Born: Raleigh, Rush County, Indiana, April 12, 1849
Died: 1919
T. J. Legg was born at Raleigh, Rush County, Indiana, April 12, 1849.
Reared on the farm, inured to the severest toil, as he was the oldest
of seven children, and helped to clear the home farm in the Miami
Indian Reserve, now Tipton County, to which his father removed in his
Educated in the common schools, private tutelage, New London Academy, Howard College and Hall's Business College, Logansport. Served a term in engineering and construction service under direction of the military department on the Western plains and in the Rocky Mountains in the late sixties.
Taught school for several years during winter; and then served a term in locomotive service on the railroad. Returned to teaching--nine years' service in the Logansport city schools and Hall's Business College.
Baptized by Jacob B. Blount, November 30, 1870. Married to Elizabeth C. Johnson, July 4, 1871.
Served eight years as inspector and underwriter in fire insurance, and while traveling engaged actively in Sunday-school work. Has traveled extensively, visiting every State and Territory in the Union, and making two journeys (1891 and 1895) to the eastern hemisphere. Began service as State evangelist under the Indiana Christian Sunday-school Association in 1872, and is now serving his twentieth year of continuous service, under the State Christian Sunday-school Association, or the State Missionary Association, or both jointly a part of the time.
Has organized 116 churches and held 268 meetings in Indiana.