Sharing Our Mail

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     I repeat again that the articles on "Fellowship" are very enlightening and I enjoy reading the paper a great deal. --C. Munn Riddle (Oklahoma).

     I want you to know that I enjoy your theses on fellowship and related subjects. I feel that we are truly far from Jerusalem both in doctrine and practice and we need more of both knowledge and love. --Dean R. Garrison (New Mexico).

     One of the things that has always impressed me about the paper is the effort expended to help less fortunate individuals and congregations. Certainly this fits the plan of Christianity. --Loren Ottwell (Illinois).

     I enjoy the little paper and wish it could be larger. In these days when so many sell the gospel it is good to have someone stand for the old paths. --Nora Relden (Kentucky).

     I would like to commend you on the article "Not Many Fathers." It certainly "hit the nail on the head" and we are passing it around to others. --Victor Richards (Texas).

     We are busy here and have been taking the message to hospital and jail. A young woman, 31, who has but a little while to live was immersed yesterday. At the same time we are having meetings with other groups in an attempt to work out our differences and work closer together. --Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phil1ips (New Mexico).

     The paper has certainly contained some good articles. Keep up the good work. --W. M. Taylor (Arkansas).

     We surely enjoy the paper and I read and re-read every issue. --Mrs. Hal Watkins (Alaska).

     Appreciate the good articles and pray that God may bless your efforts. May we all always show humility to our brethren, especially those in error. --Bruce Boren (Illinois).

     Keep the paper coming. I don't agree with everything that is in it, but that could be because I may be wrong in my thinking. --Harry Pettengill (Pennsylvania).

     Your articles on fellowship and related subjects are getting better all the time, or else I am just reading them more carefully. As Bro. Hurst wrote, these articles are making the scales fall from my eyes more than any others I have ever read from man's pen. Do not become discouraged by opposition of those who though sincere are still bound by prejudice. --Lowell Rees (Illinois).

     For several years now my wife and I have regularly received a copy of MISSION MESSENGER, which we have both looked forward to and enjoyed. Articles have often been instrumental in provoking or inspiring further thought on matters one often takes for granted. We hope you will continue to maintain such a high standard and that God will continue to give you strength to carry on this magnificent and helpful work. --John Diggle (England).

     I do not want to miss any copies, for I think the MISSION MESSENGER is wonderful. I do not like to think of a time when it will stop. --Florence Klatt (Colorado).

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