Born: Greene County, Indiana, September 9, 1874
Harley Jackson was born in Greene County, Indiana, Sept. 9, 1874; was
reared on a farm, educated in the common and high schools of that
county, and was set apart to the ministry by his home church, "Old
Bethel," in Greene County, in 1894.
Held a pastorate in Greene and Lawrence Counties until 1900, when he moved to Irvington and took a special course in Butler College. He was ordained at Irvington, 1902, by Dean Jabez Hall, Dr. A. R. Benton and E. W. Thornton.
In 1903 he accepted the pastorate of the Central Christian Church of Seymour, Indiana, which pastorate he held until 1909.
He is now serving his third year as minister of the Central Christian Church of Columbus, Indiana.