Our Attitude

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     We recognize that those who read the MISSION MESSENGER in these days are seeing a different approach to the problems which confront us in the religious world. Those problems are no longer being ignored. We are striving as best we can, in our weakness, to face up to them. We feel that we must find a solution to them, or fail the generation in which we live. If we leave this world without having done anything to answer the prayer of our blessed Lord, if we leave behind us only more division and strife when we go, then we have not served the age in which we live, but have done disservice to the cross.

     We do not know all of the answers! We are not big enough to achieve what we believe God wants us to accomplish. We are humbled by the fact that intellectually we cannot grasp all of the great angles which enter into the discord and division of Christendom into various sects. But we are resolved to explore the Word of God for the answer. Convinced that the solution does not lie in ill treatment of those who honestly differ, we shall pray for all, even our enemies. We will not seek to devise a plan upon which men must agree. Our views will be submitted in sincerity and with a contrite spirit. Those who differ will not be subjected to brutal attack in the paper. We will not try to undermine them. If they can accomplish the will of the Master in another and a better way, we shall thank God for them and what they do.

     Our aim is to maintain an open heart and an open paper. We shall be eternally grateful to those who take the revelation of heaven and show us where we deviate from it, either in teaching or spirit. Humility is not cowardice. The meek and lowly One was not afraid. Neither are we! We do not intend to be moved by threats nor to be bribed with money. The cross of Christ is greater now than life. That cross is shattered by the littleness of men. We have sometimes in our ignorance assisted in the shattering; we shall seek to repair breaches and restore the peace of God to human hearts. We refuse to compromise; we dare not forsake the truth of heaven. But "with malice toward none; with charity toward all" we shall continue our plea for the unity of all believers in Christ and the restoration of a pure Christianity in this century in which we live.

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