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Thanks to Russell and Alice Schoech (Mo.) for 10 subs.... Ellis Crum reports a good meeting at Powell (Wyoming). He was at New Castle (Ind.) Dec. 7, 8 for three services, and at Kendallville (Ind.) Dec. 23-27 for a study. Wilford Landes immersed 3 at Lawrence (Kans.).... Roy Loney visited Old Scotland (Mo.) and Stull (Kans.).... Pamona (Calif.) had a New Year's Eve meeting.... We regret to report the death of Eddie Simms, Festus (Mo.).... If you want our list of books for sale write for your free copy of "The Bookshelf." Ray Powers, Jr. (Ore.) enjoys the paper a great deal.... Art and Vera Pierson, formerly members on the island of Guam are now members at Phoenix (Ariz.) where the congregation meets at 2348 N. 35th Ave.... Clarence Clem was one of the morning speakers at Pomona (Calif.) Dec.1. He is an elder at Phoenix. Vernon Hurst is placing a copy of "The Kingdom of the Messiah" in the public library at Clarksburg (W. Va.).... Two men were immersed at Hartford (Ill.) recently.... L. J. Karkosky (Penn.) disagrees with portions of the article by E. M. Zerr on "Observing Days." . .. We are pleased to learn that Dean Garrison may enter the field as an evangelist.... Two immersed at Farmington (Mo.) Dec.22.... The editor spent two nights with Beech Grove (Ark.) brethren in December.... Bro. and Sister Arthur Stagner celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary at Granite City (Ill.) Dec.28.... Thanks to A. L. Bunn (Iowa) for 5 subs. Bob Hopkins, Cedar Rapids (Iowa) considers Brumback's Church History a valuable addition to his library.... Harrison Boring writes that the congregation at Monroeville (Penn.) will meet in the new double garage attached to his home. Visit this little group of 11 members when you can.... We are deeply grateful to Don Smith, Homer (Alaska) for a fine letter descriptive of his work.... We are recipients of "The Restorer" published by Buff Scott, Jr., 1924 Eastern Avenue, Gallipolis, Ohio, and we recommend that you write Buff for a copy at once.... William Gahr spoke at Cherryville (Mo.) December 22. He is a member at Manchester Avenue in St. Louis.... We regret to learn of the death of the father of Richard Hollinger, who is a member at Wauneta (Neb.).... Thanks to Jesse Bradley (Mo.) for five subs.... And to Hartford (Ill.) brethren for 50. This is a big help. L. L. Haney (Texas) says the books "The Royal Priesthood" and "The Kingdom of the Messiah" are the finest he has read on the subjects covered.... Ed Jones placed copies in the Midland (Tex.) library.... Ida Westerfield, Canalou (Mo.) has read "The Kingdom of the Messiah" three times.... Arthur L. Strobel, Leadwood (Mo.) has found the book very interesting and informative.... Thanks to Dottie Moyer, Fredericktown (Mo.) for 5 subs.... Congregations at Flat River and Fredericktown (Mo.) held special services on New Year's Eve.... Will you help to cheer up a brother? Send a card to Mr. Joe Lowry, 40 T. B. Sanitorium, 218-W, Decatur, Illinois. Announce this to the congregation and let's shower him with prayers and good wishes.... Albert Winstanley immersed one at Tunbridge Wells (England).... E. M. Zerr says that New Castle (Ind.) has a full program in view for 1958.... Edward Womack says MISSION MESSENGER is a great paper doing a great work.... Robert Brumback held a two weeks study at Kansas City (Mo.) in January. The sessions were held at 26th and Spruce Street.... Dick Smith has six neighbors who attend Bible study in his living room at Poitiers, France, on Wednesday nights.... Manchester Avenue Church, St. Louis, had an all day
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meeting, Dec.29. Laddie Munger spoke there at night.... Robina K. Payne (Mo.) says she enjoys the paper a great deal.... Hershel Ottwell is engaged in home studies in Alton and Granite City (Ill.) during January and February.... The editor has just finished work at Valdosta (Georgia) and will probably be in Saskatchewan (Canada) as you read this.... Brethren are progressing on the work on the new building at Decatur, Illinois. L. E. Ketcherside has been successful in establishing community Bible studies in three areas.... Congregations at Overland and Webster Groves (Mo.) are working toward the appointment of elders and deacons.... Preliminary work is being done leading to the establishment of a new congregation in the Saint Louis area.... A number of elders and preaching brethren were among those attending the all day study at Hartford on January 4.... Frank Baughman says every child of God should read the paper.... Thanks to Glen Frazier (Mo.) and to Homer Matson (Oregon) for help on the cost of publication.... Jack and Carmen Kinser, Bloomington (Ind.) have a son, Gregory Scott, born Dec.28.... Betty Welcher, Carlisle (Iowa) reports 47 at their home on New Year's Eve from 5 congregations, and says it was a period of wonderful fellowship with Christian young people. Dan Brady, who was home from the army on furlough was present. ... Thanks to Mrs. Joe Naylor (Ohio) for six subs.... Mrs. Mabel Westmoreland (Ill.) does not want to miss any of the articles on fellowship.... There will be a young people's meeting at 2907 Dean Avenue, Des Moines (Iowa), April 5 and 6. For reservations write to Sharon Turnquist, Rte. 5, Box 66. Watch for further announcement in our next issue. Thanks to the following for extra subs sent in: Paul Meeske (Neb.) 5; Leonard Bilyeu (Mo.) 5; Talmage Weekly (Mo.) 9; Ella Mallow (Mo.) 5; Lauriene Coffey (Ill.) 11. Two of the above also ordered 25 papers each month to distribute. Darrell Bolin has been invited to speak at Linden and Egypt (Penn.).... J. C. Mabery, Bonne Terre (Mo.) says he is enjoying "The Kingdom of the Messiah".... Three immersed at Regina (Saskatchewan).... We have received inspiring letters and cards from Rachel Howard (Ind.); Vernon Hurst (W. Va.); Thomas Gaston (Ill.); O. J. Thomas (Ken.); Karleen Williams (La.); Ruth Cassell (Calif.); G. C. Row (Texas); Mrs. George Wilson (Ill.); Gerald A. Wilkins (Iowa); and Mattie S. Fields (Calif.) all of whom are reading the paper with eagerness in these days.... We sympathize with Bro. R. Smith and family, Hartford (Ill.) in the loss of their little son.... Tom Dennis and Jerry Reece were at Newton (Iowa) Feb. 2-16.... Sister L. C. Roberts, Anderson (Ind.) underwent surgery.... The editor assisted in ordaining Dewey Copeland and George Moulton to the eldership at Valdosta (Georgia).... Bernie Crum reports a good New Year's Eve meeting at Brookport (Ill.) and recent visits to Reeds Station (Ill.) and Canalou (Mo.).... We are encouraged by excellent reports of the Bible study at Bloomington (Ind.) conducted by Henry Boren, Bob Duncan and Harold Shasteen.... Roy Loney has visited brethren at Albuquerque (N. Mex.).... Mail for Carmichael (Calif.) congregation should be addressed to the church at 6201 Fairoaks Blvd.... We will send you 25 copies of the paper each month for a whole year for just ten dollars.... Have you ordered your copy of the church history by Bro. Robert Brumback? We will send you one for five dollars.... Be sure and send subscriptions in promptly.