Conflicting Views

[Page 11]
     Our book "The Kingdom of the Messiah" has produced several rather lengthy reviews of our position on the question of the millennium. Two deserve special mention. One is from J. B. Kendrick, Wigan, Lancashire, England, who takes the position that the millennium is already past. Among other things he says: "It implies the restoration of the Jews to their own country after their long dispersion; that Russia will invade their country; that she will be defeated there; that the opposing forces will be Great Britain, China and Japan; that the Jews will recognize the hand of the Lord in their deliverance; and that they will accept the Lord Jesus as their Saviour."

[Page 12]
     The other has been prepared by John S. May, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and presents the premillennial position. He says: "The scriptures do indeed teach that there will be a millennium and that Jesus will come before the millennium. These new truths were a great blessing to me, and have helped to make me a better Christian." Since both of these conflict with the position we hold, we urge interested students to read them, and think upon them, and to that end we will share them on a loan basis with any who promise to care for and return them, after reading them. Please specify which one you would like to examine and we will send it to you. It will not harm you to read both, if you do so with open heart.

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