A Study in Arithmetic
By Geneva Garrett
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If we would take away all time given to anger, and add that to increasing our patience;
If we would take away all time given to worry and doubtings and add that to our faith;
If we would take away all time given to fretting and add that time to counting our blessings which come from God;
If we would take away all time given to faultfinding and use that to increase our stock of brotherly kindness;
If we would take away all time spent in petty jealousy and use that time for the growth of brotherly love;
If we would take away all time from unprofitable thinking and add that time to prayer and meditation;
If we would take away all time spent in bearing false witness against our neighbor, that is, from gossip, and add that to improving our charitableness to others;
If we would take away all time spent in talking of our troubles and use that time to visit the sick, aged, bereaved and distressed;
If we gave less time to worldly wisdom, newspapers, magazines, radio and television, and added more time to scriptural study and instructing our children in the ways of the Lord;
If we would take away time spent in procrastination and use that time so we could get to the worship services on time;
Surely with all of that we could find much more time daily to speed our spiritual growth. If each one of us as a true Christian could gain thirty minutes each
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