Clergy and Laity

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     "You cannot create a special clergy without by the same act creating "a laity." Wherever a clergy is recognized there must as a result be a laity. The word laos from which we get the term "laity" is found at least 141 times in the New Covenant Scriptures, where it is translated "people." In every instance when applied to the church, it refers to the whole body of believers. It never refers to a group as distinguished from a priestly or ministerial caste. Indeed, in a passage which affirms the royal priesthood of all believers, the term "laos" appears as a designation for the same group. "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own people (laity), that you may declare the wonderful deeds of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light" (1 Pet. 2:9).

     This is a significant passage, because the royal priesthood is identified as God's laity. Every priest of God is one of his laity, every member of God's laity is a priest. Every child of God is His inheritance, all of God's children constitute His clergy, but since they also constitute His laity, there can be no distinction in clergy and laity in God's church.... God's laity are not those to whom messages of God are brought; but they are themselves the bringers of a message. The laity are not those who listen to a clergy declaring the wonderful works of God, but they are the clergy who do the declaring." --The Royal Priesthood.

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