"One has a shriveled soul indeed who equates brotherhood within partisan boundaries and excludes all except those who agree with him on every point. Remember, that if a man is in Christ Jesus you do him no harm by refusing to call him your brother, but you do yourself inestimable harm. It is an open insult to God to deny that his children are your brothers."1,P.    "Of course I do not restrict my regard for my brethren to those only who are in some segment of the Restoration movement." 2

   "I love the Lord who died for me. I love the church which he purchased with his own precious blood. I am going to live just as close to Jesus as I know how to live. I am going to recognize all of God's children as my beloved brothers and I am going to move among them all and share with them as they will allow. The walls they have built around their little factions mean nothing to me. I can see my brothers on both sides of them. They are not my brothers because they belong to their faction but because they belong to my Father."3

   "Every child of God is my brother. I may not approve of where he is or of all that he thinks. I am not obligated to love the things he does or the opinions he holds, but I am obligated to love him because he is my brother and is therefore, in the fellowship of which I am a part, through the grace of God... To deny fraternity is an insult to our mutual paternity. It is a reflection against Him who is 'the God and Father of us all' ". 4

   "I am frequently asked if I do not consider those in the 'Christian Church fold' as 'brethren in error'? Certainly I so consider them for I do not place them one whit above my brethren in the noninstrument segment. The only brethren I have on this earth are 'brethren in error'. They are not all in the same error. Some are in one error, some in another, but all are in some error." 5

   ". is still true that every sincere believer who accepts the Mes-siahship and Sonship of Jesus in faith and by obedience, is born again, and I am akin to him through the Spirit. He is my brother! We are in the fellowship. Both of us may be ignorant about many things and wrong about a lot of them, but we are one because of faith and not because of superior knowledge. If a man is right about Jesus he may be wrong about many other things and still be saved; if he is wrong about Jesus he may be right about everything else and still be lost." 6

   "Our relationship to God is not conditioned upon our being right about a number of things. If it were so, we would be saved by knowledge rather than by faith, and our hope of heaven would depend upon our intelligence quotient rather than upon our love for the Father and his love for us."7

   "No one is my brother because he does not use instrumental music, no one ceases to be my brother because he uses it." 8

   "Wherever my father has a child I have a brother. God only has one family and all of his children are in it. I am in it with them. Some of them are still in spiritual diapers, and some are trying to wear clothes too large for them. A lot of them are running around in 'intellectual rompers' who ought to start acting their ages. God even has some retarded children, but they are a part of the family and we have to bestow more time and abundant honor upon them. So long as they are His and I am His we're in this thing together."9

   "One can no more choose his spiritual brothers than he could select his physical brothers. In both cases brotherhood results from fatherhood and we must welcome those begotten by our father whether we wish to do so or not." 10


1 July 1959, p. 11
2 July 1962, p. 13
3 Oct. 1963, p. 152
4May 1963, p. 70
5Feb. 1963, p. 27
6Sept. 1964, p. 135
7May 1966, p. 84
8July 1966, p. 122
9Sept. 1967, p. 132
10June 1961, p. 4