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     Now that I have read some of the issues of MISSION MESSENGER I appreciate it. I believe that it may well serve to bring about an awareness of the sectarian spirit that exists among all the sections of the restoration movement. --Albert L. Young (Illinois).


     I received the May issue and have read with pleasure and profit your article on "Instrumental Music" and the further article on "Fellowship." I have no idea how many of my brethren here are subscribers to your grand little paper but I certainly do feel that it is what many need to read. --J. Holmes (England).


     We read with alarm of the many divisions of the "One Body" in America, more so when we read of the petty reasons for divisions. Your article in a recent issue on "The Party Spirit" was most revealing, and was productive of very prayerful concern to the brethren. One brother here affirmed that it ought to be read by every brother in the movement. - -Harold Baines (England).


     I still enjoy the paper as much as ever and hope that your fine articles will continue for many years to come. --W. R. Deister (Hawaii).

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