"The truth is that it is not the Bible, but opinions of it, and interpretations of it, which constitute the real creeds of all the warring factions. Revelation is what God said; interpretation is what men think he meant by what he said."1

   "I have never known anyone who regarded the new covenant scriptures as a legalistic code who did not violate the law of love- the law of Christ."2

   'Every written creed we have examined, which has resulted in the creation of a party or sect, is nothing more nor less than the crystallization into a formal pattern of the opinions of great thinkers and consecrated men."3

   "If we are unwilling to divest ourselves of our own sectarian creeds and formulas, we should never again raise a voice of criticism against our religious neighbors who tenaciously cling to their human dogmas."4


1 Dec., 1959, p. 3
2April, 1970, p. 58
3Nov., 1960, p. 11
4Sept., 1971, p. 137