"The question is not who split the log, but who is going to put it back together. The need is not for pointing fingers but for helping hands."1
"If there is not a sufficient dynamic on our program to hold us together it is a foregone conclusion that it can never have the power to draw all others together."2 "...a dubious world would ask how those who could not stay together could expect to bring all others together."3 "If the greatest force operating to convert the world is the unity of believers in Christ; conversely, the greatest force contributing to the unbelief and ultimate damnation of the world, is division among the believers ."4 "There is a tugging of the Spirit of God in the hearts of gentle men and women in all of our factions, leading us not to our undoing, but the undoing of tragic errors which have resulted in divisions multiplied."5 "Any attempt to secure unity based upon any other authority than the revelation of God is absurd. . . But, by the same token, any proposal for unity which denies the sovereign and inalienable right of each accountable being to approach God's truth for himself. . ., will serve only to enslave conscience and drive men into warring camps."6 "We must work together toward the goal of unity. Little will be accomplished by causing one division in an attempt to eliminate another. We must love all of our brethren, pray for them, and wait for them."7 "We pray that the day may yet come when all sectarianism may be dissolved under the rays of divine love, when the party spirit may be crucified and interred as a part of the old man of sin, when it will no longer be a question of uniting the various denominations in a grand ecumenical movement, but the uniting of all who love the Lord as members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. To that end we will work and labor until the sunset claims us, to that task will we dedicate our feeble efforts 'with malice toward none and with charity toward all'."8 "Unity today does not mean we are all in the same place at the same time, but that we recognize that we are all in the same person at the same time. 'He is our peace'."9 "The mystery of the ages is the gathering into one body of variegated elements and welding them into an indissoluble unity of the Spirit. God have mercy upon those who fly in the face of heaven's eternal purpose and who think they are called to fracture and fragment the saints in order to please God while frustrating the Great Design. It is enough to make the eagerly watching angels weep!"10 "All of us are coming to realize that unity in Christ is not something to be achieved, but simply something to be received. It is not just a goal of men, but a gift of God. It is not something for which we agonize, but something that we recognize. It is to be claimed rather than attained. It is a creation of the Holy Spirit, and it has really been there all of the time."11 "It is my conviction that any separate and distinct group existing in the Christian world to plead for unity of all believers in Christ, that is in one body, must in the very nature of things, have but a temporary existence in that state. If it accomplishes its own purpose it must eventually blend into the growing unity of the body of Christ which it promises, and lose its own identity in the recaptured homogenuity of the one body which has been so seriously fractured and fragmented."12 "Will we maintain and revive the feuds bequeathed to us by our fathers, who often mistook zeal for the party for service to the Lord of all the earth? Shall we perpetuate in our folly, and preserve to our shame, the schisms which grew out of the aroused and unrestrained passions of other generations? Have we learned nothing from history except how to divide?"13 "If our ancestors are to be honored because they sought to undo the mistakes of their fathers, can we honor their memory by breathing life into the body of their own errors?"14 "Can we be worthy sons of our sires if we plod blindly along in their footprints without the courage to launch out upon our own and blaze a new trail of compassion and understanding through the jungle of sectarian complexity into which our factional attitudes have lured us?"15 "Of course there are still areas of bitter isolationism, sections where cold orthodoxy still prevails. The snow does not melt as quickly in the shadows. But the prophets of the party spirit are lifting up their cries at the altars of their gods with lessening influence. The Holy Spirit is working in hearts that have grown tired of conversion by cliche and devotion by dogma."16 "In our days of present crisis nothing is more important than a recapture of that sense of fellowship which is ours because we are in Christ Jesus together. We have been raised up together and made to sit together, but we have allowed ourselves to become alienated because we have confused community with conformity, fellowship with endorsement, and we have exalted opinions above the cross of Calvary. We have slugged it out toe-to-toe when we should have been fighting shoulder - to - shoulder. We have specialized in partisan debate when we ought to have engaged in precious dialogue. We have been more concerned about flinging challenges at one another than flinging down the gauntlet to Satan!"17 "Our constant aim should be to help bring all of the sons of God into a state of togetherness. We cannot accomplish this by denying that they are sons of God. Neither can we do it by creating another sect more exclusive and intolerant than those in which they are already involved."18 "Since no faction among us is the church of God, we need not switch from one faction to another as we learn new truths. Let us stay where we are for that is where we are needed. Let us leaven from within and not leave and attack from without."19 "We need no fanfare, no national unity conferences, no delegate conventions, to bring about oneness for which Jesus prayed on that fateful night when tragedy stalked his steps like a grim shadow. All we need is to ignore the barriers we have created, batter down the party walls we have erected, humble the hearts that we have hardened, and God will send his blessing upon this city, and from you could go forth a tidal wave of brotherly love that can transform this universe and usher in a time of revival such as has never been seen."201Jan., 1967, p. 7 | 11Mar., 1972, p. 40 | ||
2Jan., 1967, p. 6 | 12June 1960, p. 9 | ||
3July, 1966, p. 113 | 13July 1959, p. 13 | ||
4Jan., 1960, p. 2 | 14Feb., 1968, p. 25 | ||
5Feb., 1963, p. 28 | 15Feb., 1968, p. 25 | ||
6Jan., 1961, p. 10 | 16Apr., 1966, p. 68 | ||
7Feb., 1960, p. 3 | 17Sept., 1964, p. 134 | ||
8Aug., 1959, pp. 5, 6 | 18June, 1961, p. 8 | ||
9Nov., 1962, p. 9 | 19June, 1964, p. 87 | ||
10Dec., 1970, p 182 | 20Feb., 1972, p. 29 |