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     We recently spent some profitable hours in conferring with the brethren of North Annex congregation, at Regina, Saskatchewan. If plans materialize it is our hope to be with them for special work this winter. Bro. Dewey Copeland and family of Valdosta, Georgia, accompanied us, and Bro. Copeland spoke at the morning service of the congregation.... It was also our privilege to worship with the congregation at Powell, Wyoming, where I addressed the brethren. Ellis Crum will labor with them in November.... Thanks to Larry Elwell (Okla.) for 6 subs.... The Decatur (Ill.) Herald and Review carried a three column photo of brethren at work constructing the meeting house for the new congregation which will be planted there.... Derek Daniel of Bedminster (England) will train for service in the field with Albert Winstanley, at Tunbridge Wells, in Kent. Nancy Gingrich (California) says she enjoys the good writing in the paper more and more. .. . Bill and Rachel Thurman, Dallas, Texas, announce the birth of Sharon Ruth, August 23.... We are saddened to learn that Joe and Dorothy Singer, Chillicothe (Mo.) lost their baby boy in June. ... Mrs. L. V. Messick (Mo.) enjoys the paper and hopes we may continue for many years. . .. The new meeting house at Meadville (Mo.) is a beautiful structure and will enable the brethren to serve the community in wonderful fashion.... Paul Duren writes from Arab (Ala.) that brethren enjoyed having Fred Killebrew work with them in that area.... Vesta Ellis writes that Leroy Garrett has planned a study of Jeremiah with the little group of saints at Murryville (Ill.) on Wednesday evenings. Bro. and Sister Garrett are members of the body meeting at Hartford.... We regret to report the death of our brother, W. M. Hauschel, Stockton (Calif.) July 27. The congregation had full charge of the services.... Sister Edith Sankey, Compton (Calif.) was taken to the hospital as the result of a serious gall bladder attack.... Bobbie Hartmann was immersed into Christ at Compton (Calif.) on August 4, while on a visit from Washington, D. C.... Bob and Betty Duncan announce the birth of Julie Ann, July 17. Betty wrote that Bob was in a study at Speedway congregation, Indianapolis (Ind.) the latter part of August.... Margaret Bowman (Calif.) writes us an encouraging and helpful letter.... Harold Sloan (Ill.) agrees fully with the article I wrote on smoking cigarettes! He will be glad to know that we have word from ten brethren who have quite smoking as a result of that article. Pray for those who have not yet found courage and strength to quit.... Floyd DeBlois, Womack (Mo.) immersed one on August 18. We rejoice!... Larry Keene, Cincinnati (Ohio) writes: "The fact that many ideas expressed in MISSION MESSENGER are contradictory to the ideas under which I am now serving is another reason for me desiring your publication. Christian honesty demands my studying of your position (for the unity of all believers) doesn't it." Larry, you are one in a million!... Arthur Atkinson, Jr., Columbus (Ohio) also enjoyed the article on tobacco. Thanks! ... Paul Ketcherside writes that the Lexington (Mo.) work is showing progress.... Dick Smith and family arrived safely in France after a short and pleasant flight. Thus far our prayers have been answered. Dick will be teaching this season and working for the Christ. We'll tell you more about his work later. Please pray for his efforts.... Bro. Loney has compiled a list of congregations and correspondents, which will help you if you plan a mailing campaign with reference to special meetings, or if you wish to visit places on vacation. Send us 50c in stamps and we'll mail

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you one.... Bro. Loney wrote that there were many hindrances in his work at Joes (Colo.) with but little attendance from those who were not members of the body.... We regret to chronicle the death of Sister Eunice Wright, wife of Bro. Paul Wright of Webster Groves (Mo.) who departed this life after a long and serious illness.... Bro. Loney writes that he will soon devote some time to the promotion of a paper which he hopes to edit in cooperation with Dean Garrison. We will carry further notice later and give you the editorial address and subscription price, when the brethren are ready to launch the new work.... Robert Brumback began a series of meetings at Nixa (Mo.) September 1.... We regret to learn of the death of Bro. James Campbell, of Elmira (Mo.).... A recent check shows that next to St. Louis more copies of the paper now go to Decatur, Illinois, than any other place, with 2 bundles of 25 being mailed there each month in addition to regular subscribers. For a number of years Kansas City was next to St. Louis, but is now surpassed by Springfield, Missouri as well as Decatur.... Thanks to Val Males (Australia) for some interesting and valuable pamphlets received.... A small camera with leather case was left at Nowata, Oklahoma, after the Labor Day meeting. Will the owner write Paul Ketcherside at Box 543, Nowata?... Gerald Hadley reports increasing attendance at Nashville (Tenn.) Roy Westbrook and Ora Eileen Sloan were married at Decatur (Ill.) September 1.... Joe Miner recommends for all beginning students, the book by Norman Lewis, "How To Get More Out of Your Reading."... We are saddened to report the death of Dorsey Orr at Kansas City. Death came as result of a heart attack.... Bob White is working with the new Ruskin Heights congregation near Kansas City.... Lew Flory of Riverside (Calif.) and Marie Kidd of Bloomington (Ill.) were married Sept.27 at Bloomington.... Mrs. Florence Klatt (Colo.) likes all of the articles and the news items as well. Thanks!... Finis and Faye Burnham, St. Louis (Mo.) have a baby boy, John Herbert.... We are saddened at the report of the death of Donald Cummings, Bolivar (Penn.) on August 1. Don was just 20 years old and active in the work of the Lord.... We also regret to report the death on July 9, of Bro. John Steiner, Woodland (Penn.).... Bro. B. E. Yearick, of Altoona (Penn.) began a series of services at Bolivar (Penn.) August 4.... One immersed the past month at Webster Groves (Mo.).... L. B. Ketcherside conducted a series of meetings at Gerald (Mo.) during September.... Louis Kappelman reports work at Beech Grove (Ark.) in good condition.... Ray Duffey was scheduled for work at Light (Ark.).... We are saddened by the death of our aged sister, Minnie Holmes, at Wakenda (Mo.)... We have an encouraging letter from E. H. Raney, Humphreys (Mo.)... Charles Maynard (Ill.) says our last issue was one of the best.... Our hearts are grieved by news of the accidental death of Alvin Harmon, Carrollton (Mo.).... Ernest Harvey, Chillicothe (Mo.) sends a heartwarming letter.... S. M. Davis, Anmoore (W. Va.) was hospitalized at Excelsior Springs (Mo.) but got to attend the song fest at Claycomo.... Mrs. M. B. Adamson, Anderson (Ind.) enjoys the articles titled "That They All May Be One."... Hershel Ottwell reports his work in Windsor, Ontario, Canada, where the Lord has opened up a door. He plans to aid brethren at Louisiana (Mo.) soon.... Sorry to learn that Ruby Scott, Compton (Calif.) fell and sustained a fractured rib and a broken bone in the foot.... One added at Pomona (Calif.) last month, where the young people from Riverside are joining in to make an interesting class taught by Clarence Cassell.... Be sure and send your renewal promptly!

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