Books and Bibles
Revised Standard Version Bibles. Leather bound, thin, $9.00;
Bible paper $10. Buck-ram binding, $6.00; New Testaments 7sc, $2.50; pocket size, leather,
Holman King James Version. All prices $5.75 to $15.00 in all
styles. Specials in larger type for older eyes. Write us what you want. All of these are bound in
leather, all have references and concordance.
Books You Need. The Royal Priesthood (Ketcherside) $2.50;
Synonyms of the
New Testament (Trench) $3.50; Commentary on Matthew-Mark (McGarvey) $3.00;
Commentary on Acts (McGarvey) ' $3.50; Commentary on Romans (Lard) $3.50; Commentary
on Hebrews (Milligan) $3.00; Lightfoot on Philippians $3.50; Peoples' New Testament with
Notes (Johnson) 2 volumes, $5.00; Life and Epistles of Paul $5.00. Order these now!
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