"Lacked Ye Anything?"
By Roy Loney
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The Lord's need of workers never ends in this life. His constant cry is for workers in his vineyard. But no one can do that work without sacrifice of self. "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me" (Matt. 16:24). The nature of the work is such that only those who deny self can accomplish it. The work of redemption which required the life of Jesus can never be properly done by self seekers. A hireling, who first seeks his own pay, is ill-equipped to turn souls from worship of self to worship of God. The example of Christ must never be forgotten. "For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that you through his poverty might be rich" (2 Cor. 8:8).
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Small, narrow men, no matter how earnest, cannot supply leadership for the spiritual forces which alone can save mankind. The American boys who accepted the challenge of Pearl Harbor, and enlisted by the thousands to avenge their fallen comrades, wrote an imperishable record on the pages of history. Christ accepted the challenge of Eden, and left the courts of heaven to come to earth to destroy the works of Satan. No tongue can properly portray his sacrifice, yet that sacrifice will be in vain, unless we are willing to sacrifice.
Nothing can be more repulsive than to look upon ministry for Jesus as a profession for personal gain and advancement. Few today will leave home and loved ones to proclaim the unsearchable riches of Christ. Ugly, covetous self stands in the way of full consecration. We need heroic men who will put all personal consideration behind them to battle the battalions of hell. The fight for righteousness is one of hardships and risks. He who enters the lists crying "What is there in it for me?" knows not that Satan has already clamped chains on his wrists. He who belongs to Christ puts no price on his work for the Lord. He does not hire us, he owns us!
When Christ called the fishermen, they forsook home, occupation, loved ones and everything else. A few years later Peter said, "Behold we have forsaken all and followed thee. What shall we have therefore?" Self interest took precedent. What a pity he could not have served for the sheer joy of real service! Is God so untrustworthy we must still extend begging hands for each few cents worth of service? Can we not trust him to supply our needs if we undertake his work? Must we put the Lord's work on a contract basis -- so much work for so much pay? The disciples went forth with no assurance of support but they lacked nothing. The preacher who demands financial equality with his brethren shames the big idealism of the cross. Soul saving cannot be placed on the basis of accountancy or bookkeeping. Is God's service so poor it must be rewarded with filthy lucre?
Peter's question brought this reply, "Verily I say unto you, there is no man that hath left house, or parents, or brethren, or wife, or children, for the kingdom of God's sake, who shall not receive manifold more in this present time, and in the world to come, eternal life." Is your heart so mercenary, that it takes dollars to make it happy? Can you not understand that if you love the souls of men as Christ loved them, the joy of saving them will be far more rewarding than all of earth's riches?
Age and infirmity is causing some of our stalwart men to cease from their labors, so I pen this appeal to young brethren with talents yet undeveloped. Put the cause of Christ in your hearts. Think not of self nor of pecuniary reward which endures but for a moment. Think of the eternal glory if you save a soul from the fires of hell. Jesus endured the cross and its shame for the joy set before him of meeting redeemed souls in heaven. To share in that joy will be your eternal happiness, heaven's gain and Satan's loss.
A truck driver was pinned in his cab when his vehicle struck a tree. The efforts of many men and wreckers could not free the poor man while flames licked closer to him. A burly negro walked into the circle of light, grabbed the door, and with astounding strength pulled it from its hinges. Crawling underneath the cab, with a mighty heave of his great shoulders he lifted it from the injured man and saved him from a fiery death. Then he disappeared in the crowd without revealing his identity. Weeks later he was discovered, and when asked about his amazing strength, he told how he had lost his
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