William Baxter | The First Beatitude (1870) |
T H E F I R S T B E A T I T U D E . |
BLESSED the poor in spirit--those who live In sweet humility's sequestered vale; Who ask not that renown this world can give, Nor seek to be the theme of Fame's proud tale, But who have seen how false are earthly things, The vanity of worldly pomp and pride; And, with such souls as make them truly kings, Have from Pride's pathway dared to turn aside. They in a purer, happier world than this Shall be with Christ, and wear a kingly crown; Shall find a lowly walk can lead to bliss, And self-abasement end in high renown. O, if thou seekest the sure way to God, Be humble, tread the path thy Master trod. |
[The Ladies' Repository 30 (November 1870): 375.]
William Baxter's "The First Beatitude" was first published in The Ladies' Repository: A Monthly Periodical Devoted to Literature and Religion, Vol. 30, No. 11 (New Series, Vol. 6, No. 5), November 1870, p. 375. This volume, edited by I. W. Wiley, was published in Cincinnati by Hitchcock and Walden and in New York by Carlton and Lanahan.
Addenda and corrigenda are earnestly solicited.
Ernie Stefanik
Derry, PA
Created 19 April 2000.
Updated 28 June 2003.
William Baxter | The First Beatitude (1870) |
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