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     C. R. Turner reports the following schedule of his work: March 3-17 at Kendallville, Indiana; March 31-April 12 at Mt. Ayr, Iowa; April 14-26 at Claycomo, Missouri; April 28 at Topeka, Kansas; May 5-19 at Kim, Colorado; May 20- June 2 at La Junta, Colorado.... Verla Foltz, Hale, Missouri says he thinks we are right in the articles "That They All May Be One" and in the book "The Royal Priesthood."... Wilford Landes, 9405 East 68th St., Raytown 33, Mo., has some time open this year for gospel meetings, studies and personal work. Be sure and write him at once.... Ruth Ross, St. Louis, Missouri, writes her deep appreciation for the articles by L. E. Ketcherside and Roy Loney.... A K. Kirkpatrick reports a wonderful meeting at Claycomo, Missouri, January 13, with 7 young men making talks at the evening service.... Herman Gower and wife write their enjoyment of the paper. They live in Dyersburg, Tenneseee.... Paul H. Harmon (Illinois) says "The Royal Priesthood" is the best treatment of the subject he has ever seen. He also commends the series of articles "That They All May Be One." The Raytown (Mo.) congregation will mail out about 1000 tracts each month in that community.... Lloyd Thompson, Manchester Avenue, St. Louis tells us of one baptism there which we forgot to report with others.... Paul Duren, Alabama, writes his enjoyment of the series on "That They All May Be One."... Roy Loney delivered inspirational lessons at all of the Saint Louis congregations.... E. M. Zerr has a little time open in 1957 which could be devoted to short Bible studies. Be sure to write him soon at Box 149, New Castle, Indiana.... The second edition of the new song book is ready for distribution. Orders for 50 or more will be filled at $1.50 per copy. Send all orders to Ellis Crum, 1242 Labadie Road, Windsor, Ont., Canada.... In the directory compiled by Roy Loney, the congregation at Sharp and Cochran Sts., Spokane, Washington, was omitted. The correspondent is Arnold Hintz, 2411 Normandie Avenue.... Bro. Loney also overlooked congregations in New Mexico.... Vincent Beck, Halifax, Nova Scotia, writes that he thought both the November and December issues were quite good.... James Graddy writes of the activities of the little congregation at Thule, in the northernmost region of Greenland. He has been assisting in the song service and has spoken to the little group twice.... Alice Bubanks (Indiana), wishes that the paper could go into every Christian home.... Thelma Bussard (Missouri) writes a very encouraging letter relative to the work.... Margie Nighswonger (Mo.) calls "The Royal Priesthood" a truly marvelous book.... Vernon Hurst says it is an outstanding piece of restoration literature .... Alice Mae Peacock (Illinois) says the paper has been uplifting and a source of thought building.... Reese Hughes (Alabama) enjoys the paper a lot.... We regret to report the death of our elderly sister, Mrs. Walter W. Shay, whose funeral service was conducted at Middlebrook, Missouri.... Billy Potter (Florida) writes that if we can do all that is possible as individuals to be kind, patient, and observe the royal law of love, we can yet effect true unity and live together in peace and love.... Lauriene Coffey writes to tell us she enjoyed the study at Decatur (Ill.).... Our aged sister, Eliza Jane Bosher; mother of Bro. James Fred Bosher, departed this life, Nov. 14 at Chelyan, West Virginia.... Irven Skinner (Mo.) thinks "The Royal Priesthood" should be read and studied by every disciple.... Clayton and Kathleen Klein, Nancy, France, say they are uplifted by the fine

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articles each month.... W. R. Forman, Regina, Saskatchewan, says he would hate to miss a copy of the paper..... L. R. Biggers (Ark.) says he is always looking forward to the paper and thinks it is grand.... C. Y. Quackenbush keeps a copy of "The Royal Priesthood" in the waiting room of his shoe repair shop and makes a list of those who want to read it, then keeps his loan copies busy. He also keeps a copy of the Bible for his customers to read.... Don and Lura Henke, St. Louis, have a new baby girl, Gabrielle Ann.... The price of Lightfoot's Commentary on Philippians has recently been raised by the publishers to $4.50, but while our present supply lasts we'll furnish them at $3.50, which may be your only chance for this outstanding work at that price.... Leroy Garrett and the editor will conduct a one week study at Flat River (Mo.) the first week in July, and the editor will conduct another at Shelbyville (Ill.) the first week in December.... Vincent Beck, Halifax, Nova Scotia, writes an encouraging letter. We regret to report the sudden death of our sister, Mrs. Guy Gastineau, at Ellington, Missouri.... Canton Melling, editor of Scripture Standard, in Great Britain, says there is a vital need for continuance of the Mission Messenger.... Otto Schlieper, Hartford, Illinois writes that the paper is enjoyed greatly and should be shared with others.... Buff Scott and Oswald Wilson will conduct a public discussion, May 6-9 in Canton, Ohio. Propositions will cover the salaried one-man minister and college questions.... The editor was forced to cancel his work in Georgia due to the hospitalization of Bro. J. W. Watts, Flat River, Missouri who underwent surgery in Saint Louis. (Bro. Watts is Nell's father).... We regret to record the death of our aged brother, C. H. Spurrier, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.... You are urged to tune in Station KCOG, Centerville, Iowa, 1:15-1:45 p.m., each Sunday.... W. B. Cakerice mentions a number of preachers and isn't sure he wants to go to heaven if we are going to be there. I want to go and take as many with me as I can.... E. M. Smith spoke at Phoenix (Ariz.) Jan. 20.... "I Attended a Proposed College Meeting" is a small tract by Buff Scott, Jr., Gallipolis, Ohio. It is well worth reading. Send 5c in stamps for a copy; or get ten for 35c. Order from Bro. Scott.... Arnold Perry, Kenova, West Virginia, says our last two issues were wonderful.... Bill Hensley takes exception to the February issue which he thinks tends to compromise and sectarianism. We rejoice at the good he was able to do at Unionville (Mo.) from which place he wrote.... Berdell McCann, an elder at Hartford (Ill.) commends the February issue as an outstanding nonsectarian plea.... James Riggins and Nina Kay Rosenbaum were married at Uptown Church of Christ, Long Beach, California, February 2. James is a son of Bro. and Sister Lloyd Riggins.... W. J. Cole, Nelson, New Zealand writes his appreciation of the paper and "The Royal Priesthood." He is laboring with his own hands forty hours per week, and helping with a congregation of eight souls recently planted.... Ronald Wofford has completed work on his degree in Business Administration at University of Missouri. He is a member at Oak Hill Chapel, St. Louis.... The elders at Lillian Avenue, St. Louis, have worked out the most thorough study on the subject of the work of the Holy Spirit that we have ever seen. It is excellent.... Wilford Landes says the lead article in February was excellent.... Bernell Weems hopes it will do much good.... Bob Hopkins, Cedar Rapids, (Iowa) found the editorial on naming the meetplace very interesting.... Henry and Mildred Van de Riet say they are certainly enjoying the paper.... Paul Ketcherside says the questions and answers in the last issue were to the point. We regret to report that Bro. Homer Boren, Nebo, Illinois sustained a broken hip due to a fall.... Myrtle Cordes, Riverside, California enjoys the paper very much.... Elbur Fritz, Prole, Iowa wants others to share in the good articles... Three added at Compton, (Calif.).

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