Born:Bedford County, Tennessee, May 6, 1856
Died: Indianapolis, Indiana, April 19, 1925
Allan B. Philputt was born in Bedford County, Tennessee, where his
father had come, from Virginia. His mother's people were South
Carolinians. His forbears on both sides have been farmers and planters
since their immigration to America, from England, in the early part of
the eighteenth century. Mr. Philputt was brought by his parents to
southern Indiana (Washington County) at the close of the Civil War, and
there he grew up helping on the farm, later teaching school, and
finally entering the State University at Bloomington, where he was
graduated in the class of 1880.
In September of this year he married Miss Anna Maxwell, daughter of Dr. D. H. Maxwell, of Bloomington. Mr. Philputt afterwards pursued studies in Harvard University and the Episcopal Divinity School at Philadelphia.
During his early years he united with the church, and while an undergraduate at Bloomington visited and preached for country churches, and after his graduation was called to the pastorate of the church in Bloomington, where he remained six years. It was at this time that the present house of worship there was built. During the last year or two of his pastorate, and for a year after his resignation, he taught t classes in Latin and Greek in the university, where he was called to the assistant professorship of these chairs, and given leave of absence to study at Harvard.
Deciding afterwards to continue in the ministry rather than follow the teaching profession, he resigned from the university and accepted a call to the old First
Church, Philadelphia, where he remained nearly ten years. It was during this time that this church sold their old house at Twelfth, above Wallace, and purchased of Russell H. Conwell and his congregation, the beautiful Grace Baptist Church at Berks and Mervine Streets.
On May 1, 1898, Mr. Philputt began his pastorate at the Central Church, Indianapolis, where he now labors. Mr. Philputt has been active in the general organizations of the church. He was twice elected State superintendent of Christian Endeavor of Pennsylvania, has been for many years a trustee of the United Society of Christian Endeavor, has been president of the American Christian Missionary Convention, and is one of the directors of Butler College. Mr. Philputt is a member of the Sons of the Revolution and the Phi Beta Kappa Society.