Born: Croton, Licking County, Ohio, November 12, 1872
Died: Indianapolis, Indiana, February 10, 1943
Born at Croton, Licking County, Ohio, November 12, 1872, being the next
youngest son of Giles W. and Lucretia Hoover. His father and mother
were charter members of the Christian Church of that town, his father
serving until the time of his death as an elder of the congregation.
He was for two years a teacher in the public schools. He is a graduate of the Hiram Preparatory School, Hiram College, and the Graduate Divinity School of the University of Chicago. After graduating from the last-named institution, he spent two additional years in study toward the Doctor of Philosophy degree.
He was married to Virginia Dillinger, of Findlay, Ohio, also a graduate of Hiram College, July 12, 1900.
He has served the following churches: