Born: Liberty, Kentucky, February 10, 1849
Died: Indianapolis, Indiana, February 4, 1926
Z. T. Sweeney is a native of Kentucky. His parents were G. E. Sweeney
and Talitha Campbell.
His first charge was at Paris, Illinois. He was, for a short while, minister of the First Church at Augusta, Georgia.
For twenty-seven years he was the minister of the Columbus (Indiana) Tabernacle Church. For this church he held twenty-two protracted meetings. It is estimated that under his ministry thirty-six hundred persons were added to the congregation.
He has conducted a number of meetings in our leading cities. He has dedicated hundreds of churches. As a lecturer he stands easily in the front ranks. At present he is employed by the Redpath Lyceum Bureau of Boston.
Under the administration of Harrison he was made Consul-General to Turkey, with headquarters in Constantinople. He has visited Europe and the Holy Land, and has given us an intensely interesting book on his travels. He believes in the old Book, and, with his powers of eloquence, logic, knowledge of human nature and thorough acquaintance with literature, he makes the people to believe too.
He is an elder of the Tabernacle Church, also pastor emeritus.