 | 62.10       then [ then,  {P}
 24.36 | 62.12       idol [ idle  {D}
 24.36 | 62.12       shepherds; [ shepherds,  {P}
 24.41 | 62.18       labours; [ labors;  {S}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 25.2  | 62.22       church, [ Church,  {C}
 25.5  | 62.25       faith: [ faith,  {P}
 25.5  | 62.25       or, [ or  {P}
 25.5  | 62.25       Gods [ God's  {S}
 25.5  | 62.25       heritage: [ heritage.  {P}
 25.5  | 62.25       where [ Where  {C}
 25.8  | 62.28       PROP. [ Proposition  {T}{D}
 25.8  | 62.28       page 17. [ page 50.  {D}
 25.8  | 62.29       intention [ intention,  {P}
 25.9  | 62.29       churches [ Churches  {C}
 25.10 | 62.30       reformation; [ ref- ormation,  {P}
 25.11 | 63.1        say, [ say  {P}
 25.12 | 63.2        have a [ has a  {S}
 25.13 | 63.3        churches, [ Churches,  {C}
 25.13 | 63.4        par- ty; [ party,  {P}
 25.14 | 63.4        assertion: [ assertion,  {P}
 25.15 | 63.5        or [ or,  {P}
 25.17 | 63.7        divine [ Divine  {C}
 25.18 | 63.8        party-- [ party,  {P}
 25.18 | 63.8        Then [ then  {C}
 25.19 | 63.10       prin- ciple: [ principle,  {P}
 25.20 | 63.10       party-- [ party.  {P}
 25.21 | 63.12       alone; [ alone,  {P}
 25.22 | 63.13       principle-- [ principles,  {D}{P}
 25.23 | 63.13       party-- [ party.  {P}
 25.27 | 63.18       christian [ Christian  {C}
 25.28 | 63.20       inter- vension [ intervention  {S}
 25.29 | 63.20       opinion. [ opinion,  {P}
 25.29 | 63.20       We [ we  {C}
 25.32 | 63.23       opinions; [ opinions,  {P}
 25.32 | 63.24       appear, [ appear  {P}
 25.33 | 63.25       useless; [ useless,  {P}
 25.33 | 63.25       ma- thematicks. [ mathematics?  {S}{P} (TC) {6}
 25.35 | 63.27       christians; [ Christians;  {C}
 25.36 | 63.29       divinely revealed [ Divinely-revealed  {C}{S}
 25.38 | 63.30       acknowledge; [ acknowledge,  {P}
 25.39 | 63.31       betwixt [ between  {S} (TC)
 25.39 | 63.31       scripture [ Scrip- ture  {C}
 25.40 | 63.33       it-- [ it;  {P}
 25.41 | 63.34       im- perfectly, [ imperfectly  {P}
 25.42 | 64.1        are, [ are  {P}
 25.42 | 64.1        least, [ least  {P}
 25.42 | 64.1        certam [ certain  {S} (TC)
 25.43 | 64.1        declaration, [ decla- ration  {P}
 25.43 | 64.2        conclusion, [ conclusion  {P}
 25.43 | 64.2        it-- [ it;  {P}
 25.46 | 64.5        conclusion-- [ conclusion;  {P}
 25.47 | 64.6        christian [ Chris- tian  {C}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 26.2  | 64.10       christian [ Christian  {C}
 26.4  | 64.12       "thus [ "Thus  {C}
 26.4  | 64.12       Lord": [ Lord,"  {P}
 26.5  | 64.13       cannot [ can not  {S}
 26.6  | 64.14       infer- ence-- [ inference, {P}
 26.7  | 64.15       walketh [ walkest  {D} (TC)
 26.7  | 64.16       charitably? [ charitably?"  {P}
 26.9  | 64.17       fellow creature, [ fellow-creature,  {S}
 26.12 | 64.20       sug- gest, [ suggest  {P}
 26.12 | 64.21       Apostle [ apostle  {C}
 26.14 | 64.23       themselves. [ themselves;  {P}
 26.14 | 64.23       That [ that  {C}
 26.15 | 64.24       hath [ has  {S} (TC)
 26.17 | 64.26       not [ not,  {P}
 26.18 | 64.27       Gods [ God's  {S}
 26.20 | 64.29       things, [ things  {P}
 26.23 | 64.33       truth, [ truth  {P}
 26.23 | 64.33       brethren; [ brethren,  {P}
 26.24 | 64.34       churches; [ Churches,  {C}{P}
 26.24 | 64.34       cannot [ can not  {S}
 26.25 | 65.1        adventured [ ventured  {D} (TC)
 26.28 | 65.4        them, [ them  {P}
 26.28 | 65.5        proposed, [ proposed  {P}
 26.29 | 65.6        event; [ event,  {P}
 26.30 | 65.7        inves- tigation: [ investigation,  {P}
 26.31 | 65.8        cause; [ cause,  {P}
 26.31 | 65.8        any other plan adopted [ to adopt any other
                        plan  {D} (TC)
 26.33 | 65.10       mean- time [ mean time,  {S}{P}
 26.34 | 65.11       step, [ step  {P}
 26.34 | 65.11       stumbling block [ stumbling-block  {S}
 26.34 | 65.12       way; [ way,  {P}
 26.36 | 65.14       object; [ object,  {P}
 26.37 | 65.14       party; [ party,  {P}
 26.37 | 65.15       any thing [ anything  {S}
 26.38 | 65.15       duty, [ duty  {P}
 26.38 | 65.15       expressly revealed and enjoined [ expressly 
                        enjoined  {D}
 26.38 | 65.16       divine [ Divine  {C}
 26.40 | 65.17       And that [ That  {D}{C} (TC)
 26.41 | 65.19       churches, [ sects,  {D} (TC)
 26.43 | 65.21       far [ far,  {P}
 26.43 | 65.21       have [ have,  {P}
 26.43 | 65.21       least [ least,  {P}
 26.43 | 65.21       endeavoured [ endeavored  {S}
 26.45 | 65.23       churches [ Churches  {C}
 26.45 | 65.23       possible, [ possible  {P}
 26.47 | 65.25       foundation; [ foundation,  {P}
 26.47 | 65.25       persuaded, [ persuaded  {P}
 26.47 | 65.26       will, [ will  {P}
 26.48 | 65.26       issue, [ issue  {P}
 26.48 | 65.27       cause; [ cause,  {P}
 26.49 | 65.27       towards [ to- ward  {S}
 26.49 | 65.28       it; [ it,  {P}
 26.49 | 65.28       and [ and,  {P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 27.1  | 65.28       first fruits [ first-fruits  {S}
 27.1  | 65.29       harvest, [ harvest  {P}
 27.2  | 65.29       For, [ For  {P}
 27.2  | 65.30       christian [ Christian  {C}
 27.2  | 65.30       churches [ Churches,  {C}{P}
 27.3  | 65.31       Lord, [ Lord  {P}
 27.4  | 65.32       Ghost, [ Spirit,  {D} (TC)
 27.4  | 65.32       edi- fied; [ edified,  {P}
 27.5  | 65.33       believe, [ believe  {P}
 27.6  | 65.33       every where, [ everywhere  {S}{P}
 27.6  | 65.34       times, [ times  {P}
 27.6  | 65.34       ensure [ insure  {S}
 27.8  | 66.2        we [ we,  {P}
 27.9  | 66.3        churches: [ Churches;  {C}{P}
 27.11 | 66.5        us, [ us  {P}
 27.11 | 66.6        scripture: [ Scripture;  {C}{P}
 27.12 | 66.6        cannot [ can not  {S}
 27.12 | 66.7        it-- [ it.  {P}
 27.12 | 66.7        Yet [ Yet,  {P}
 27.13 | 66.7        presume, [ presume  {P}
 27.13 | 66.8        deed; [ deed?  {P}
 27.14 | 66.9        it [ "it  {P} (TC)
 27.14 | 66.9        accepted, [ accepted  {P}
 27.15 | 66.11       not. [ not."  {P} (TC)
 27.17 | 66.13       cannot, [ can not,  {S}
 27.18 | 66.13       this [ this,  {P}
 27.19 | 66.14       which [ which,  {P}
 27.19 | 66.15       day, [ day  {P}
 27.20 | 66.16       churches; [ Churches:  {C}{P}
 27.20 | 66.16       taking, [ taking  {P}
 27.21 | 66.17       giving, [ giving  {P}
 27.21 | 66.17       offences; [ offenses;  {S}
 27.21 | 66.17       other, [ other  {P}
 27.22 | 66.18       judged; [ judged,  {P}
 27.23 | 66.19       expressly revealed [ expressly-revealed  {S}
 27.23 | 66.19       But [ But,  {P}
 27.24 | 66.20       offence [ offense  {S}
 27.25 | 66.22       such; [ such,  {P}
 27.28 | 66.25       lawgiver, [ Lawgiver,  {C}
 27.28 | 66.25       save, [ save  {P}
 27.29 | 66.26       farther, [ further,  {S}
 27.31 | 66.29       page first, [ the first page  {D}{P}
 27.32 | 66.30       brother; [ brother,  {P}
 27.35 | 66.33       duty, [ duty  {P}
 27.35 | 66.33       divine [ Divine  {C}
 27.36 | 66.34       connexion, [ connection,  {S}
 27.36 | 66.34       article: [ article,  {P}
 27.39 | 67.4        dare [ dare,  {P}
 27.40 | 67.4        therefore [ therefore,  {P}
 27.40 | 67.4        do, [ do  {P}
 27.40 | 67.4        any thing, [ anything  {P}{S}
 27.40 | 67.5        divine [ Divine  {C}
 27.40 | 67.5        obligation, [ obligation  {P}
 27.41 | 67.6        "Thus [ "thus  {C}
 27.42 | 67.6        Lord" [ Lord,"  {P}
 27.42 | 67.6        terms, [ terms  {P}
 27.44 | 67.9        connexion [ connection  {S}
 27.44 | 67.9        resolution; [ resolution,  {P}
 27.46 | 67.11       revelation: [ rev- elation;  {P}
 27.47 | 67.12       inculcated [ inculcated,  {P}
 27.47 | 67.13       cannot [ can not  {S}
 27.48 | 67.13       "thus [ "Thus  {C}
 27.48 | 67.13       Lord" [ Lord,"  {P}
 27.48 | 67.14       above; [ above,  {P}
 27.49 | 67.15       indirectly, [ indi- rectly  {P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 28.3  | 67.18       christian, [ Christian  {C}{P} (TC) {7}
 28.4  | 67.19       judgment: [ judgment;  {P} (TC)
 28.5  | 67.20       cases, [ cases  {P}
 28.7  | 67.22       This [ This,  {P}
 28.7  | 67.22       see [ see,  {P}
 28.7  | 67.23       churches, [ Churches,  {C}
 28.8  | 67.23       christian [ Christian   {C}
 28.8  | 67.23       unity. [ unity;  {P}
 28.8  | 67.23       And [ and  {C}
 28.8  | 67.24       case, [ case  {P}
 28.9  | 67.24       christian [ Christian  {C}
 28.9  | 67.24       church [ Church  {C}
 28.9  | 67.25       amongst [ among  {S}
 28.10 | 67.25       expect, [ expect  {P}
 28.10 | 67.26       resto- ration, [ restoration  {P}
 28.12 | 67.28       things; [ things,  {P}
 28.14 | 67.30       page 10th; [ the thirty-ninth page,  {D}{P}
 28.15 | 67.31       relinquish, [ relinquish  {P}
 28.17 | 67.33       God; [ God,  {P}
 28.17 | 67.34       we, [ we  {P}
 28.17 | 67.34       brethren, [ brethren  {P}
 28.18 | 67.34       condescension, [ concession,  {D}
 28.19 | 68.1        christian [ Christian  {C}
 28.19 | 68.2        church; [ Church,  {C}{P}
 28.20 | 68.3        relinquishment, [ relinquishment  {P}
 28.22 | 68.5        themselves: [ themselves;  {P}
 28.23 | 68.6        practices, [ practices  {P}
 28.25 | 68.8        do, [ do:  {P}
 28.26 | 68.10       any wise [ anywise  {S}
 28.28 | 68.11       dead; [ dead,  {P}
 28.28 | 68.12       buried [ buried,  {P}
 28.28 | 68.12       too; [ too,  {P}
 28.29 | 68.13       Apostle [ apostle  {C}
 28.30 | 68.13       this, [ this  {P}
 28.33 | 68.17       not, [ not  {P}
 28.33 | 68.18       christians [ Christians  {C}
 28.34 | 68.19       days-- [ days,  {P}
 28.35 | 68.19       &c. &c.-- [ etc., etc.,  {S}{P}
 28.36 | 68.20       practised [ practiced  {S}
 28.36 | 68.20       converts:-- [ converts,  {P}
 28.36 | 68.21       unity, [ unity  {P}
 28.39 | 68.24       things; [ things,  {P}
 28.41 | 68.26       transgres- sion; [ transgression,  {P}
 28.44 | 68.29       evident; [ evident:  {P}
 28.45 | 68.30       mistakes, [ mistakes  {P}
 28.45 | 68.30       people; [ peo- ple,  {P}
 28.47 | 68.33       spirit [ Spirit  {C}
 28.48 | 68.34       love"-- [ love?"  {P}
 28.48 | 68.34       saith [ says  {S}
 28.48 | 68.34       scrip- ture? [ Scripture?  {C}
 28.49 | 69.1        to, [ to  {P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 29.1  | 69.1        un- derstood, [ understood  {P}
 29.1  | 69.2        say, [ say  {P}
 29.2  | 69.2        farther [ further  {S}
 29.3  | 69.5        silent: [ silent;  {P}
 29.4  | 69.6        ex- pressly commanded, [ expressly-commanded  {S}{P}
 29.5  | 69.6        highly important [ highly-important  {S}
 29.5  | 69.6        duty: [ duty;  {P}
 29.6  | 69.7        saith [ says  {S}
 29.6  | 69.8        Apostle? [ apostle?  {C}
 29.9  | 69.10       amongst [ among  {S}
 29.9  | 69.10       things, [ things  {P}
 29.9  | 69.11       forborne; [ forborne--  {P}
 29.10 | 69.12       commanded; [ commanded--  {P}
 29.11 | 69.13       Apostle's [ apostle's  {C} (TD)
 29.11 | 69.13       breth- ren-- [ brethren  {P}
 29.12 | 69.14       church [ Church  {C}
 29.12 | 69.14       divine [ Divine  {C}
 29.14 | 69.16       practises, [ practices  {S}{P}
 29.15 | 69.17       church's [ Church's  {C}
 29.17 | 69.20       ensued; [ ensued,  {P}
 29.20 | 69.23       Who [ Who,  {P}
 29.20 | 69.23       then [ then,  {P}
 29.22 | 69.25       sinful, [ sinful  {P}
 29.22 | 69.25       intended; [ intended,  {P}
 29.23 | 69.26       preaching of [ practicing  {D} (TC)
 29.24 | 69.27       offence; [ offense;  {S}
 29.24 | 69.27       habits [ habit  {D} (TC)
 29.24 | 69.28       day, [ day  {P}
 29.25 | 69.28       comfort, [ comfort  {P}
 29.25 | 69.28       emolument; [ emolument,  {P}
 29.27 | 69.30       duties; [ duties,  {P} (TC)
 29.27 | 69.31       sin; [ sin  {P}
 29.27 | 69.31       practise [ practice  {S}
 29.27 | 69.31       a sin; [ sin;  {D}
 29.28 | 69.32       opinion; [ opinion,  {P} (TC)
 29.29 | 69.33       we, [ we  {P}  (TC)
 29.29 | 69.33       means, [ means  {P}
 29.30 | 69.33       practise,-- [ to prac- tice;  {S}{P} (TC) {8}
 29.31 | 69.34       Whereas [ whereas  {C}  (TC)
 29.31 | 70.1        spirit [ Spirit  {C}
 29.32 | 70.2        saith [ says  {S}
 29.32 | 70.2        Apostle [ apostle  {C}  (TC)
 29.33 | 70.3        faith, [ faith,"  {P}
 29.33 | 70.3        saith [ says  {S}
 29.33 | 70.3        he, [ he;  {P}
 29.33 | 70.3        have [ "have  {P}
 29.34 | 70.4        man, [ man  {P}
 29.34 | 70.4        himself, [ himself  {P}
 29.35 | 70.6        farther [ further  {S}
 29.37 | 70.8        towards [ toward  {S}
 29.37 | 70.9        namely, [ namely:  {P}
 29.40 | 70.11       them; [ them,  {P}
 29.41 | 70.13       church, [ Church,  {C}
 29.42 | 70.14       have been, [ have been  {P}
 29.42 | 70.14       since, [ since  {P}
 29.42 | 70.14       gone: [ gone;  {P}
 29.44 | 70.16       beat [ beaten  {S}
 29.45 | 70.18       itself, [ itself  {P}
 29.46 | 70.18       with one [ one  {D}
 29.46 | 70.19       contentions, [ contentions  {P}
 29.47 | 70.20       peace [ peace,  {P}
 29.47 | 70.20       charity, [ charity  {P}
 29.48 | 70.20       christianity: [ Christianity,  {C}{P}
 29.48 | 70.21       appear, [ appear  {P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 30.2  | 70.24       highly favored [ highly-favored  {S}
 30.2  | 70.24       people, [ people,"  {P}
 30.2  | 70.24       saith [ says  {S}
 30.2  | 70.25       would [ "would  {P}
 30.3  | 70.26       hearts [ hearts'  {S}
 30.9  | 70.32       forever, [ forever  {P}
 30.10 | 70.33       say, [ say  {P}  (TC)
 30.10 | 70.33       that [ that,  {P}
 30.10 | 70.34       every thing [ everything  {S}
 30.11 | 70.34       intended, [ intended  {P}
 30.11 | 71.1        church [ Church  {C}
 30.12 | 71.1        might still remain [ might re- main  {D}
 30.13 | 71.2        practice. [ practice;  {P} (TC)
 30.13 | 71.2        Let [ let  {C} (TC)
 30.13 | 71.3        consider, [ consider  {P}
 30.14 | 71.3        church, [ Church,  {C}
 30.14 | 71.4        persuaded, [ persuaded  {P}
 30.15 | 71.5        scriptural [ Scriptural  {C}
 30.15 | 71.5        christian [ Christian  {C}
 30.15 | 71.5        church [ Church  {C}
 30.16 | 71.6        practice; [ practice,  {P}
 30.17 | 71.7        towards [ toward  {S}
 30.17 | 71.8        another; [ another,  {P}
 30.18 | 71.8        of the private [ of private  {D}
 30.19 | 71.10       Apostles' [ apostles'  {C}
 30.21 | 71.11       here, [ here  {P}
 30.22 | 71.13       church [ Church  {C}
 30.22 | 71.13       great [ great,  {P}
 30.22 | 71.13       visible [ visible,  {P}
 30.25 | 71.16       practising [ practicing  {S}
 30.26 | 71.17       scriptural [ Scriptural  {C}
 30.26 | 71.17       preserved, [ preserved  {P}
 30.27 | 71.18       whole; [ whole,  {P}
 30.27 | 71.19       worshipping [ worshiping  {S}
 30.28 | 71.19       society, [ society  {P}
 30.28 | 71.19       church; [ Church,  {C}{P}
 30.29 | 71.20       enjoined, [ enjoined  {P}
 30.29 | 71.21       expressly revealed [ expressly-revealed  {S}
 30.30 | 71.21       God, [ God  {P}
 30.32 | 71.24       scriptural [ Scriptural  {C}
 30.33   71.25       suggested, [ suggested  {P}
 30.35 | 71.27       right: [ right;  {P}
 30.38 | 71.31       Lati- tudinarianism [ Latitudinarianism,  {P}
 30.39 | 71.31       term) [ term,)  {P}
 30.44 | 72.2        divine [ Divine  {C}
 30.44 | 72.3        persons, [ persons  {P}
 30.45 | 72.3        profession, [ profession  {P}
 30.45 | 72.3        practice [ practice,  {P}
 30.46 | 72.5        intend) [ intend,)  {P}
 30.46 | 72.5        hope, [ hope  {P}
 30.47 | 72.6        appear [ appear,  {P}
 30.47 | 72.6        christian, [ Christian,  {C}
 30.49 | 72.8        thing-- [ thing,  {P}
 30.49 | 72.8        and [ and,  {P}
 30.49 | 72.8        therefore [ therefore,  {P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 31.3  | 72.11       hair's breadth [ hair-breadth  {S}
 31.3  | 72.11       farther-- [ further;  {S}{P}
 31.5  | 72.14       profession, [ profession  {P}
 31.7  | 72.16       long: [ long, {P} (TC)
 31.8  | 72.17       end; [ end,  {P} (TC)
 31.8  | 72.17       be, [ be  {P} (TC)
 31.9  | 72.17       those, [ those  {P} (TC)
 31.9  | 72.18       neighbors; [ neighbors,  {P}
 31.10 | 72.19       neighbours [ neighbors  {S}
 31.10 | 72.19       do; [ do,  {P} (TC)
 31.11 | 72.20       divine [ Divine  {C} (TC)
 31.12 | 72.21       Bible-- [ Bible,  {P}
 31.13 | 72.22       eyes-- [ eyes,  {P}
 31.15 | 72.25       cannot, [ can not  {S}{P}
 31.17 | 72.26       leaders, [ leaders  {P}
 31.17 | 72.27       eyesight; [ eyesight,  {P}
 31.18 | 72.27       faculties, [ faculties  {P}
 31.18 | 72.28       information, [ information  {P}
 31.19 | 72.28       them: [ them;  {P}
 31.20 | 72.29       reason; [ reason,  {P}
 31.20 | 72.30       cannot [ can not  {S}
 31.20 | 72.30       see; [ see,  {P}
 31.21 | 72.31       leaders; [ leaders,  {P}
 31.23 | 72.33       deceived: [ deceived;  {P}
 31.25 | 73.2        viz. [ namely,  {D}
 31.26 | 73.2        cannot, [ can not  {S}{P}
 31.27 | 73.3        think, [ think  {P}
 31.27 | 73.3        mistaking: [ mistaken;  {D}{P} (TC)
 31.29 | 73.6        divine [ Divine  {C}
 31.30 | 73.7        it-- [ it,  {P}
 31.31 | 73.7        upon, [ upon  {P}
 31.31 | 73.8        for, [ for  {P}
 31.31 | 73.8        divine [ Divine  {C}
 31.31 | 73.8        teach- ing; [ teaching,  {P}
 31.32 | 73.9        understanding.-- [ understanding--  {P}
 31.32 | 73.9        To all [ to all  {C}
 31.33 | 73.10       such, [ such  {P}
 31.33 | 73.10       cause; [ cause,  {P}
 31.33 | 73.10       persuaded, [ persuaded  {P}
 31.34 | 73.11       consideration; [ con- sideration,  {P}
 31.38 | 73.16       sense [ sense,  {P}
 31.39 | 73.16       sense) [ sense,)  {P}
 31.39 | 73.17       belong. [ belong,  {P}
 31.39 | 73.17       Whether [ whether  {C}
 31.40 | 73.18       any thing, [ anything  {S}{P}
 31.41 | 73.19       duty; [ duty,  {P}
 31.41 | 73.19       to, [ to  {P}
 31.41 | 73.19       from, [ from  {P}
 31.42 | 73.20       scriptures: [ Scriptures,  {C}{P}
 31.42 | 73.21       farther [ further  {S}
 31.43 | 73.21       this; [ this,  {P}
 31.43 | 73.22       in- junctions [ injunctions,  {P}
 31.46 | 73.25       christian [ Christian  {C}
 31.47 | 73.26       any thing [ anything  {S}
 31.48 | 73.27       standard: [ standard,  {P}
 31.49 | 73.28       practise [ practice  {S}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 32.1  | 73.29       therein; [ therein,  {P}
 32.2  | 73.29       alledged, [ alleged,  {S}
 32.2  | 73.30       any thing [ anything  {S}
 32.2  | 73.30       contrary: [ contrary,  {P}
 32.3  | 73.31       this, [ this  {P}
 32.4  | 73.32       every thing, [ everything  {S}{P}
 32.4  | 73.33       "thus [ "Thus  {C}
 32.5  | 73.33       terms, [ terms  {P}
 32.5  | 73.34       precedent. [ precedent?  {P}
 32.6  | 73.34       ye, [ you,  {S}{T} (TC)
 32.6  | 74.1        Latitudan- arianism [ Latitudinarianism  {S}
 32.9  | 74.4        doing; [ doing  {P}
 32.10 | 74.5        are, [ are  {P}
 32.11 | 74.6        knowledge; [ knowledge,  {P}
 32.12 | 74.7        expected it: [ expected it;  {P}
 32.14 | 74.9        churches, [ Churches,  {C}
 32.16 | 74.11       proceedings: [ proceedings;  {P}
 32.17 | 74.12       asserting, [ asserting  {P}
 32.17 | 74.12       declaring, [ declaring  {P}
 32.17 | 74.12       any thing [ anything  {S}
 32.19 | 74.14       christians [ Christians  {C}
 32.20 | 74.16       hope, [ hope  {P}
 32.20 | 74.16       purity [ purity,  {P}
 32.21 | 74.17       church [ Church  {C}
 32.23 | 74.19       fellow christians, [ fellow-Christians  {S}{C}{P}
 32.23 | 74.19       conduct [ conduct.   {P}
 32.23 | 74.19       And, [ And  {P}
 32.29 | 74.26       evil: [ evil.  {P}
 32.30 | 74.26       see [ (See  {P}{C}
 32.30 | 74.26       Deut. xviii--20. [ (See Deut. xviii: 20:)  {S}{P}
 32.31 | 74.28       speak-- [ speak,  {P}
 32.32 | 74.29       Apostle [ apostle  {C}
 32.33 | 74.30       betwixt [ between  {S} (TC)
 32.34 | 74.31       Lord; [ Lord.  {P}
 32.34 | 74.31       See [ (See   {P}
 32.34 | 74.31       1st Cor. 7. 25. [ 1 Cor. vii: 25  {S}{P}
 32.34 | 74.31       and 40. [  and 40.)  {P}
 32.34 | 74.31       Though [ Though,  {P}
 32.35 | 74.32       appear [ appears  {S}
 32.37 | 74.34       holy [ Holy   {C}
 32.37 | 74.34       spirit [ Spirit  {C}
 32.38 | 75.1        think [ think,"  {P}
 32.38 | 75.1        saith [ said  {S}
 32.38 | 75.1        he [ he,  {P}
 32.38 | 75.1        that [ "that  {P}
 32.38 | 75.2        spirit [ Spirit  {C}
 32.38 | 75.2        God:" [ God;"  {P}
 32.39 | 75.3        would [ could  {D} (TC)
 32.39 | 75.3        this: [ this;  {P}
 32.40 | 75.3        see, [ see  {P}
 32.40 | 75.3        that [ that,  {P}
 32.40 | 75.4        church [ Church  {C}
 32.41 | 75.5        and [ and,  {P}
 32.43 | 75.7        permission [ permission,  {P}
 32.44 | 75.8        faithful-- [ faithful,  {P}
 32.45 | 75.9        master's [ Master's  {C}
 32.45 | 75.10       conclusions; [ conclusions,  {P}
 32.48 | 75.13       opinions; [ opinions,  {P}
 32.48 | 75.13       but, [ but  {P}
 32.49 | 75.15       doing: [ doing,  {P}
 32.49 | 75.15       and [ and,  {P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 33.1  | 75.15       course [ course,  {P}
 33.1  | 75.15       such, [ such  {P}
 33.1  | 75.15       censuring, [ censuring  {P}
 33.2  | 75.16       contempt; [ contempt,  {P}
 33.3  | 75.17       judgment; [ judgment,  {P}
 33.3  | 75.18       stand [ Stand  {C}
 33.6  | 75.20       nought [ naught  {S}
 33.6  | 75.20       brother; [ brother,  {P}
 33.7  | 75.21       church, [ Church,  {C}
 33.7  | 75.22       Christ; [ Christ,  {P}
 33.8  | 75.23       wrong, [ wrong  {P}
 33.9  | 75.23       determinations: [ determinations,  {P}
 33.9  | 75.23       also [ also,  {P}
 33.9  | 75.24       connexion [ connection  {S}
 33.11 | 75.26       church, [ Church,  {C}
 33.12 | 75.26       communion;-- [ communion,  {P}
 33.14 | 75.29       error; [ error,  {P}
 33.15 | 75.30       charity: [ charity,  {P}
 33.18 | 75.33       such [ such,  {P}
 33.20 | 76.1        church, [ Church,  {C}
 33.21 | 76.2        certainly [ certainly,  {P}
 33.22 | 76.3        Word, [ word,  {C}
 33.22 | 76.3        church [ Church  {C}
 33.22 | 76.4        say, [ say  {P}
 33.23 | 76.5        him) [ him,)  {P}
 33.24 | 76.5        church [ Church  {C}
 33.24 | 76.6        suppose, [ suppose  {P}
 33.26 | 76.8        church [ Church  {C}
 33.28 | 76.10       church [ Church  {C}
 33.29 | 76.11       this [ this,  {P}
 33.29 | 76.11       purposes [ purposes,  {P}
 33.32 | 76.14       church, [ Church,  {C}
 33.34 | 76.17       amongst [ among  {S}
 33.36 | 76.19       any thing, [ anything  {S}{P}
 33.37 | 76.20       church [ Church  {C}
 33.39 | 76.22       state, [ state  {P}
 33.39 | 76.22       interests; [ interests,  {P}
 33.41 | 76.25       scripture [ Scripture  {C}
 33.42 | 76.26       there, [ there  {P}
 33.42 | 76.26       see, [ see  {P}
 33.43 | 76.27       church [ Church  {C}
 33.44 | 76.28       church [ Church  {C}
 33.45 | 76.29       churches [ Church's  {C}{D}
 33.47 | 76.31       church [ Church  {C}
 33.48 | 76.32       doing; [ doing,  {P}
 33.49 | 76.34       damna- tion; [ damnation?  {P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 34.1  | 77.1        church [ Church  {C}
 34.2  | 77.1        If [ If,  {P}
 34.3  | 77.2        church [ Church  {C}
 34.3  | 77.2        thus, [ thus  {P}
 34.3  | 77.3        saying, [ saying:  {P}
 34.3  | 77.3        we [ We  {C}
 34.4  | 77.4        rejected-- [ rejected;  {P}
 34.5  | 77.5        amongst [ among  {S}
 34.5  | 77.5        us; [ us,  {P}
 34.6  | 77.5        away; [ away,  {P}
 34.6  | 77.6        churches [ Churches  {C}
 34.6  | 77.6        him. [ him;--  {P}
 34.7  | 77.7        We [ we  {C}
 34.7  | 77.7        church, [ Church,  {C}
 34.8  | 77.7        churches [ Churches  {C}
 34.8  | 77.8        churches [ Churches  {C}
 34.8  | 77.8        Christ; [ Christ,  {P}
 34.9  | 77.9        any thing [ anything  {S}
 34.9  | 77.9        church [ Church  {C}
 34.10 | 77.10       And, [ And  {P}
 34.10 | 77.10       whether [ whether,  {P}
 34.10 | 77.10       churches [ Churches  {C}
 34.10 | 77.10       duty, [ duty  {P}
 34.11 | 77.11       churches, [ Churches,  {C}
 34.12 | 77.12       answered, [ answered  {P}
 34.13 | 77.13       churches [ Churches  {C}
 34.13 | 77.13       could, [ could  {P}
 34.13 | 77.14       him; [ him,  {P}
 34.14 | 77.15       church, [ Church,  {C}
 34.15 | 77.15       rejected: [ rejected;  {P}
 34.15 | 77.15       but, [ but  {P}
 34.16 | 77.16       nay, [ nay  {P}
 34.16 | 77.17       cruelly [ cruelly,  {P}
 34.16 | 77.17       towards [ toward  {S}
 34.16 | 77.17       christian [ Christian  {C}
 34.17 | 77.17       God; [ God,  {P}
 34.18 | 77.18       Lord; [ Lord,  {P}
 34.18 | 77.19       father's [ Father's  {C}
 34.20 | 77.21       churches [ Churches  {C}
 34.22 | 77.23       church, [ Church,  {C}
 34.25 | 77.26       heaven: [ heaven;  {P}
 34.26 | 77.27       scriptures, [ Scriptures,  {C}
 34.26 | 77.28       earth, [ earth  {P}
 34.27 | 77.29       way, [ way  {P}
 34.27 | 77.29       church [ Church  {C}
 34.27 | 77.29       thus, [ thus  {P}
 34.28 | 77.30       conclusion; [ conclusion,  {P}
 34.28 | 77.30       acknowledge, [ acknowledge  {P}
 34.29 | 77.31       communion, [ communion  {P}
 34.30 | 77.32       church; [ Church;  {C}
 34.30 | 77.32       this-- [ this,  {P}
 34.30 | 77.32       wherea- bouts [ where- about  {P}
 34.31 | 77.33       fellow-christian, [ fellow- Christian,  {C}
 34.32 | 77.33       God!! [ God?  {P}
 34.34 | 78.1        Apostle [ apostle  {C}
 34.34 | 78.3        "who [ "Who  {C}
 34.35 | 78.4        not-- [ not,  {P}
 34.36 | 78.4        words, [ words:  {P}
 34.38 | 78.7        church." [ Church."  {C}
 34.39 | 78.8        farther, [ further,  {S}
 34.39 | 78.8        church [ Church  {C}
 34.40 | 78.9        person, [ person  {P}
 34.40 | 78.9        church [ Church  {C}
 34.41 | 78.10       rejected: [ rejected,  {P}
 34.41 | 78.10       not, [ not  {P}
 34.41 | 78.10       church [ Church  {C}
 34.41 | 78.11       doing, [ doing  {P}
 34.42 | 78.11       censure, [ censure  {P}
 34.42 | 78.11       church [ Church  {C}
 34.43 | 78.12       too, [ too  {P}
 34.44 | 78.14       betwixt [ between  {S} (TC)
 34.44 | 78.14       churches? [ Churches?  {C}
 34.46 | 78.16       church [ Church,  {C}{P}
 34.47 | 78.17       those, [ those  {P}
 34.48 | 78.18       confess, [ confess  {P}
 34.48 | 78.18       cannot [ can not  {S}
 34.48 | 78.19       church, [ Church,  {C}
 34.49 | 78.19       schismatically-- [ schismatically,  {P}
 34.49 | 78.20       church [ Church  {C}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 35.1  | 78.20       pre-supposes, [ presupposes  {S}{P}
 35.1  | 78.21       schism, [ schism  {P}
 35.2  | 78.21       fellow-christian, [ fellow- Christian  {C}{P}
 35.4  | 78.24       church, [ Church  {C}{P}
 35.5  | 78.24       communion, [ communion  {P}
 35.5  | 78.25       fellow-christian; [ fellow-Christian;  {C}
 35.6  | 78.25       and [ and,  {P}
 35.6  | 78.26       says, [ says  {P}
 35.7  | 78.27       else; [ else,  {P}
 35.7  | 78.27       church [ Church  {C}
 35.8  | 78.27       For [ For,  {P}
 35.9  | 78.29       church [ Church  {C}
 35.9  | 78.29       rejected, [ rejected  {P}
 35.11 | 78.31       individual, [ individual  {P}
 35.11 | 78.31       refuses, [ refuses  {P}
 35.12 | 78.32       church, [ Church  {C}{P}
 35.12 | 78.32       receive, [ receive  {P}
 35.12 | 78.33       for, [ for  {P}
 35.13 | 78.33       opinions, [ opinions  {P}
 35.13 | 78.33       practices, [ practices  {P}
 35.13 | 78.34       ma- nagements.-- [ managements;   {P}
 35.14 | 78.34       For, [ for  {C}{P}
 35.14 | 79.1        church, [ Church  {C}{P}
 35.15 | 79.2        rejects, [ rejects  {P}
 35.16 | 79.2        christians? [ Christians?  {C}
 35.16 | 79.3        this [ this,  {P}
 35.16 | 79.3        pur- poses [ purposes,  {P}
 35.17 | 79.4        excommunicate; [ excommunicate,  {P}
 35.19 | 79.6        shew [ show  {S}
 35.19 | 79.6        brethren, [ brethren  {P}
 35.21 | 79.9        practice, [ practice  {P}
 35.22 | 79.9        divisions; [ divi- sions,  {P}
 35.23 | 79.11       other, [ other  {P}
 35.23 | 79.11       duty; [ duty,  {P}
 35.25 | 79.12       church, [ Church,  {C}
 35.25 | 79.13       them, [ them  {P}
 35.26 | 79.14       with us [ from us  {D} (TC)
 35.27 | 79.15       or, [ or  {P}
 35.27 | 79.15       least, [ least  {P}
 35.28 | 79.16       practice, [ practice  {P}
 35.28 | 79.16       cannot [ can not  {S}
 35.29 | 79.18       things, [ things  {P}
 35.30 | 79.18       they, [ they  {P}
 35.30 | 79.18       we, [ we  {P}
 35.30 | 79.18       cannot, [ can not  {S}{P}
 35.30 | 79.18       approve; [ approve,  {P}
 35.30 | 79.19       no where [ nowhere  {S}
 35.31 | 79.21       christianity-- [ Christianity,  {C}{P}
 35.33 | 79.22       church, [ Church,  {C}
 35.35 | 79.23       way, [ way  {P}
 35.35 | 79.24       perceive, [ perceive  {P}
 35.38 | 79.27       divisions: [ divisions;  {P}
 35.39 | 79.28       requires, [ requires  {P}
 35.40 | 79.29       model-- [ model,  {P}
 35.40 | 79.29       worship [ worship,  {P}
 35.40 | 79.29       discipline [ discipline,  {P}
 35.41 | 79.30       christian [ Christian   {C}
 35.41 | 79.30       church. [ Church.  {C}
 35.41 | 79.30       do, [ do  {P}
 35.42 | 79.31       said: [ said;  {P}
 35.42 | 79.32       prac- tise [ practice  {S}
 35.45 | 79.34       realize, [ realize  {P}
 35.45 | 79.34       exhibit, [ exhibit  {P}
 35.45 | 80.1        uniformity, [ uniformity  {P}
 35.46 | 80.1        church [ Church  {C}
 35.47 | 80.2        if [ if,  {P}
 35.48 | 80.4        christian [ Christian  {C}
 35.49 | 80.5        church [ Church  {C}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 36.1  | 80.7        urged, [ urged  {P}
 36.2  | 80.8        christianity, [ Christianity  {C}{P}
 36.3  | 80.9        scriptures; [ Scriptures,  {P}
 36.4  | 80.10       sentiments. [ sentiments,  {P}
 36.4  | 80.10       We [ we  {C}
 36.7  | 80.13       enjoined; [ enjoined,  {P}
 36.7  | 80.14       to it-- [ to it,  {P}
 36.9  | 80.15       do [ Do  {C}
 36.11 | 80.18       rule; [ rule,  {P}
 36.11 | 80.18       or [ or, {P}
 36.11 | 80.18       rather [ rather,  {P}
 36.12 | 80.18       subject matter [ subject- matter  {S}
 36.13 | 80.19       no; [ not,  {D}{P} (TC) {9}
 36.13 | 80.20       practise [ practice  {S}
 36.14 | 80.21       light, [ light  {P}
 36.14 | 80.21       scriptures [ Scriptures  {C}
 36.15 | 80.22       self same [ self-same  {S}
 36.15 | 80.22       subject matter [ subject-matter  {S}
 36.15 | 80.23       practice; [ practice,  {P}
 36.16 | 80.23       times, [ times  {P}
 36.16 | 80.23       places;-- [ places,  {P}
 36.16 | 80.23       and, [ and  {P}
 36.16 | 80.23       that [ that,  {P}
 36.17 | 80.24       prescribes, [ prescribes  {P}
 36.18 | 80.26       christian [ Christian  {C}
 36.18 | 80.26       church [ Church  {C}
 36.19 | 80.27       practice, [ practice  {P}
 36.20 | 80.27       christian [ Christian   {C}
 36.20 | 80.27       church [ Church  {C}
 36.21 | 80.28       professors, [ professors  {P}
 36.21 | 80.29       props. [ Propositions  {D}{C}
 36.22 | 80.29       8th, [ 8,  {D}
 36.22 | 80.29       page 7th; [ pages 48 and 50,  {D}{P}
 36.23 | 80.30       christians, [ Christians,  {C}
 36.24 | 80.32       intend, [ intend  {P}
 36.25 | 80.32       christian [ Chris- tian  {C}
 36.25 | 80.33       recognized, [ recognized  {P}
 36.27 | 81.2        formulas, [ formulas  {P}
 36.28 | 81.3        unity, [ unity  {P}
 36.29 | 81.3        faith: [ faith,  {P}
 36.29 | 81.3        superficious [ superficial  {D}
 36.32 | 81.6        christian [ Christian  {C}
 36.32 | 81.6        character-- [ char- acter,  {P}
 36.33 | 81.7        profession-- [ profession,  {P}
 36.33 | 81.8        christian [ Christian  {C}
 36.34 | 81.9        name-- [ name,  {P}
 36.35 | 81.10       standard, [ standard  {P}
 36.36 | 81.11       degree of, [ degree of  {P}
 36.37 | 81.12       called, [ called  {P}
 36.37 | 81.12       morality; [ morality,  {P}
 36.37 | 81.12       foundation-- [ foundation  {P}
 36.38 | 81.13       reason, [ reason  {P}
 36.38 | 81.14       technia [ technicalness  {D}
 36.39 | 81.14       profession-- [ profession,  {P}
 36.39 | 81.14       shiboleth [ shibboleth  {S}
 36.39 | 81.14       party; [ party,  {P}
 36.40 | 81.15       distinguish, [ distinguish  {P}
 36.41 | 81.17       to it; [ to it,  {P}
 36.42 | 81.17       from it; [ from it,  {P}
 36.42 | 81.18       about it; [ about it,  {P}
 36.43 | 81.19       you, [ you  {P}
 36.45 | 81.21       merely by it, [ merely by it {P}
 36.46 | 81.22       church [ Church  {C}
 36.46 | 81.22       week: [ week.  {P}
 36.46 | 81.22       you [ You  {C}
 36.47 | 81.23       please; [ please,  {P}
 36.48 | 81.24       people! [ people,  {P}
 36.49 | 81.25       formula. [ formula!  {P}
 36.49 | 81.26       them, [ them  {P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 37.1  | 81.26       believe, [ believe  {P}
 37.2  | 81.28       the reverend, [ the reverend  {P}
 37.3  | 81.28       can, [ can  {P}
 37.3  | 81.29       do, [ do  {P}
 37.4  | 81.29       confidence, [ confidence  {P}
 37.4  | 81.30       Apostles [ apostles  {C}
 37.4  | 81.30       Prophets; [ prophets;  {C}
 37.6  | 81.31       say, [ say  {P}
 37.6  | 81.31       do, [ do  {P}
 37.6  | 81.31       any thing, [ anything  {S}{P}
 37.6  | 81.32       Lord, [ Lord  {P}
 37.7  | 81.33       heaven; [ Heaven,  {P}{C}
 37.7  | 81.33       and, [ and  {P}
 37.7  | 81.33       therefore, [ therefore  {P}
 37.8  | 81.34       rabbi, [ Rabbi  {C}{P} (TC)
 37.8  | 81.34       or reverend; [ or Reverend,  {C}{P} (TC)
 37.9  | 82.1        &c. [ etc.  {S}
 37.10 | 82.2        legislate; [ legislate,  {P}
 37.10 | 82.2        and [ and,  {P}
 37.10 | 82.2        therefore [ therefore,  {P}
 37.10 | 82.2        assumed, [ assumed   {P}
 37.10 | 82.2        receiv- ed, [ received  {P}
 37.11 | 82.3        amongst [ among  {S}
 37.11 | 82.3        men: [ men,  {P}
 37.14 | 82.6        church, [ Church  {C}{P}
 37.14 | 82.6        reform; [ reform,  {P}
 37.15 | 82.7        purity, [ purity  {P}
 37.15 | 82.7        christian [ Chris- tian  {C}
 37.15 | 82.8        institution; [ institution,  {P}
 37.17 | 82.9        And, [ And  {P}
 37.17 | 82.9        there, [ there  {P}
 37.17 | 82.10       any thing [ anything  {S}
 37.18 | 82.10       church, [ Church  {C}{P}
 37.18 | 82.11       perceive, [ perceive  {P}
 37.19 | 82.12       Or, [ Or  {P}
 37.20 | 82.12       impressions, [ im- pressions  {P}
 37.20 | 82.14       mind, [ mind  {P}
 37.21 | 82.14       exhibits; [ exhibits,  {P}
 37.21 | 82.14       perceive, [ perceive  {P}
 37.22 | 82.15       christianity, [ Christianity  {C}{P}
 37.23 | 82.17       evident, [ evident  {P}
 37.24 | 82.18       tenets, [ tenets  {P}
 37.24 | 82.18       practices, [ practices  {P}
 37.26 | 82.20       christianity, [ Christianity,  {C}
 37.26 | 82.20       world, [ world  {P}
 37.27 | 82.21       divine [ Divine  {C}
 37.27 | 82.21       law-- [ law,  {P}
 37.28 | 82.23       scriptures, [ Scriptures,  {C}
 37.29 | 82.23       do:-- [ do,  {P}
 37.30 | 82.25       scrip- tures; [ Scriptures,  {C}{P}
 37.31 | 82.25       say, [ say  {P}
 37.31 | 82.26       connexion, [ connection,  {S}
 37.34 | 82.29       shew [ show  {S}
 37.35 | 82.30       line; [ line,  {P}
 37.35 | 82.30       expression; [ expression,  {P}
 37.36 | 82.31       practice; [ practice,  {P}
 37.36 | 82.31       conjec- ture; [ con- jecture,  {P}
 37.37 | 82.33       Bible; [ Bible,  {P}
 37.38 | 82.34       it; [ it,  {P}
 37.39 | 83.1        please; [ please,  {P}
 37.40 | 83.1        simple [ simple,  {P}
 37.41 | 83.3        excommunications [ excommunications,  {P}
 37.41 | 83.3        persecutions, [ persecutions  {P}
 37.43 | 83.5        farther [ further  {S}
 37.44 | 83.6        infer, [ infer  {P}
 37.44 | 83.6        sentiment.-- [ sentiment;  {P}
 37.44 | 83.7        It [ it  {C}
 37.44 | 83.7        gran- ted, [ granted  {P}
 37.45 | 83.8        any thing, [ anything  {S}{P}
 37.46 | 83.8        scripture, [ Scripture  {C}{P}
 37.46 | 83.9        things, [ things  {P}
 37.47 | 83.10       sentiment, [ sentiment  {P}
 37.48 | 83.10       church [ Church  {C}
 37.49 | 83.11       scriptural [ Scriptural  {C}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 38.1  | 83.12       body; [ body,  {P}
 38.2  | 83.13       christians, [ Christians  {C}{P}
 38.3  | 83.14       cannot [ can not  {S}
 38.5  | 83.17       divinely re- vealed [ Divinely-re- vealed  {C}{S}
 38.6  | 83.18       truths; [ truths,  {P}
 38.8  | 83.20       conceive, [ conceive  {P}
 38.9  | 83.21       serve; [ serve,  {P}
 38.11 | 83.23       forbearance, [ forbearance  {P}
 38.12 | 83.25       state.-- [ state.  {P}
 38.16 | 83.29       offence; [ offense;  {S}
 38.16 | 83.29       stumbling block, [ stumbling-block  {S}{P}
 38.17 | 83.30       fall, [ fall  {P}
 38.19 | 83.32       brother, [ brother  {P}
 38.21 | 83.34       granted, [ granted  {P}
 38.21 | 84.1        for, [ for  {P}
 38.22 | 84.1        sentiment; [ sentiment,  {P}
 38.22 | 84.1        suppose, [ sup- pose  {P}
 38.23 | 84.2        purpose, [ purpose  {P}
 38.23 | 84.3        expedient, [ expedient  {P}
 38.24 | 84.4        ask, [ ask:  {P}
 38.24 | 84.4        have [ Have  {C}
 38.24 | 84.4        all, [ all  {P}
 38.24 | 84.4        any, [ any  {P}
 38.26 | 84.6        sentiment, [ sentiment  {P}
 38.27 | 84.6        amongst [ among  {S}
 38.27 | 84.7        firmly, [ firmly  {P}
 38.27 | 84.7        solemnly, [ solemnly  {P}
 38.28 | 84.8        churches, [ Churches,  {C}
 38.29 | 84.9        church [ Church  {C}
 38.29 | 84.9        good [ good,  {P}
 38.29 | 84.9        then [ then,  {P}
 38.31 | 84.11       church [ Church  {C}
 38.31 | 84.11       universal; [ universal,  {P}
 38.32 | 84.12       secured, [ secured {P}
 38.32 | 84.13       prac- tice, [ practice  {P}
 38.33 | 84.13       words, [ words  {P}
 38.33 | 84.14       divine [ Divine  {C}
 38.33 | 84.14       standard; [ standard,  {P}
 38.35 | 84.15       consequences, [ consequences  {P}
 38.36 | 84.16       Or [ Or,  {P}
 38.36 | 84.17       say, [ say  {P}
 38.36 | 84.17       scriptures [ Scriptures,  {C}{P}
 38.38 | 84.19       divine [ Divine  {C} (TC)
 38.38 | 84.19       spirit, [ Spirit,  {C} (TC)
 38.39 | 84.20       sentiment, [ sentiment  {P}
 38.41 | 84.22       church [ Church  {C}
 38.41 | 84.22       error, [ error  {P}
 38.41 | 84.23       intend- ed; [ intended,  {P}
 38.43 | 84.25       christian [ Christian  {C}
 38.43 | 84.25       say, [ say  {P}
 38.44 | 84.26       thus, [ thus  {P}
 38.45 | 84.26       purposes; [ purposes,  {P}
 38.45 | 84.27       other expedients-- [ other expedients;  {P}
 38.45 | 84.27       to expedients, [ to expedients  {P}
 38.47 | 84.29       expedients, [ expedients  {P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 39.2  | 84.34       for the church [ for the Church  {C}
 39.3  | 85.1        earth; [ earth,  {P}
 39.4  | 85.2        per- fection: [ perfection,  {P}
 39.5  | 85.2        less, [ less  {P}
 39.5  | 85.2        suggest, [ suggest  {P}
 39.7  | 85.4        granted, [ granted  {P}
 39.7  | 85.5        intended, [ intended  {P}
 39.8  | 85.6        church [ Church  {C}
 39.9  | 85.7        mismanagements, [ mismanagements  {P}
 39.10 | 85.8        heaven;-- [ heaven,  {P}
 39.12 | 85.9        imagine, [ imagine  {P}
 39.12 | 85.10       here, [ here  {P}
 39.12 | 85.10       suppose, [ suppose  {P}
 39.12 | 85.10       assert, [ assert  {P}
 39.14 | 85.12       Bible; [ Bible,  {P}
 39.14 | 85.12       less, [ less  {P}
 39.17 | 85.15       scriptures; [ Scriptures,  {C}
 39.17 | 85.15       designed, [ designed  {P}
 39.17 | 85.15       embraced, [ embraced  {P}
 39.18 | 85.16       securing, [ securing  {P}
 39.18 | 85.17       purity, [ purity  {P}
 39.22 | 85.21       up, [ up  {P}
 39.23 | 85.22       expe- dients; [ ex- pedients,  {P}
 39.25 | 85.24       doubtful, [ doubtful  {P}
 39.25 | 85.25       divisions; [ divisions,  {P}
 39.26 | 85.25       thing [ thing,  {P}
 39.26 | 85.25       least [ least,  {P}
 39.27 | 85.26       now [ now,  {P}
 39.27 | 85.27       certain, [ certain  {P}
 39.28 | 85.28       them; [ them,  {P}
 39.29 | 85.29       do [ do,  {P}
 39.29 | 85.29       then [ then,  {P}
 39.32 | 85.32       must, [ must  {P}
 39.32 | 85.32       shall, [ shall  {P}
 39.33 | 85.33       christianity [ Christianity  {C}
 39.33 | 85.33       amen. [ Amen;  {C}{P}
 39.33 | 85.33       But [ but  {C}
 39.33 | 85.33       christians, [ Christians  {C}{P}
 39.34 | 85.34       say, [ say:  {P}
 39.34 | 85.34       forbid [ Forbid  {C}
 39.34 | 86.1        corruptions, [ corruptions  {P}
 39.35 | 86.2        Amen [ Amen,  {P}
 39.36 | 86.4        may [ may,  {P}
 39.37 | 86.4        possibly [ possibly,  {P}
 39.37 | 86.4        and say; [ and say:  {P}
 39.37 | 86.4        fear, [ fear  {P}
 39.39 | 86.6        how, [ how  {P}
 39.39 | 86.6        otherwise, [ otherwise  {P}
 39.40 | 86.7        &c. &c? [ etc?  {S}{D}
 39.41 | 86.8        practise, [ practice  {S}{P}
 39.41 | 86.9        any thing [ anything  {S}
 39.42 | 86.9        otherwise, [ otherwise {P}
 39.42 | 86.10       Word [ word  {C}
 39.43 | 86.11       duty; [ duty,  {P}
 39.44 | 86.12       faith, [ faith  {P}
 39.44 | 86.12       practice; [ practice,  {P}
 39.45 | 86.12       profession, [ pro- fession  {P}
 39.45 | 86.13       exhibition, [ exhibition  {P}
 39.46 | 86.14       &c. &c. [ etc.,  {S}{D}{P}
 39.46 | 86.14       self same [ self-same  {S}
 39.47 | 86.15       called; [ called,  {P}
 39.49 | 86.17       farther [ further  {S}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 40.2  | 86.19       God; [ God,  {P}
 40.2  | 86.19       and [ and,  {P}
 40.2  | 86.19       therefore [ therefore,  {P}
 40.3  | 86.20       practise [ practice  {S}
 40.4  | 86.21       therein; [ therein,  {P}
 40.4  | 86.22       practise [ practice  {S}
 40.4  | 86.22       accordingly: [ accordingly;  {P}
 40.6  | 86.24       profess, [ profess  {P}
 40.6  | 86.24       practise, [ practice  {S}
 40.7  | 86.24       more, [ more  {P}
 40.7  | 86.24       less, [ less  {P}
 40.8  | 86.26       so [ so,  {P}
 40.9  | 86.26       practise [ practice  {S}
 40.9  | 86.27       thing; [ thing,  {P}
 40.11 | 86.29       practise? [ practice?  {S}
 40.12 | 86.30       taken, [ taken  {P}
 40.13 | 86.31       themselves; [ themselves,  {P}
 40.13 | 86.31       thing, [ thing  {P}
 40.16 | 86.34       produced; [ produced,  {P}
 40.17 | 87.1        merely a [ a mere  {D}
 40.18 | 87.2        practice; [ practice,  {P}
 40.18 | 87.3        persons, [ persons  {P}
 40.18 | 87.3        practising, [ practicing  {S}{P}
 40.20 | 87.5        no body [ nobody  {S}
 40.20 | 87.5        himself; [ themselves.  {D}{P}
 40.21 | 87.6        besides, [ Besides,  {C}
 40.21 | 87.6        practised [ practiced  {S}
 40.22 | 87.7        pray, [ pray  {P}
 40.22 | 87.7        tell, [ tell  {P}
 40.22 | 87.8        senti- ments; [ sentiments,  {P}
 40.25 | 87.10       censure; [ censure  {P}
 40.26 | 87.11       offence, [ offense,  {S}
 40.27 | 87.12       expressly revealed [ expressly- revealed  {S}
 40.30 | 87.16       condemn, [ condemn  {P}
 40.30 | 87.16       reject, [ reject  {P}
 40.30 | 87.16       brother.-- [ brother.  {P}
 40.31 | 87.17       assumed, [ assumed  {P}
 40.31 | 87.17       allowed, [ allowed  {P}
 40.32 | 87.18       side, [ side  {P}
 40.35 | 87.22       &c. &c. [ etc.,  {S}{D}{P}
 40.36 | 87.23       Athenasian [ Athanasian  {S}
 40.39 | 87.25       assert, [ assert  {P}
 40.39 | 87.26       are, [ are  {P}
 40.39 | 87.26       Or [ Or,  {P}
 40.41 | 87.28       Arian, [ Arian  {P}
 40.41 | 87.28       Socinian, [ Socinian  {P}
 40.41 | 87.28       heart, [ heart  {P}
 40.42 | 87.29       Confession, [ Confession  {P}
 40.42 | 87.29       Athenasian [ Athanasian  {S}
 40.43 | 87.31       every thing [ everything  {S}
 40.44 | 87.31       scriptures [ Scriptures  {C}
 40.45 | 87.32       him; [ him,  {P}
 40.46 | 87.33       professed, [ professed  {P}
 40.46 | 87.34       him, [ him  {P}
 40.47 | 87.34       Word? [ word?  {C}
 40.47 | 87.34       follows [ follows,  {P}
 40.48 | 88.2        affected, [ effected  {D}{P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 41.1  | 88.4        holy [ Holy  {C}
 41.3  | 88.6        church, [ Church  {C}{P}
 41.3  | 88.6        Athenasius [ Athanasius  {S}
 41.3  | 88.7        century, [ century  {P}
 41.6  | 88.9        do any thing [ so anything  {S}
 41.6  | 88.10       or any thing [ or anything  {S}
 41.6  | 88.10       else, [ else  {P}
 41.7  | 88.10       Sacred [ sacred  {C}
 41.7  | 88.11       Oracles, [ oracles,  {C}
 41.8  | 88.11       points; [ points,  {P}
 41.9  | 88.13       afterwards? [ afterward?  {S}
 41.9  | 88.13       any where [ anywhere  {S}
 41.14 | 88.18       purity; [ purity,  {P}
 41.14 | 88.18       therefore [ therefore,  {P}
 41.15 | 88.20       scriptural [ Scriptural  {C}
 41.16 | 88.20       defence [ defense  {S}
 41.16 | 88.20       divinely revealed [ Divinely-revealed  {C}{S}
 41.18 | 88.23       farther, [ further,  {S}
 41.20 | 88.25       questionable, [ questionable  {P}
 41.21 | 88.26       whatsoever; [ whatsoever,  {P}
 41.21 | 88.27       consi- der, [ consider  {P}
 41.22 | 88.27       pre-supposes [ presupposes  {S}
 41.22 | 88.27       far, [ far  {P}
 41.23 | 88.28       that, [ that  {P}
 41.25 | 88.30       prelate; [ prelate--  {P}
 41.25 | 88.31       church [ Church  {C}
 41.27 | 88.33       shew [ show  {S}
 41.29 | 88.34       called; [ called,  {P}
 41.31 | 89.3        And [ And,  {P}
 41.33 | 89.5        sentiment; [ sentiment,  {P}
 41.33 | 89.6        faith: [ faith;  {P}
 41.34 | 89.7        all: [ all;  {P}
 41.35 | 89.8        pre-supposes [ presupposes  {S}
 41.36 | 89.8        scriptural [ Scrip- tural  {C}
 41.38 | 89.11       catechism; [ catechism,  {P}
 41.40 | 89.13       hand; [ hand,  {P}
 41.40 | 89.13       may, [ may  {P}
 41.42 | 89.15       intelligently, [ intelligently  {P}
 41.43 | 89.16       end; [ end,  {P}
 41.44 | 89.17       by, [ by  {P}
 41.44 | 89.17       Scriptures; [ Scriptures,  {P}
 41.46 | 89.20       Bible; [ Bible,  {P}
 41.49 | 89.23       holy [ Holy  {C} (TC)
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 42.1  | 89.25       Apostle [ apostle  {C}
 42.3  | 89.26       repetitions, [ repetitions  {P}
 42.4  | 89.27       Bible; [ Bible,  {P}
 42.5  | 89.29       truth; [ truth,  {P}
 42.10 | 89.34       divine [ Divine  {C}
 42.11 | 90.1        no where [ nowhere  {S}
 42.11 | 90.1        prescribed; [ prescribed,  {P}
 42.12 | 90.2        no where [ nowhere  {S}
 42.12 | 90.2        us, [ us  {P}
 42.13 | 90.3        shewn, [ shown  {S}{P}
 42.14 | 90.5        government, [ government  {P}
 42.14 | 90.5        church, [ Church  {C}{P}
 42.15 | 90.6        purity; [ purity,  {P}
 42.16 | 90.7        communion; [ communion,  {P}
 42.17 | 90.8        alledge, [ allege  {S}{P}
 42.18 | 90.8        church [ Church  {C}
 42.18 | 90.9        scriptural [ Scriptural  {C}
 42.18 | 90.9        exertion, [ exertion  {P}
 42.18 | 90.9        power, [ power  {P}
 42.20 | 90.11       divinely revealed [ divinely-revealed  {S}
 42.20 | 90.11       say, [ say  {P}
 42.21 | 90.12       evils, [ evils  {P}
 42.21 | 90.12       of, [ of  {P}
 42.21 | 90.13       habits [ habit  {D}
 42.24 | 90.15       rather, [ rather  {P}
 42.24 | 90.15       entirely, [ entirely  {P}
 42.24 | 90.16       them; [ them  {P}
 42.25 | 90.16       thing, [ thing  {P}
 42.25 | 90.17       opposing, [ opposing  {P}
 42.26 | 90.18       standards.-- [ standards.  {P}
 42.27 | 90.18       the bye, [ the by,  {D}
 42.29 | 90.21       But [ But,  {P}
 42.30 | 90.22       fellow-christians [ fellow-Christians  {C}
 42.31 | 90.24       scriptures: [ Scriptures,  {C}{P}
 42.32 | 90.25       contain;-- [ contain,  {P}
 42.33 | 90.26       Catechisms, [ Catechisms  {P}
 42.37 | 90.30       obedience, [ obedience;  {P}
 42.37 | 90.30       di- vine [ Divine  {C}
 42.38 | 90.31       acquiesce [ acquiesce,  {P}
 42.38 | 90.31       subject matter [ subject-matter  {S}
 42.39 | 90.32       both-- [ both;  {P}
 42.39 | 90.32       connexion [ con- nection  {S}
 42.41 | 90.34       another-- [ another;  {P}
 42.41 | 90.34       self knowledge, [ self- knowledge,  {S}
 42.42 | 91.1        salvation, [ salvation  {P}
 42.42 | 91.2        christian [ Christian  {C}
 42.43 | 91.2        divine [ Divine  {C}
 42.43 | 91.3        revelation; [ revelation,  {P}
 42.44 | 91.4        of, [ of  {P}
 42.44 | 91.4        these [ those  {D}
 42.45 | 91.4        subjects.-- [ subjects.  {P}
 42.45 | 91.5        granted, [ granted  {P}
 42.46 | 91.6        far, [ far  {P}
 42.48 | 91.8        Scriptures; [ Scriptures,  {P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 43.1  | 91.11       which, [ which  {P}
 43.3  | 91.12       helps: [ helps,  {P}
 43.4  | 91.14       them; [ them,  {P}
 43.5  | 91.15       of-- [ of;  {P}
 43.8  | 91.18       declared, [ declared  {P}
 43.8  | 91.18       "thus [ "Thus  {C}
 43.8  | 91.18       And, [ And  {P}
 43.9  | 91.19       that, [ that  {P}
 43.10 | 91.20       Bible; [ Bible,  {P}
 43.10 | 91.21       it; [ it,  {P}
 43.12 | 91.22       forward, [ forward  {P}
 43.12 | 91.22       then [ then,  {P}
 43.12 | 91.22       christians [ Christians,  {C}{P}
 43.12 | 91.23       church, [ Church,  {C}
 43.14 | 91.24       God;" [ God,"  {P}
 43.15 | 91.26       to, [ to  {P}
 43.15 | 91.26       divine [ Divine  {C}
 43.16 | 91.27       church [ Church  {C}
 43.17 | 91.28       obedience, [ obedience  {P}
 43.18 | 91.29       pre-supposes [ presupposes  {S}
 43.19 | 91.30       them; [ them,  {P}
 43.20 | 91.31       divine, [ Divine,  {C}
 43.20 | 91.32       subject matter, [ subject-matter,  {S}
 43.21 | 91.32       "thus [ "Thus  {C}
 43.22 | 91.33       human; [ human,  {P}
 43.22 | 91.34       precept [ precepts  {D} (TC)
 43.23 | 92.1        church membership, [ Church-membership,  {C}{S}
 43.24 | 92.2        be [ be,  {P}
 43.24 | 92.2        what [ What  {C}
 43.25 | 92.3        man; [ man?  {P}
 43.26 | 92.4        &c. &c. [ etc., etc.?  {S}{P}
 43.26 | 92.4        duty; [ duty?  {P}
 43.27 | 92.4        but [ but,  {P}
 43.27 | 92.5        what [ What  {C}
 43.28 | 92.6        christians [ Christians  {C}
 43.30 | 92.9        church [ Church  {C}
 43.35 | 92.14       some; [ some,  {P}
 43.37 | 92.16       christian [ Christian  {C}
 43.37 | 92.17       unity; [ unity,  {P}
 43.39 | 92.18       another, [ another  {P}
 43.39 | 92.18       subjects; [ subjects,  {P}
 43.41 | 92.20       Scriptures, [ Scriptures  {P}
 43.41 | 92.21       church. [ Church.  {C}
 43.44 | 92.24       standards; [ standards,  {P}
 43.47 | 92.28       adopters; [ adopters:  {P}
 43.47 | 92.28       you [ You  {C}
 43.48 | 92.29       book [ book,  {P}
 43.49 | 92.30       purposes-- [ purposes;  {P}
 43.49 | 92.30       farther [ further  {S}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 44.2  | 92.31       duty; [ duty,  {P}
 44.5  | 93.1        adopted; [ adopted,  {P}
 44.7  | 93.3        parties, [ parties  {P}
 44.10 | 93.7        cannot [ can not  {S}
 44.13 | 93.10       altogether, [ altogether  {P}
 44.13 | 93.10       incontrovertible; [ incontrovertible,  {P}
 44.15 | 93.12       government; [ government  {P}
 44.17 | 93.15       may; [ may,  {P}
 44.18 | 93.15       any thing [ anything  {S}
 44.18 | 93.16       better, [ better  {P}
 44.18 | 93.16       judgment, [ judgment  {P}
 44.19 | 93.17       it; [ it,  {P}
 44.19 | 93.17       and [ and, {P}
 44.19 | 93.17       therefore [ therefore,  {P}
 44.20 | 93.18       authority; [ authority,  {P}
 44.24 | 93.23       rule, [ rule  {P}
 44.25 | 93.23       standard, [ standard  {P}
 44.26 | 93.24       church [ Church  {C}
 44.26 | 93.25       But [ But,  {P}
 44.26 | 93.25       farther [ further  {S}
 44.27 | 93.26       standards, [ standards  {P}
 44.28 | 93.27       evident, [ evident  {P}
 44.29 | 93.28       standard, [ standard  {P}
 44.30 | 93.29       divine [ Divine  {C}
 44.30 | 93.29       things: [ things,  {P}
 44.30 | 93.29       constitution, [ constitution  {P}
 44.30 | 93.30       manage- ments; [ managements,  {P}
 44.31 | 93.30       christian [ Christian  {C}
 44.31 | 93.30       church)-- [ Church,)  {C}{P}
 44.32 | 93.31       ask [ ask,  {P}
 44.32 | 93.31       would [ Would  {C}
 44.32 | 93.32       just, [ just  {P}
 44.33 | 93.33       founded, [ founded  {P}
 44.35 | 94.1        expressly revealed [ expressly-revealed  {S}
 44.36 | 94.2        Holy [ holy  {C}
 44.36 | 94.2        Word, [ word,  {C}
 44.37 | 94.3        faith, [ faith  {P}
 44.37 | 94.3        duty; [ duty,  {P}
 44.39 | 94.5        stedfast [ steadfast  {S}
 44.41 | 94.7        alledged; [ alleged,  {S}{P}
 44.42 | 94.9        standards; [ standards,  {P}
 44.43 | 94.9        standards, [ standards  {P}
 44.45 | 94.12       defend, [ defend  {P}
 44.46 | 94.13       them,) [ them)  {P}
 44.47 | 94.14       adopted, [ adopted  {P}
 44.47 | 94.14       standards; [ standards,  {P}
 44.48 | 94.14       without, [ without  {P}
 44.48 | 94.15       time, [ time  {P}
 44.49 | 94.15       performances, [ per- formances  {P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 45.1  | 94.17       Standard, [ standard,  {C}
 45.2  | 94.18       same; [ same  {P}
 45.2  | 94.19       divine [ Divine  {C}
 45.4  | 94.20       cannot [ can not  {S}
 45.4  | 94.20       truth; [ truth,  {P}
 45.4  | 94.21       another; [ another,  {P}
 45.5  | 94.22       Christ; [ Christ,  {P}
 45.6  | 94.22       christians, [ Christians  {C}{P}
 45.6  | 94.23       christian [ Christian  {C}
 45.6  | 94.23       church, [ Church  {C}{P}
 45.7  | 94.23       standard; [ standard,  {P}
 45.7  | 94.23       saying, [ say- ing  {P}
 45.8  | 94.25       christianity, [ Christianity,  {C}
 45.8  | 94.25       and [ and,  {P}
 45.8  | 94.25       course  [ course,  {P}
 45.9  | 94.26       church [ Church  {C}
 45.9  | 94.26       was, [ was  {P}
 45.9  | 94.26       formed: [ formed,  {P}
 45.10 | 94.27       inadequate, [ inadequate  {P}
 45.11 | 94.28       duty; [ duty,  {P}
 45.11 | 94.28       or [ or,  {P}
 45.11 | 94.28       all; [ all,  {P}
 45.12 | 94.29       work-- [ work;  {P}
 45.12 | 94.29       church [ Church  {C}
 45.14 | 94.32       existence; [ existence,  {P}
 45.15 | 94.32       too; [ too,  {P}
 45.16 | 94.33       fidelity, [ fidelity  {P}
 45.18 | 95.2        say, [ say  {P}
 45.19 | 95.3        church, [ Church,  {C}
 45.20 | 95.4        well being [ wellbeing  {S}
 45.22 | 95.6        church [ Church  {C}
 45.22 | 95.6        history, [ history  {P}
 45.23 | 95.7        christian [ Christian  {C}
 45.24 | 95.9        affirm, [ affirm  {P}
 45.25 | 95.9        recommend, [ recommend  {P}
 45.26 | 95.11       term; [ term,  {P}
 45.28 | 95.12       church, [ Church,  {C}
 45.30 | 95.14       testimonies; [ testimonies,  {P}
 45.31 | 95.16       church. [ Church.  {C}
 45.33 | 95.18       made; [ made,  {P}
 45.34 | 95.19       demonstration; [ dem- onstration,  {P}
 45.35 | 95.21       characters [ characters,  {P}
 45.37 | 95.22       pretences, [ pretenses,  {S}
 45.37 | 95.23       church) [ Church,)  {C}{P}
 45.40 | 95.26       assured, [ assured  {P}
 45.41 | 95.27       objection: [ objection;  {P}
 45.42 | 95.28       conclusions; [ conclusions,  {P}
 45.42 | 95.28       cannot [ can not  {S}
 45.45 | 95.31       assertion;-- [ assertion,  {P}
 45.46 | 95.33       amongst [ among  {S}
 45.48 | 96.1        farther [ further  {S}
 45.48 | 96.1        this; [ this,  {P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 46.1  | 96.2        Now [ Now,  {P}
 46.1  | 96.3        surely [ surely,  {P}
 46.3  | 96.5        Holy [ holy  {C}
 46.3  | 96.5        Word. [ word.  {C}
 46.7  | 96.9        This [ This,  {P}
 46.8  | 96.10       detriment, [ detriment  {P}
 46.8  | 96.11       of, [ of  {P}
 46.9  | 96.11       call, [ call  {P}
 46.9  | 96.12       christianity. [ Christianity.  {C}
 46.9  | 96.12       not [ not,  {P}
 46.10 | 96.12       therefore [ therefore,  {P}
 46.11 | 96.14       follow, [ follow  {P}
 46.11 | 96.14       christians [ Christians  {C}
 46.11 | 96.14       cannot, [ can not  {S}{P}
 46.12 | 96.15       unity, [ unity  {P}
 46.13 | 96.16       requires, [ requires  {P}
 46.13 | 96.16       no-- [ no;  {P}
 46.14 | 96.17       thing;-- [ thing;  {P}
 46.15 | 96.18       brethren, [ brethren  {P}
 46.15 | 96.19       just, [ just  {P}
 46.16 | 96.19       scripturally [ Scripturally   {C}
 46.16 | 96.19       evident; [ evident,  {P}
 46.17 | 96.21       effect-- [ effect;  {P}
 46.19 | 96.23       church; [ Church,  {C}{P}
 46.20 | 96.24       matters; [ matters  {P}
 46.21 | 96.25       divine [ Divine  {C}
 46.21 | 96.25       original; [ original,  {P}
 46.21 | 96.25       every thing [ everything {S}
 46.22 | 96.27       these, [ these  {P}
 46.23 | 96.28       betwixt [ between  {S}
 46.23 | 96.28       chris- tian [ Christian  {C}
 46.25 | 96.29       this, [ this  {P}
 46.26 | 96.30       effort, [ effort  {P}
 46.26 | 96.31       churches [ Church's  {P}{D}
 46.26 | 96.31       unity; [ unity,  {P}
 46.27 | 96.32       interposition, [ interposition  {P}
 46.29 | 96.34       imagine, [ imagine  {P}
 46.30 | 97.1        overture, [ overture  {P}
 46.31 | 97.2        appeal, [ appeal  {P}
 46.31 | 97.2        defence, [ defense  {S}{P}
 46.33 | 97.4        matter; [ matter,  {P}
 46.34 | 97.6        far, [ far  {P}
 46.35 | 97.6        shew, [ show  {S}{P}
 46.36 | 97.8        Scriptures, [ Scriptures  {P}
 46.37 | 97.9        testimonies; [ testimonies,  {P}
 46.38 | 97.10       church [ Church  {C}
 46.39 | 97.11       Sylla [ Scylla  {S}
 46.40 | 97.12       upon the Charybdis. [ upon Charybdis.  {D} (TC)
 46.40 | 97.12       Extremes [ Extremes,  {P}
 46.40 | 97.12       told [ told,  {P}
 46.41 | 97.13       middle way; [ middle way,  {P}
 46.41 | 97.13       safe way; [ safe way,  {P}
 46.42 | 97.14       that, [ that  {P}
 46.43 | 97.16       therein; [ therein,  {P}
 46.44 | 97.17       God; [ God:  {P}
 46.44 | 97.17       "for [ "For  {C}
 46.46 | 97.19       conclude, [ conclude  {P}
 46.47 | 97.20       subjects; [ subjects,  {P}
 46.48 | 97.21       subscribing, [ subscribing  {P}
 46.49 | 97.22       standards, [ standards  {P}
 46.49 | 97.22       church; [ Church,  {C}{P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 47.1  | 97.23       defence [ defense  {S}
 47.1  | 97.23       orthodoxy; [ orthodoxy,  {P}
 47.2  | 97.24       about; [ about,  {P}
 47.3  | 97.25       cannot [ can not  {S}
 47.4  | 97.27       subtilties, [ subtilties  {P}
 47.4  | 97.27       specula- tions; [ speculations,  {P}
 47.6  | 97.29       divine [ Divine  {C}
 47.6  | 97.29       revelation, [ revelation  {P}
 47.7  | 97.30       christians, [ Christians,  {C}
 47.8  | 97.31       facts, [ facts  {P}
 47.9  | 97.32       supposed [ supposed,  {P}
 47.10 | 97.33       christian [ Christian  {C}
 47.12 | 98.1        Scriptures; [ Scriptures,  {P}
 47.14 | 98.3        professors, [ professors  {P}
 47.14 | 98.3        dictates, [ dic- tates  {P}
 47.16 | 98.6        &c. [ etc.,  {S}{P}
 47.16 | 98.6        manifested [ manifested,  {P}
 47.17 | 98.7        persons' [ persons   {S}
 47.20 | 98.10       examples; [ examples,  {P}
 47.21 | 98.11       manifested, [ manifested  {P}
 47.22 | 98.11       pro- fession; [ profession,  {P}
 47.23 | 98.13       irreproveable [ irreprovable  {S}
 47.23 | 98.14       conformity [ conformity,  {P}
 47.24 | 98.14       Elizabeth, [ Elisabeth,  {S}
 47.24 | 98.15       desirable; [ desirable,  {P}
 47.25 | 98.16       repentance, [ repentance  {P}
 47.27 | 98.18       christian [ Christian  {C}
 47.29 | 98.21       intend, [ intend  {P}
 47.31 | 98.22       acknowledge [ ac- knowledge,  {P}
 47.32 | 98.24       christian [ Christian  {C}
 47.33 | 98.24       things; [ things,  {P}
 47.33 | 98.25       radical, [ radical  {P}
 47.33 | 98.25       want, [ want  {P}
 47.34 | 98.25       properties, [ properties  {P}
 47.35 | 98.27       only here [ here only  {D} (TC)
 47.35 | 98.27       granted, [ granted  {P}
 47.36 | 98.28       namely, [ namely:  {P}
 47.36 | 98.28       Word [ word  {C}
 47.37 | 98.29       every of [ every one of  {D}
 47.38 | 98.30       character; [ character,  {P}
 47.38 | 98.30       be, [ be  {P}
 47.39 | 98.32       produce, [ produce  {P}
 47.44 | 99.3        recorded; [ recorded,  {P}
 47.46 | 99.5        God; [ God,  {P}
 47.46 | 99.5        subject matter [ subject-matter  {S}
 47.46 | 99.6        profes- sion, [ profession  {P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 48.1  | 99.9        connexion [ connection  {S}
 48.2  | 99.11       God, [ God  {P}
 48.3  | 99.11       towards [ toward  {S}
 48.4  | 99.13       pro- mises, [ promises  {P}
 48.5  | 99.14       him, [ him  {P}
 48.6  | 99.15       &c. [ etc.,  {S}{P}
 48.10 | 99.20       him, [ him  {P}
 48.12 | 99.21       people; [ people,  {P}
 48.12 | 99.22       subject matter [ subject-matter  {S}
 48.14 | 99.24       veneration, [ veneration  {P}
 48.14 | 99.24       reverence, [ rever- ence  {P}
 48.16 | 99.26       church, [ Church,  {C}
 48.18 | 99.28       assert, [ assert  {P}
 48.18 | 99.28       perception, [ per- ception  {P}
 48.18 | 99.29       pro- fession, [ profession  {P}
 48.19 | 99.29       Word [ word  {C}
 48.21 | 99.32       subject; [ subject,  {P}
 48.22 | 99.33       church, [ Church  {C}{P}
 48.23 | 99.33       profession:-- [ pro- fession;  {P}
 48.25 | 100.2       and, [ and  {P}
 48.26 | 100.3       all, [ all  {P}
 48.26 | 100.4       christians, [ Christians,  {C}
 48.27 | 100.5       christian [ Christian  {C}
 48.27 | 100.5       Here [ Here,  {P}
 48.28 | 100.5       then [ then,  {P}
 48.29 | 100.7       subject, [ subject  {P}
 48.29 | 100.7       scriptural [ Scriptural  {C}
 48.30 | 100.8       manifestation, [ manifestation  {P}
 48.31 | 100.9       charity; [ charity,  {P}
 48.31 | 100.9       to, [ to  {P}
 48.32 | 100.10      Word, [ word  {C}{P}
 48.32 | 100.10      topics; [ topics,  {P}
 48.34 | 100.13      distinction; [ distinction,  {P}
 48.36 | 100.14      other ways [ otherwise  {D}
 48.37 | 100.15      Apostle, [ apostle,  {C}
 48.39 | 100.18      enquired [ inquired  {S}
 48.40 | 100.19      Arminians, [ Arminians  {P}
 48.42 | 100.21      that, [ that  {P}
 48.43 | 100.22      both; [ both,  {P}
 48.44 | 100.23      earth; [ earth,  {P}
 48.44 | 100.23      master, [ Master,  {C}
 48.44 | 100.24      Christ [ Christ,  {P}
 48.44 | 100.24      brethren-- [ brethren,  {P}
 48.45 | 100.24      christians [ Christians  {C}
 48.45 | 100.24      profession: [ profession;  {P}
 48.45 | 100.25      and, [ and  {P}
 48.46 | 100.26      part, [ part  {P}
 48.46 | 100.26      profession, [ profession  {P}
 48.47 | 100.27      intend, [ intend  {P}
 48.49 | 100.29      scripturally, [ Scripturally,  {C}
 48.49 | 100.29      and [ and,  {P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 49.1  | 100.30      defined; [ defined,  {P}
 49.2  | 100.32      confidence, [ confidence  {P}
 49.5  | 101.1       divinely revealed [ divinely-revealed  {S}
 49.7  | 101.2       it; [ it,  {P}
 49.7  | 101.3       every thing [ everything  {S}
 49.9  | 101.5       love [ love,  {P}
 49.9  | 101.5       &c. [ etc.  {S}
 49.10 | 101.6       word; [ word,  {P}
 49.12 | 101.9       grace, [ grace  {P}
 49.13 | 101.9       purpose: [ purpose;  {P}
 49.15 | 101.12      christian [ Christian  {C}
 49.15 | 101.12      character, [ character:  {P}
 49.17 | 101.13      scripturally [ Scripturally  {C}
 49.17 | 101.14      character [ character,  {P}
 49.18 | 101.15      concerned: [ concerned,  {P}
 49.19 | 101.16      affirm [ affirm,  {P}
 49.19 | 101.16      scriptural [ Scriptural  {C}
 49.20 | 101.17      amongst [ among  {S}
 49.21 | 101.19      divisions; [ divisions,  {P}
 49.22 | 101.19      receive, [ receive  {P}
 49.24 | 101.21      agreed [ agreed,  {P}
 49.26 | 101.24      &c. [ etc.,  {S}{P}
 49.27 | 101.25      Standard. [ standard.  {C}
 49.28 | 101.26      objection, [ objection;  {P}
 49.29 | 101.27      alledge [ allege  {S}
 49.30 | 101.28      formula, [ formula  {P}
 49.31 | 101.29      church, [ Church,  {C}
 49.31 | 101.30      christians; [ Christians,  {C}{P}
 49.32 | 101.31      church, [ Church,  {C}
 49.34 | 101.33      old [ Old  {C}
 49.35 | 101.34      with, [ with  {P}
 49.35 | 101.34      new; [ New,  {C}{P}
 49.37 | 102.1       it, [ it  {P}
 49.37 | 102.2       duty; [ duty,  {P}
 49.38 | 102.3       new; [ New,  {C}{P}
 49.40 | 102.5       Apostles, [ apostles,  {C}
 49.42 | 102.8       new, [ New,  {C}
 49.42 | 102.8       new [ New  {C}
 49.43 | 102.8       old; [ Old;  {C}
 49.44 | 102.10      christian [ Christian   {C}
 49.44 | 102.10      church, [ Church,  {C}
 49.45 | 102.11      christians, [ Christians  {C}{P}
 49.46 | 102.12      Farther, [ Further,  {S}
 49.47 | 102.13      rule-- [ rule,  {P}
 49.49 | 102.15      practice; [ practice,  {P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 50.1  | 102.16      practise, [ practice  {S}
 50.1  | 102.16      things, [ things  {P}
 50.5  | 102.20      diminution; [ diminution,  {P}
 50.5  | 102.21      any thing [ anything  {S}
 50.6  | 102.21      opinion, [ opinion  {P}
 50.6  | 102.21      disputation, [ dis- putation  {P}
 50.7  | 102.22      church. [ Church.  {C}
 50.7  | 102.23      thus, [ thus  {P}
 50.9  | 102.25      any thing [ anything  {S}
 50.10 | 102.26      understood, [ understood  {P}
 50.11 | 102.27      suggested, [ suggested  {P}
 50.12 | 102.28      subject, [ subject  {P}
 50.14 | 102.30      impossible, [ impossible  {P}
 50.14 | 102.31      misunderstood, [ misunderstood  {P}
 50.15 | 102.31      Latitudinarianism [ latitudinarianism  {C}
 50.16 | 102.33      or [ or,  {P}
 50.17 | 102.33      indeed [ indeed,  {P}
 50.17 | 102.34      christian- ity. [ Christianity.  {C}
 50.20 | 103.3       other; [ other,  {P}
 50.21 | 103.4       exception: [ exception,  {P}
 50.22 | 103.5       other, [ other  {P}
 50.23 | 103.6       church [ Church  {C}
 50.23 | 103.6       these [ these,  {P}
 50.23 | 103.7       moreover [ moreover,  {P}
 50.24 | 103.7       unity; [ unity,  {P}
 50.25 | 103.8       instructed-- [ instructed,  {P}
 50.27 | 103.11      unity-- [ unity,  {P}
 50.28 | 103.12      body; [ body,  {P}
 50.29 | 103.13      another-- [ another,  {P}
 50.29 | 103.13      instances [ instances,  {P}
 50.30 | 103.15      mismanagement; [ mismanagement,  {P}
 50.31 | 103.15      endeavour [ endeavor  {S}
 50.32 | 103.16      every thing [ everything  {S}
 50.32 | 103.17      difference; [ difference,  {P}
 50.33 | 103.18      exists; [ exists,  {P}
 50.41 | 103.27      do, [ do  {P}
 50.43 | 103.28      believer; [ believer,  {P}
 50.43 | 103.29      scriptural [ Scriptural  {C}
 50.45 | 103.30      offences [ offenses  {S}
 50.45 | 103.31      amongst [ among  {S}
 50.45 | 103.31      those, [ those  {P}
 50.47 | 103.33      father [ Father  {C}
 50.48 | 103.34      all; [ all,  {P}
 50.49 | 104.1       churches. [ Churches.  {C}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 51.2  | 104.3       anti-scriptural [ anti- scriptural  {S}
 51.4  | 104.5       shew, [ show,  {S}
 51.5  | 104.6       alternative, [ alternative  {P}
 51.5  | 104.7       scriptural [ Scriptural  {C}
 51.7  | 104.8       schisms, [ schisms  {P}
 51.9  | 104.11      premises; [ premises,  {P}
 51.9  | 104.11      adopt, [ adopt  {P}
 51.10 | 104.12      cause: [ cause;  {P}
 51.11 | 104.13      vague [ vague,  {P}
 51.12 | 104.14      Holy [ holy  {C}
 51.12 | 104.14      Scriptures, [ Scriptures  {P}
 51.14 | 104.17      farther [ further  {S}
 51.17 | 104.19      church, [ Church,  {C}
 51.17 | 104.20      apprehend, [ apprehend  {P}
 51.18 | 104.21      namely, [ namely:  {P}
 51.22 | 104.25      it; [ it,  {P}
 51.22 | 104.25      satisfied, [ satisfied  {P}
 51.23 | 104.27      intelligent [ intelligent,  {P}
 51.23 | 104.27      chris- tians [ Christians  {C}
 51.24 | 104.27      side; [ side,  {P}
 51.26 | 104.30      scriptural [ Scriptural  {C}
 51.27 | 104.31      christian [ Christian  {C}
 51.27 | 104.31      church; [ Church,  {C}{P}
 51.27 | 104.31      this [ this,  {P}
 51.27 | 104.31      presume [ presume,  {P}
 51.29 | 104.33      if [ if,  {P}
 51.30 | 104.34      righteousness-- [ righteousness,  {P}
 51.31 | 105.1       justice [ justice,  {P}
 51.31 | 105.1       charity-- [ charity,  {P}
 51.32 | 105.2       dead [ dead,  {P}
 51.33 | 105.3       Christ: [ Christ;  {P}
 51.33 | 105.3       be, [ be  {P}
 51.35 | 105.5       would [ would,  {P}
 51.35 | 105.5       therefore [ therefore,  {P}
 51.38 | 105.9       judgment; [ judgment,  {P}
 51.38 | 105.9       equally [ equal  {D} (TC)
 51.39 | 105.10      upon, [ upon  {P}
 51.39 | 105.10      for, [ for  {P}
 51.42 | 105.14      heaven: [ heaven;  {P}
 51.43 | 105.14      father [ Father  {C}
 51.46 | 105.18      pharisees, [ Pharisees,  {C}
 51.47 | 105.19      conclude, [ conclude  {P}
 51.47 | 105.19      t oadvocate [ to advocate  {S}
 51.48 | 105.19      how- every [ however  {S}
 51.48 | 105.20      witho   [ without  {S}
 51.48 | 105.20      itself [ itself,  {P}
 51.49 | 105.21      church [ Church  {C}
 51.49 | 105.21      characters-- [ characters,  {P}
 51.49 | 105.22      can- not [ can not  {S}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 52.1  | 105.22      shew [ show  {S}
 52.4  | 105.26      church, [ Church,  {C}
 52.6  | 105.28      description; [ description,  {P}
 52.7  | 105.29      influence.-- [ influence.  {P}
 52.8  | 105.30      expressly revealed [ expressly-revealed  {S}
 52.9  | 105.31      Ezek. 44, 6--9, [ Ezek. xliv: 6, 9,  {S}{P}
 52.9  | 105.31      Math. 13, 15--17, [ Matt. xiii: 15, 17;  {S}{P}
 52.9  | 105.31      I. Cor. 5, 6--13, [ 1 Cor. v: 6, 13,  {S}{P}
 52.10 | 105.32      Scriptures. [ scriptures.  {C}
 52.11 | 105.33      professors, [ professors  {P}
 52.13 | 106.1       those, [ those  {P}
 52.14 | 106.3       church [ Church  {C}
 52.15 | 106.3       stewards-- [ stewards,  {P}
 52.16 | 106.5       such, [ such  {P}
 52.17 | 106.6       sentiments, [ sentiments  {P}
 52.17 | 106.6       church reformation; [ Church-reformation;  {C}{S}
 52.18 | 106.7       puritanism, [ Puritanism,  {C}
 52.19 | 106.8       please: [ please;  {P}
 52.21 | 106.10      mistakes, [ mistakes  {P}
 52.22 | 106.12      church [ Church  {C}
 52.23 | 106.13      well meant [ well-meant  {S}
 52.25 | 106.14      performance; [ performance,  {P}
 52.26 | 106.16      deficiencies, [ deficiencies  {P}
 52.29 | 106.19      near, [ near  {P}
 52.34 | 106.25      them; [ them,  {P}
 52.36 | 106.27      them; [ them,  {P}
 52.38 | 106.29      pretence [ pretense  {S}
 52.38 | 106.29      truth;-- [ truth--  {P}
 52.39 | 106.30      amongst [ among  {S}
 52.39 | 106.30      would [ would,  {P}
 52.39 | 106.30      there- fore [ therefore,  {P}
 52.44 | 107.1       writing: [ writing;  {P}
 52.47 | 107.4       imagine, [ imagine  {P}
 52.47 | 107.4       that, [ that  {P}
 52.47 | 107.5       christians [ Christians  {C}
 52.49 | 107.6       enquirers [ inquirers  {S}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 53.3  | 107.10      brethren; [ brethren,  {P}
 53.4  | 107.11      confute, [ confute  {P}
 53.5  | 107.13      arguing, [ arguing  {P}
 53.6  | 107.14      us [ us,  {P}
 53.6  | 107.14      therefore [ therefore,  {P}
 53.7  | 107.15      Math. 18, 7, [ Matt. xvii: 7:  {S}{D}{P} {10}
 53.7  | 107.15      woe [ "Woe  {P}{C}
 53.8  | 107.16      offences. [ offenses."  {S}{P}
 53.8  | 107.16      Scott [ Scott,  {P}
 53.10 | 107.18      'that our Lord [ "that our Lord  {P} {11}
 53.11 | 107.19      church, [ Church  {C}{P}
 53.13 | 107.22      christians; [ Christians;  {C}
 53.14 | 107.23      are, [ are  {P}
 53.15 | 107.23      day, [ day  {P}
 53.15 | 107.23      offences [ offenses  {S}
 53.15 | 107.24      stumbling, [ stumbling  {P}
 53.15 | 107.24      Mahome- tans, [ Mohammedands,  {S}
 53.16 | 107.24      Pagans, [ pagans  {C}{P}
 53.16 | 107.25      globe; [ globe,  {P}
 53.17 | 107.26      description, [ description  {P}
 53.18 | 107.27      controversies, [ controversies  {P}
 53.19 | 107.28      amongst [ among  {S}
 53.19 | 107.28      principle [ principal  {D}
 53.20 | 107.29      gospel, [ Gospel,  {C}
 53.23 | 107.32      religion; [ religion,  {P}
 53.23 | 107.33      hereticks, [ heretics,  {S}
 53.24 | 107.33      pharisees, [ Pharisees,  {C}
 53.24 | 107.34      sinners, [ sinners  {P}
 53.25 | 107.34      gospel. [ Gospel.  {C}
 53.26 | 108.1       said, [ said:  {P}
 53.26 | 108.1       "woe [ 'Woe  {P}{C}
 53.26 | 108.1       to [ un- to  {D}
 53.26 | 108.2       offences;" [ offenses,'  {S}{P}{P}
 53.26 | 108.2       for, [ for  {P}
 53.28 | 108.4       earth, [ earth  {P}
 53.29 | 108.5       nature [ nature,  {P}
 53.29 | 108.5       be, [ be  {P}
 53.29 | 108.5       offences [ offenses  {S}
 53.30 | 108.6       intervene; [ intervene,  {P}
 53.30 | 108.6       ri hteous [ righteous  {S}
 53.32 | 108.8       evils, [ evils  {P}
 53.32 | 108.8       accessary [ accessory  {S}
 53.33 | 108.9       one, [ one  {S}
 53.34 | 108.10      men, [ men  {P}
 53.37 | 108.14      text-- [ text;  {P}
 53.40 | 108.17      principle [ principal  {D}
 53.41 | 108.18      Buffaloe [ Buffalo  {S}
 53.41 | 108.18      state [ State  {C}
 53.41 | 108.19      New- York, [ New York,  {S}
 53.43 | 108.20      'I [ "I  {P}
 53.43 | 108.21      brethren,' [ brethren,"  {P}
 53.44 | 108.21      'to [ "to  {P} {12}
 53.44 | 108.21      minds, [ minds  {P}
 53.45 | 108.22      Spirit, [ Spirit  {P}
 53.45 | 108.23      will; [ will,  {P}
 53.46 | 108.23      gospel [ Gospel  {C}
 53.46 | 108.23      son [ Son  {S}
 53.47 | 108.25      embr ce [ embrace  {S}
 53.47 | 108.25      ri ht [ right  {S}
 53.47 | 108.25      way [ way,  {P}
 53.47 | 108.25      cannot [ can not  {S}
 53.48 | 108.25      hereafter.' [ hereafter."  {P}
 53.48 | 108.26      reply, [ reply:  {P}
 53.48 | 108.26      'Brother, [ "Brother,  {P}
 1st Ed. 2nd Ed.     First Edition [ Second Edition
 54.5  | 108.32      we [ we,  {P}
 54.5  | 108.32      also [ also,  {P}
 54.6  | 108.33      forefathers. [ forefathers;  {P}
 54.6  | 108.33      It [ it  {C}
 54.7  | 108.34      receive-- [ receive;  {P}
 54.9  | 109.3       neighbors; [ neighbors,  {P}
 54.12 | 109.6       Indians; [ Indians,  {P}
 54.13 | 109.7       said.' [ said."  {P}
 54.14 | 109.8       conference! [ conference.  {P}
 54.14 | 109.8       Alas! [ Alas,  {P}
 54.15 | 109.9       way? [ way!  {P}
 54.16 | 109.10      Apostles [ apostles  {C}
 54.16 | 109.11      churches! [ Churches!  {C}
 54.18 | 109.13      deportment towards [ deportment toward  {S}
 54.18 | 109.13      other, [ each other  {P}
 54.18 | 109.13      and towards [ and toward  {S}
 54.19 | 109.13      men; [ men,  {P}
 54.21 | 109.16      reformation-- [ reformation;  {P}
 54.23 | 109.19      own; [ own,  {P}
 54.26 | 109.21      Amen [ Amen,  {P}

      {1} Both "W" and "C" are raised to capitals in the correction.
      {2} The word is hyphenated in the first edition, but not in the second. See treatment at 8.1, 13.25.
      {3} In the First Edition, the final "s" resembles an epsilon character.
      {4} The final letter is deleted, but the first remains a capital.
      {5} The letter preceding the hyphen is obliterated; since this letter has no ascender or descender, "o" is a reasonable guess. Whatever the letter in the first edition, the autograph correction is for a "u."
      {6} A strike-out marks the letter "k" for deletion; no change is indicated for the period.
      {7} The comma is marked for deletion; the "c" remains in lower case.
      {8} The punctuation is marked for change, but not the spelling.
      {9} The word "no" is changed to "not" in the margin; the punctuation is not marked for change.
      {10} The second edition erroneously changes the chapter in Matthew from "18" to "xvii."
      {11} In the first edition, lines 53.11-25 constitute an extended quotation that is framed with a single quotation mark at the beginning of each line. In the second edition, this passage (107.18-108.11) is not set off.
      {12} In the first edition, lines 53.44 through 54.13 constitute an extended quotation that is framed with a single quotation mark at the beginning of each line. In the second edition, this passage (108.21-109.7) is not set off.

Ernie Stefanik A Collation of Thomas Campbell's Declaration and Address (1997)

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